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writing for a conservative level reading audience

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r/CuratedTumblr - writing for a conservative level reading audience
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u/dichiejr avatar

the funniest thing is that, as far as i'm aware, is still an active thing....

its a fantastic source of information for when certain topics are waaay over your head and you just want a basic understanding of what something is or who something is

it doesn't have everything/everyone, but it's still so useful and under appreciated.

u/Polenball avatar

Very useful for when I'm looking up something scientific or math-based and do not have the mental energy nor specific knowledge of the field required to process endless equations and proofs to find the information I wanted.

u/dichiejr avatar

yes exactly! i do the same for medications, just because i like to have some level of familiarity with what i'm taking and what potential side effects are (or what allergic reactions might look like).

i'm eternally thankful for it.

u/Xx420pussymaster69xX avatar

I've found to be pretty useful for that

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I wish I knew about it when I was working on interdimensional travel.

Conservapedia moment

Fr, I looked up quantum computing on regular Wikipedia, and like, I sort of vaguely got the gist of how it’s supposed to work but learned absolutely nothing about how or why that’s better than what we can already do.

Good practical example to look at would be Shor's Algorithm - basically, a lot of problems that are complicated because they branch so much (like finding the prime factors of a very large number, since you have to test every combination of primes and that escalates VERY quickly with number size) become a lot simpler in quantum calculations because you can essentially do all the branches at once and get an answer out - with the right finagling to make sure you actually do get what you're looking for.

EDIT: also Shor's Algorithm is actually a huge concern for cryptography - large enough quantum computers mean that our current methods of encryption just... stop being effective.

I guess I get that, I just don’t understand how that math actually works. It seems like you’re solving for x but you just magically know what x is.

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u/dizzy_pear_ avatar

clickable link for lazy folks

u/gabbyrose1010 avatar

if you saw my reply im very sorry i replied to the wrong comment-

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The thing about Conservapedia is that, aside from the founder, it's pretty much populated entirely by trolls egging him on. I remember someone saying that anybody else with sincere conservative beliefs would eventually get banned because they didn't follow Andrew Schlafly's specific brand of fundamentalist extremism, or because they just disagreed with him on something.

u/PrimalKnight13 avatar

so its the reverse of MAP/Flat Earth communities?


Are you referring to pedophiles or am i out of the loop on another meaning for MAP?


Pretty sure they're talking about pedos

right it's just a more gentle sounding term and it's awful, they're called pedos for a reason

u/ineverhadsexwithacow avatar

Okay just so you know the whole "MAP" thing is 100% just a thing invented by 4chan to make queer people look like pedos. Anybody who calls themself a MAP is just a homophobic troll, and I honestly can't tell which one is worse.

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u/CasualBrit5 avatar

Someone mapped the Flat Earth?

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u/tytoandnoob avatar

I also have enough faith in humanity to believe that a site like “Conservative Wikipedia” is satire. Because there’s just no way it’s real. Absolutely no fucking way.

The guy who founded it is Phyllis Schlafly's son, and everything I've heard about him says that he's even more of a wingnut than she is.


virgin Wikipedia link 🤢🤮

chad conservapedia link ❤🙏


early life


prophetic statements proven right



smear against her

An unbiased source, I see

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u/Asphalt_Is_Stronk avatar

Why does that picture of her explicitly say she's wearing Bobby socks

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Just wait til you hear about Conservapedia's deformed little crotchfruit: The Conservative Bible Project.

I remember this! Love to accidentally commit about 5 different types of heresy.

u/sewage_soup avatar

i commit 12 types of heresy every day on purpose

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u/Keated avatar

"Express Free Market Parables; explaining the numerous economic parables with their full free-market meaning"

Literally making Supply Side Jesus™ into canon.

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u/CasualBrit5 avatar

They already made that

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It's technically not, at least it wasn't founded to be satire

But it's definitely populated by trolls rn, just look at some articles

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Oh shit, is this guy related to the famous Phyllis of the Reagan era?


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u/trooper4907 avatar

Conservative Wikipedia is completely wrong about like a bunch of science/math

Conservative Wikipedia is completely wrong about like a bunch of science/math


I mean kids do like to play in sand

u/Polenball avatar

Hey, I know one kid that doesn't. He thinks it's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere.

u/UselessAndGay avatar

he became a nazi though i feel fine calling him a statistical outlier

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u/CasualBrit5 avatar

You know who else liked to play in sand? Godless Communists!

