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Posted by1 month ago

What is your "[programming language] is better than [programming language]" ?

r/ProgrammerHumor - What is your "[programming language] is better than [programming language]" ?
94% Upvoted
level 1
ModModerator Achievement · 1 mo. ago · Stickied comment

Don't forget to sort by controversial (:


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level 1

` * > COBOL

level 2

Meaning that cobol is inferior to cobol itself. Being inferior to yourself is quite an insult.

level 2
Op · 1 mo. ago



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level 1

ARM64 assembly is better than everything because fayst

level 2

Blazingly fast

level 2

man i'd kinda like to try some ARM Assembly

but modern ARM Hardware goes way over my head with all it's parts, IO Registers, complex memory maps, etc.

even ARM based Microcontrollers (Rasp. Pi Pico for example) are pretty complex compared to systems i'm used to...

level 2

RISC-V > ARM because open source hardware spec.

level 2

I prefer x86_64 because I can run it on my gaming PC.

I have a beefy chip, and by golly I am going to use a beefy chip.


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level 1

How many of these aren't actually programming languages?

Is there an actual programming language that's represented by the recycling bin logo in the bottom left?

I've heard that LaTeX is technically Turing complete, but is that enough to count it as a programming language? May as well count Minecraft as a programming language if you're going to do that, and Conway's Game of Life too.

level 2
  1. Turing complete $\centernot\implies$ programming language. You can program with languages that aren’t turning complete and you can’t program with some things that are turning complete.

  2. Yeah latex is a markup language like HTML. No, it’s not really something you “program” with, so it’s not a programming language, but it’s okay in a context like this to say “fuck it” and lump it all together.

level 2

I know it was a provocative comparison, but LaTeX is much more than Minecraft or Conway's.

You can write a source file that, when interpreted, reads a CSV file in input, computes various statistics and prints the result to terminal or an output file. That's not even an extreme example, I do it pretty often (thanks to some awesome packages I didn't write).

That's just an use case, but if this is not programming, I don't know what it is.

level 2

Write the code for the analysis and for the paper with one language, simple. LaTeX.