Spam is strictly prohibited. Spam can count as two things:
Making repeated comments or posts to flood the sub.
Posting self promotion without actively contributing on the sub outside of posting your own content.
NSFW posts must contain a tag or they will be subject to removal. In the case of intentional untagged NSFW posts it will result in a ban.
No harassment, insulting, hate speech, etc. Excessive use of this and lack of civility can result in a ban from the subreddit.
After you post, click on "flair" under the title. If your post/link contains spoilers, whether in the form of text, a picture, or footage from a film, then it must be spoiler-tagged.
Please only submit posts relating to comic-book movies/tv or animated films based on comic-books. This is not a place to discuss movies that happen to have a comic-book but are based on a video-game etc.
A spoiler is anything not officially released for home viewing. Spoilers exclude trailers, comics, casting announcements, or official marketing material.
Piracy is strictly prohibited and excessive sharing of pirated material will result in a ban from the subreddit.