
What is the biggest mistake you've made as a business owner? by pdx_media in Entrepreneur

[–]yankpat9 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This might be specific to app development but building before doing the million other things you should do before you touch code - market research, talking to potential customers, idea validation, MVP documentation, etc.

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in television

[–]yankpat9[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. When the idea popped into my head, my initial thought for who the customer might be was someone who:

  1. Pays for a lot of cancellable streaming services (cancellable based on my definition)
  2. Doesn't use them all each month
  3. Plans what they want to watch

Therefore my questions were mostly targeted around 1 & 2. You're right that arguably #3 could be the show stopper depending on the implementation of the service.

I am also doubting that users would pay for this service if it cost say $5 but you saved $20 that month, especially if it's a lot of work to do that. If you are already paying for so many services, are you that strapped for cash that you'd use this service to juggle them...

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in television

[–]yankpat9[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for you reply. Fair enough. When people compare the streaming wars to cable and note the high prices, a very good counter is it's more so about the no ads & convenience that streaming has over cable.

I would probably agree that for $60 a month, I probably wouldn't go through to much of a juggling hassle so un/re-subscribe to save maybe $10 here or $15 there.

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in television

[–]yankpat9[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Personally I love building apps on the side for fun - current project - [Freetime](https://get-freetime.com). However, this one, yea I am really just interested in the market fit at this time before even considering pursuit.

Early thoughts on monetization:

- I don't share the details about which services to cancel until after a small fee
- I provide links to the cancellation page for free, but it's a small subscription fee to have it done automatically via the app (not sure if that's possible, at least for all services).

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in television

[–]yankpat9[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Very insightful reply so much appreciated it.

I had a friends who had a very similar response regarding discovery. Several said well I don't really plan out the shows I watch so it'd be hard to proactively cancel. That's a great question to ask and I should ask that question more broadly, without sharing my idea. Something like, "Do you plan what shows/movies you want to watch next. If you plan them, are they planned in your head or do you track them on some service?"

Yes, my guess is these streaming services don't provide an API to cancel/subscribe, certainly not cancel.

Yep, certainly not jumping into any sort of development at this time. Simply gathering some insight into if there's a market fit for such a product. I think this idea is for someone who has a lot of streaming services that are deemed cancellable, who doesn't use all services each month, plans ahead, and doesn't mind spending a few minutes to save a few bucks a month. That might be wayyyy too niche. I'm not even sure I fit that category.

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in television

[–]yankpat9[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Less interested in a study, more so a reddit conversation at this time. If I realize that I need/want more data than I'm currently able to gather, I'd look into a study.

What sort of compensation would you be looking for to fill out a questionnaire that takes no more than 5-10 minutes?

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in movies

[–]yankpat9[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So it sounds like you sort of juggle the services and/or are planning to when you're not binging some show. Is that a hassle to do? Does it get annoying when you go to watch on that service and realize you have to re-subscribe?

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in movies

[–]yankpat9[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Good point on the split services. JustWatch has great data on what services have what. I don't know if it's broken down by seasons, because I'm not sure how common that is.

Yea I'm not even sure if I myself would be a customer of said product. I have Apple TV & HBO Max that I would consider "cancellable". The other 4 I'd consider non-cancellable.

To what hassle would I go through to save $20/month for potentially a few months. If the app simply reminded me that I didn't need the services and provided a link, is that worth my time and energy? If it cancelled and re-subbed for me with the tap of one button, would that be the real value? Would I potentially get annoyed having to constantly re-subscribe and re-login on my devices?

What streaming services do you own? Do you pay for them? Do you juggle between them? by yankpat9 in movies

[–]yankpat9[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So you do this manually today? Do you sign up for the month and then immediately cancel? Do you periodically check your subscriptions and go ahh let me cancel that one until x show comes out?

How do you discover new movies to watch? by yankpat9 in movies

[–]yankpat9[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Do you use Google, Letterboxd, or some other service for that?