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u/trooper4907 avatar


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u/gabbyrose1010 avatar

NO grrrrrr its the science and math that always agree with those LIBERALS who are HIDING the TRUTH grrrrrr grrrr bark bark if you keep up this NONSENSE i WILL go ALPHA on you AWOOOOOO WOOOOO AWOOOO GRRRRR GRRRRR BARK BARKNSNARLLLLLLL

you mean LIBERAL nonsense

Conservative Wikipedia is completely wrong about like a bunch of science/math

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u/Exetr_ avatar

Still amazed this is a thing.

What thing is this exactly


Andrew Schlafy, son of Reagan-era conservative activist Phyllis Schlafy, launched Conservapedia to combat the "liberal bias" on Wikipedia. The articles are written from a conservative, fundamentalist Christianity point of view with often hilarious results.


My personal favourite article was this article about this song (I genuinely cannot remember what it's called, it was by a British dude) that was about religion. The guy who wrote it was an atheist, and it was very not a Christian song. However, Conservapedia took it to mean that it was a song about how atheists are wrong.

The article for e=mc2 is great, because it comes to the conclusion that the whole thing is nothing but liberal hogwash

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I’m not sure if you mean The Vatican Rag by Tom Lehrer?

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Conservapedia took it to mean that it was a song about how atheists are wrong.

to be fair conservatives have like zero music comprehension since they don't understand that Dee Snider and Rage Against the Machine etc are all liberals and the machine they're talking about is the government and conservatives trying to silence them

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u/smb275 avatar

Phyllis made Reagan look practically moderate by comparison. That woman was a vile piece of shit.

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u/Exetr_ avatar

Conservative Wikipedia.

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u/Kanye-Westicle avatar

My favorite Conservapedia article by far is the one that tries to disprove E=mc2 ,claiming it to be “liberal claptrap”.

Tbf it is incorrect*, but not because Einstein was a socialist**

*eg, light has E, but not m. The full formula is: E2 = (mc2 )2 + (p***c)2 ****

**Though he was one*****

***Short for momentum

****It can be visualized as a right triangle, shown in this minutephysics video

*****At least later in life (Wikipedia)

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u/24jdu05 avatar

Are these randomly generated? Is this the new loss? Sand Panic Magic Dust? I can’t help but feel I’ve missed something.

Don't you guys love how we have become so paranoid over any image on the internet maybe being loss? It lives in our brains and eats our nightmares for dinner. Loss is my favorite cryptid.

u/hjyboy1218 avatar

The best thing is that it's so degraded to its basic form that you can make loss out of anything.

u/MapleTreeWithAGun avatar


me pointing a gun at my friends, tears streaming down my face:


u/SylvieSuccubus avatar
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I think this is screenshots of Conservative Wikipedia to show how bonkers their descriptions of stuff is

The comments are just making fun of how it sounds like a 4th grader wrote it

u/thornae avatar

Are these randomly generated?

Oooh, let's train a GPT-3 instance on the Conservapedia dataset, and see if we can get it verified as a quality content submitter...

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So, as someone who likes MTG (not to be confused with Marjorie Taylor Greene, who probably loves this circle of hell), I decided to open it:

  • “[…] see also the blasphemous card named Wrath of God […]”

  • The article talks about allied colors only. Every pair with White (the religious and sometimes fascist color) is presented as inherently good to the point of saying of one of them “When played expertly, this alliance has the greatest chance of winning games.”

  • Every other pairing is given it’s full moral complexity except Rakdos, which promptly gets labeled as “the most wicked of alliances”. Also, about those absent enemy color pairings? The remaining two White pairings amount to sometimes involving police brutality or outright unabashed fascism, which is why they’re never brought up

  • Also Satanic panic nonsense

  • “Additionally, a number of cards feature unrealistic and unusually sexy depictions of both male and female characters.” Just show me your Ajani folder my guy

Don't forget Gideon, who is decidedly manly.

u/NCats_secretalt avatar

Not just manly, he's so much so he can only be described as decidedly male

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greatest chance at winning games

This editor has never played magic: the gathering

u/Tokiseong avatar

at least, not since dominaria was in standard.

Alternatively, the editor/writer plays current standard

I should clarify they’re talking about Selesnya of all things.

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Anything about cards banned for racist reasons?

The article feels very old, and just does not mention that at all. Or Alesha. Or any of the other bugbears of the reactionary half of Magic. I think they’d have a stroke if anyone knew Niko existed.

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MTG - Metal Tear Golid??!

