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pjr032 commented on
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1 point · 3 months ago

Someone check Joshua tree

pjr032 commented on
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Comment deleted by user3 months ago
40 points · 3 months ago

No, you said they’re both dweebs, implying she was also at fault for defending herself. Tate is a fucking loser and Greta is fully entitled to defend herself when pieces of shit like him try to bully her.

Fuck off with your both sides bullshit.

-15 points · 3 months ago

She is indeed also a dweeb. It’s climate change and he was making a jab at her. Her response was very “here’s an ass joke” just my take.

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13 points · 3 months ago

It’s climate change and he was making a jab at her.

A grown ass man was trying to bully a teenager. That’s not “making a jab”. He’s trying to look tough.

Your take is bad and you should feel bad. Do better

pjr032 commented on
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Score hidden · 3 months ago · edited 3 months ago

The internet has ruined your minds.

“Deserved” or not, it’s a man being dragged and likely dying after being ran over. No fucking shit it’s fucked up?

We don’t even know if the dude videoing was looting or doing anything wrong.

The trucker isn’t in the wrong. I’m just pointing out how ridiculous you lot sound acting like people shouldn’t be freaking out over a guy being killed in a gruesome manner

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Score hidden · 3 months ago

Dude, fuck off. If you make threats and actions against someone else’s life and they defend themselves, you earned what you got. This dude fucked around and found out. Grow the fuck up.

pjr032 commented on
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Op7 points · 3 months ago

She is somewhat racist and often calls our brown dog the N* word. I've tried to talk to her about it and she won't budge. She also only continues going to that place because she knows everyone and doesn't want to do the paperwork

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5 points · 3 months ago

Yea, grandmas a racist. If she actually gave a shit then filling out a few forms and learning some new names wouldn’t be an issue. She likes going here, and “paperwork” is a convenient excuse.

1 point · 3 months ago

Yea unless I was seriously ill I would turn around and walk right out of this dump. Fuck every person who supports the confederacy in any way shape or form. They’re not a “collector” or a “historian” they’re a shithead

pjr032 commented on
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1.8k points · 3 months ago

He also converted to Islam recently

He knows what he’s doing, he knows his audience are Middle Eastern men who hold similar views on feminism and LGBT people. Converting to Islam give that confirmation bias that they think they are right in their views. He probably still smokes and drinks. All for show

Bloke fled the UK for a reason, there’s loads of people like him who end up getting bullied for being a massive throbbing bellend.

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3 points · 3 months ago

Bloke fled the UK for a reason, there’s loads of people like him who end up getting bullied for being a massive throbbing bellend.

Otherwise known as “the consequences of their actions”

pjr032 commented on
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Comment deleted by user3 months ago
7 points · 3 months ago

Shut the fuck up. You sound fucking stupid. If they are so antsy about keeping their property pristine, they shouldn’t be an Airbnb host. They are not entitled to their guests doing their job for them.

Again, shut the fuck up. And go fuck yourself.

-7 points · 3 months ago

You're right, but there's no reason to type like an asshole here. Even if it's online and people can't see your face there's no reason to talk to another person like that.

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5 points · 3 months ago

There’s no reason for Airbnb hosts to be the wildly entitled assholes they are, but here we are.

Spare me your condescending bullshit. Folks like AirBnB hosts don’t deserve these chucklefucks defending them with the extreme bullshit they’re pulling

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pjr032 commented on
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1 point · 3 months ago

Sounds like she needs to remove herself from social media then ¯\(ツ)

pjr032 commented on
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[deleted]606 points · 3 months ago

psychologically convince himself that it was worth it to amass

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21 points · 3 months ago

psychologically convince himself that it was worth it to amass

psychologically convince himself that it was worth it to amass he earned it

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