Any form of stereotyping, attacking, insulting or any action intend to cause pain or humiliation on the basis of cast/religion/race/sexuality/sex/gender or any other form of identity is not allowed.
Yes, you are not allowed to discriminate even if they think samosa is shit.
Follow Reddit's Content Policy
Posts must follow reddit content policy and/or reddiquette.
Any indecent post about (but not limited to) rape, sexual assault, terrorism, violence, nudity and (identity, nudity, or any other questionable content about) minors will be removed and will attract a ban.
Posts or comments that in any form display religious hate, threats, fear mongering, etc are not allowed.
Comments or posts asking to brigade a sub will be removed instantly and the OP will be permanently banned.
Content posted must not have been previously posted in the last 90 days on this subreddit.
Multiple offences will attract a ban.
Screenshots are not a meme. Screenshot = instant remove. Also, street fights and similar bs are not considered a meme and thus will be removed.
No "Not Safe For Work" or "Not Safe For Life" content allowed.
Nudity, violence, gore, etc will be removed.
If the content is about (addressing) but not containing the above mentioned NSFW topics, the post must be marked NSFW or NSFL.
Posting pornographic images will be considered spam.
No low effort posts: This includes, but is not limited to: Reactions to text/social media, Sign images (Sign templates with only text overlays), memes which belong in r/comedyhomicide, r/memes etc. Unfunny tiktoks and Instagram reels aren't allowed either.
This is not r/IndianWhatsappForwards so don't post random Foreign videos that have nothing to do with 'Indian' unless you made it yourself. Foreign Meme templates are fine.
No karmawhoring: No posts like 'comment x if you y' or such
All identities excluding your own, verified twitter users and celebrities must be promptly hidden. This includes watermarks on posts (which also breaks the OC rule BTW).
There are minimum karma and reddit age requirements.
You are now required to have 500 combined karma and your account must be at least 7 days old.
If you don't have enough, you are not allowed to post.
This is done in order to protect the sub from spam.
Straight up porn, Pedo Jokes, Anything sexual with a child in it, Rape jokes, Extreme Misogynistic memes, Suicide memes, posts about people fighting, castiest memes targetting a community are banned. These are some sensitive topics that should not be made fun of. Multiple offences can attract a ban.
If you post really long videos, mods are going to get bored midway and yeet it. Better post max 1 minute videos or close to 1 minute.
Don't Post stuff that pushes the agenda of any party.
You are allowed to post memes related to politics but blatantly posting images and videos just to promote or hate a party or a group is banned in this Subreddit.
Anyone found posting political shit here will be banned without any warning.
Mods have the final say in what stays and goes from this subreddit. Don't try to attack mods if one of your posts or comments was removed. You can ask for a reason politely through the modmail.
Harassing them, attacking them in DMs or making posts against them will result in a permanent ban.