It's a solid prequel to Metal Sear Golid

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I used to play magic the gathering with my brother when I was a tween, and now I'm almost 40. We just played together him and me, never played outside of the house, never talked of the game with other people, just followed the basic rules he had taught me and shared the same deck. What's color alliance? Where can I read more about it? Now I'm curious.

Oh, allied color pairs are just the colors next to each other on the back of the card (and enemy colors are the ones directly across). There’s no mechanic that makes them automatically work well together, but the general balancing of Magic tends to make them solid.

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Convservapedia is the conservative alternative to Wikipedia. It denies evolution, LGBTQ+ rights, and has a bias that puts PragerU to shame. However, it allows anyone to edit (most) pages, just like vanilla Wikipedia.

It is your duty to vandalize it. It is always morally justified.

They can't ban you all.

u/TheFreebooter avatar

I had a read of Adolph Hitler by conservative wiki. All of chapter two is a excerpt stripped from a book and I didn't read it after it was called "eloquent." The third chapter claims that Nazi Germany was socialist despite being fascist with public work schemes, and they quoted Mein Kampf. Fourth chapter is called "4 Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism," which should tell you everything you need to know about that, but it doesn't even include the liberalist view!

I wrote better during my history GCSE lmao. WHERE EVIDENCE?

The rest is somewhat accurate. I was gonna vandalise it to say "Hitler was right" in a roundabout way but decided against since a small minority of people would actually believe that shit.

u/Polenball avatar

I'm confident my History IGCSE essays were better and probably more accurate about the Nazis, despite it being focused on Weimar.

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u/JonMW avatar

The dust thing isn't even correct!

u/Leo-bastian avatar

you can tell the article of sand was written by someone who isn't really qualified to write Wikipedia articles but they thought to themselves "if Wikipedia has an article about sand then obviously conservapedia needs one too and i cant just copypaste Wikipedias article about it (which would be the most rational thing to do, i mean as rational as making conservapedia articles gets) because that would mean that they aren't liberal propaganda in everything they do

I genuinely thought this was Simple English Wikipedia and they were just being mean

Conservatives have piss poor reading comprehension

How dare you say they piss on the poor

they believe in trickle-down, after all

they kinda do

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these read like Pokedex entries

u/TheCorruptedBit avatar

Somehow ends up being even funnier than Uncyclopedia (a wiki dedicated to shitposting)

hmm i wonder where else could sand be found in the world and if there perhaps are geographical features where it is known to be found in large amounts and perhaps should be refrenced ?

I thought y’all were kidding. I’ve never heard of this before. What a crackhead piece of garbage. Are they for real?? Tell me they’re not serious. 😰

Link for the interested

It was founded as a completely serious attempt at removing the "liberal biases" in Wikipedia, but most people nowadays who create and edit articles are trolls

u/SomeLakitu avatar

The Bible and Christian faith are powerful methods of becoming a heterosexual, as are participation in activities like baseball and chess.

Do people actually believe this

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Wait, what’s the problem with dust?

Looks like a guide to human impersonation for aliens, too.

u/seeroflights avatar

Image Transcription: Tumblr


[Four images of articles from Conservapedia that read:]


Sand is made of silicon dioxide and can be found on beaches at coastlines throughout the world. Kids love to play in sand, and it makes a soft enough surface to lie down on while sunbathing. Wet sand can be used to make a sandcastle. Another use for sand is to make glass by melting sand.

Panic! At The Disco

Panic! At the Disco is an alternative rock band. Their sound is compared to Fall Out Boy. They spawned the hit single "I Write Sins Not Tragedies".

Magic (card game)

Magic: The Gathering is a strategy card game which lets players take the role of dueling wizards, who are


Dust is the term for very small particles of matter that can be carried by the wind. In outside conditions, dust is usually plentiful in earth with reduced moisture and little topsoil. In the domestic environment, 95% of household dust is actually discarded human skin.

[End images]


Writing assignment for 4th graders


Kids love to play in sand


[Black and white image of Robert Downey Jr in a suit, his right hand gently touching his chest, with a face of feigned surprise and the text "Kids love to play in sand" on the left.]

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!

This makes uncyclopedia look smart, and that's saying something.

meanwhile they write fucking PARAGRAPHS of clearly biased word soup for anything pertaining to or conflicting with their values

i dont wanna visit the site myself, but as a former emo kid i wonder what kind of slurs they're using on their fall out boy article


This looks just like simple English Wikipedia

The difference is Simple Wikipedia actually conveys information.

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u/Teks_Emporium avatar

I don't get it