"Novelty" and "gimmick" accounts or bots are not allowed on r/politics
The rules of r/politics apply everywhere in the subreddit, including usernames.
Polls and petitions are not allowed here. This rule is applied to, but not limited to, any link or text post that is attempting to solicit money, signatures, poll responses, volunteer hours, or sign ups from users.
"Solicitation" can include advertising a subreddit.
Articles about polls or petitions are allowed as long as they are newsworthy.
Advertisements as submissions are not permitted.
Our full civility rule is here.
Be civil and constructive at all times. Attack ideas, not users.
Personal attacks are not permitted. This includes calling a user a shill/troll, or any other attack. This is a broad rule.
Hate speech is not permitted.
Flaming and baiting is not permitted. Don't try to bait people into uncivil behavior. If you think you are the victim of flaming or baiting, report the behavior instead of responding.
Participate in discussions here in good faith. Do not flame, bait, troll, witch-hunt, or spread unsubstantiated accusations. See our trolling rule here.
Do not make calls to action directed at non-public persons, or post information with the purposes of causing harm or harassment. This includes but is not limited to: names, telephone numbers, street or email address, or hinting that you have this information.
If you have evidence that someone is a shill, spammer, manipulator or otherwise, message the moderators so we can take action. Public accusations are not okay.
Do not use a username mention, regardless of context.
Top level comments should be a question or supportive statement for the AMA guest.
Civility rules apply to all users including AMA guests. You may ask critical questions, but keep things respectful.
Discussion about Reddit, individual subreddits, or moderation is not allowed.
Comments such as "they won't answer this" or "why haven't you started answering" are not allowed.
No requests for personal favors from the AMA guest
Do not spam the same or similar comments
All submissions to r/politics need to be explicitly about current US politics. The content must directly discuss politics.
Submissions should focus on one of:
Information and opinions concerning the running of US governments, courts, public services and policy-making.
Private political actions and stories such as demonstrations, lobbying, candidacies and funding and political movements, groups and donors.
No satire or meta posts.
All submissions to r/politics must be published within the last two weeks.
All submissions to r/politics must be from domains on the approved domains list. Submissions from domains not on the approved domains list will be removed.
Additionally, users with young account ages are restricted to submissions from only wire services on the approved domains list.
A title must be comprised only of the copied and pasted headline of the article.
Do not add, remove, or change words, except when the actual title uses "breaking" or ALL CAPS.
Please make sure that you allow at least 10 minutes to pass between each submission, and submit no more than 5 articles within a 24 hour period. Deleted posts are included in this rule. Moderator removed posts are not.
Please do not submit articles or videos which are either entirely copy-pasted from the original reporting.
All submissions must be primarily written in English for us to be able to moderate it and enforce our rules in a fair and unbiased manner.
Articles that require users to take a survey, or to enter any information, or to become a paid subscriber, are not allowed.
We disallow solicitation of users (petitions, polls, requests for money, etc.), personal blogs, satire, images, social media content (Facebook, twitter, tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.), wikis, memes, and political advertisements.
r/politics expressly forbids users who are employed by a source to post link submissions to that source without broadcasting their affiliation. Please contact the moderators to get started on our verification process. More info.