
I dont know why, but i feel that genos vs mad cyborg it would be like this by baldin99 in OnePunchMan

[–]John-A 4 points5 points  (0 children)

And how many times did we see Gyro-Gyro before Psychos was revealed?

Florida's new immigration law creates 'panic' in agriculture community by Gaytaino in politics

[–]John-A 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Learning from past mistakes is just such a pinko commie Democrat thing to do. This is a nation of rugged individuals. Pioneers. The salt of the Earth...you know, morons.

Florida's new immigration law creates 'panic' in agriculture community by Gaytaino in politics

[–]John-A 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Apparently that was tried in Georgia or Alabama a while back when they'd tried cracking down on illegal immigrant labor and it was an unmitigated disaster that completely failed and led to a lot of prisoner escapes.

You're all wrong about republicans. They really want everyone to home school so they can end public education and that hated school tax.

Thought people who wear masks are sheep. by dexterdus in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]John-A 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yet the Italians did essentially create the modern concept of fascism with the term itself based on the Latin "fascis" for the bundle of wooden sticks strapped to an axe to symbolized judicial power in ancient Rome. The Roman Empire running a bit like a particularly bloodthirsty corporation and being the very first "Reich" Hitler wanted to emulate.

10 minute walk and I end up covered in about 40 ticks. Kill me. by voltrodeath3 in mildlyinfuriating

[–]John-A 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Iirc divergent spelling between UK and US English was in full swing well before either nation ever bothered to standardize any spellings.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If you're really bored and invested enough you could always see if there is really a hundred scoops in each.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ok, not to be pedantic but to be absolutely clear is the volume of the powder different or the same? As in using a third container to measure the literal volume of the powder from one then the other.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Both packages claim to hold 100 servings, are the scoops the same size?

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm assuming that the wider container is also be taller one? If not the volume could be much more similar than the eye would expect.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I get that the containers are way off but what matters is you're saying the density is different, well IS it or is the same volume of powder just in two very different sized containers? Its also possible they had two different batches with different grain sizes resulting in more or less air space in one but I'd definitely follow up with the manufacturer if that was the case.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's not the point. The cheapest thing to sell at a profit is belief and sawdust. Btw, cellulose is the most common filler in all kinds of pills. The expectation that creatine is gonna work is already baked in. It does raise all sorts of hairy questions about what kinda toxic horror somebody could make an extra buck off of disposing of...think miracle water straight from Chernobyl.

I dont know why, but i feel that genos vs mad cyborg it would be like this by baldin99 in OnePunchMan

[–]John-A 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Oooh. It just clicked for me now how every single fight Genos gets wrecked and needs almost a resurrection. On the one hand total masochism and on the other it's like the punishment out of a Greek myth.

Plus it seems to be that the fragments of Bofoi we see suggests he may look a lot like Koseno with only the voice and demeanor different. Maybe related, possibly a twin. Maybe the very same person even?

I dont know why, but i feel that genos vs mad cyborg it would be like this by baldin99 in OnePunchMan

[–]John-A 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Says the Dr who rebuilt him. The same Dr who if I recall admits to having created the Mad Cyborg or at least to have been chasing it himself already.

I dont know why, but i feel that genos vs mad cyborg it would be like this by baldin99 in OnePunchMan

[–]John-A 74 points75 points  (0 children)

Bingo. Maybe kind of a Memento deal too maybe if Koseno is actually Bofoi. Only time I recall seeing hints of Metal Night in the flesh there was a suggestion of a huge nose and a haircut not unlike Keseno's...

I dont know why, but i feel that genos vs mad cyborg it would be like this by baldin99 in OnePunchMan

[–]John-A 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'll just be shocked if it is ever confirmed that Genos himself wasn't the Mad Cyborg all along, unknowingly hunting himself for what he did when the kindly Dr crossed some wires and he went on a rampage.

10 minute walk and I end up covered in about 40 ticks. Kill me. by voltrodeath3 in mildlyinfuriating

[–]John-A 9 points10 points  (0 children)

As a matter of fact it seems that both versions are considered acceptable now like spelling grey and gray. 🤷‍♂️

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just because the package is different doesn't necessarily mean it's fake. Companies change containers frequently based on cost and availability. As long as the actual contents appear to be the same and the weights are both identical and what the packaging says it should be it's not anything to be concerned about.

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You never know. There was a bunch of sellers on Amazon caught back before covid lacing assorted lifters chow with actual steroids to make people feel that burn. They weren't even doing it with a nod and a wink just counting on really good word of mouth on how good that stuff worked without letting anyone know just what they were consuming

Is my creatine fake? by Wafflespies in moreplatesmoredates

[–]John-A -1 points0 points  (0 children)

That assumes they're not a flybynight that will switch to something else or, you know, complete morons overcome by greed. Maybe they've got their own bot net gaming their review like at least one recent supplement company scandal. Swanson maybe? Most every point you make could be rephrased as "why would food and supplement makers not make good products if we just got rid of the FDA and simply trust them to act in their own enlightened self interest?"

Yeah. Never works.

Trump Confessed to Crimes During CNN Town Hall: Harvard Law Professor by CapitalCourse in politics

[–]John-A 42 points43 points  (0 children)

My racist rightwing brother unironically referred to a strang insect he hadn't seen before as a damn Democrat insect the other day. They're so fucking crazy you can't even suggest they're wrong much less how increadibly wrong. The type to milk a good union job but frame it as total personal success. Blame NAFTA on the Dems instead of republicans, and the odd bug migrations caused by globalization allegedly pushed by "communist" Billionaires and literal climate change they alternately proclaim to be natural or made up as suites them from moment to moment.