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tomas_shugar commented on
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3 points · 3 hours ago

I think the issue in question is that he used the momentum from contact to round a corner. If he had just stopped in a straight line after contact, it definitely wouldn't have been a travel.

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1 point · 1 hour ago

It's been a long long time since I took physics, but if an object is heading in one direction, being impacted by another object will, by definition, change the direction.

So unless the defender ran into them in directly a straight line, of course the offensive player is going to no longer going the same direction. And if the defender ran into them in exactly the same line, there's no way the defender was playing the disc.

1 point · 23 minutes ago

I was imagining that the scenario was that the player caught the disc and began to slow down, got bumped, and then used the momentum from the bump to round a corner. Specifically that their path starting after the bump was curved. The post is a little unclear with this sentence

The path traveled after the leg contact also causes them to round a corner before setting pivot.

Their total path traveled (before and after the bump) could be curved, which is understandable and what you were saying. But I originally interpreted it as saying only their path after the bump was curved.

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1 point · 18 minutes ago

Even then, if the player who was bumped spends ANY energy trying to go back to the path they initially were on, that curves it after the bump.

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tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
Score hidden · 5 hours ago

It does present young characters who question gender and pronouns which shouldn’t be presented to young children.

The parents didn’t realize that’s what the movie contained. Once they did, they removed it.

The framing that it has anything to do with Gay people is weird.

It has to do with getting young kids to think about gender and sex at an early age.

Why is getting kids to question and think about gender and sex so important to many of you?

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Score hidden · 1 hour ago

When you find any one with any meaningful influence at any level who thinks you should beat a male toddler for NOT wearing a tutu, then you can bring up importance.

But until then, you live with the knowledge that you and your kind literally prefer your "son" kill themselves than wear a tutu.

tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
Score hidden · 5 hours ago

Some marginalized people submit to the existing power structure for the perceived protection and belonging that it gets them.

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Score hidden · 2 hours ago

People like Peter Thiel and Caitlyn Jenner are perfect examples. It's fucking pathetic how hard he supports the right wing, when they will literally be the first two up against the wall should their politics get full power.

They are literally cheering on people who truly want them dead. Not just dead, but lynched. The people they support would nut in their pants if they got to see the two of them chained to the back of a truck and dragged across the blacktop.

tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
2 points · 1 day ago

I'm sure this is just a cigar, and only meant to be a cigar. But I can understand why one might see a phallus.

That being said, this is a potential point where death of the author comes into play. I don't think Sugar intended what you're saying, but in terms of literature interpretation, you're not wrong.

tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
-12 points · 2 days ago

Everyone exist and everyone should be helping everyone else exist and live peacefully in this society and on this earth. Get to the root of the problem. People rather stay silent as to not offend but staying silent is not having a voice also. Everyone must speak their mind and everyone must vote in a the democratic society and then actions are implemented. Have u ever seen how the innocent are mistreated by the most vile and inhuman people who claim to do it in the lords name and consider u the same as a farm animal and That your too dumb to be counted as human.

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14 points · 1 day ago

You should probably read something written by a Black woman instead of basis your zeal on people like Farrakhan. Start with some bell hooks.

You're completely ignoring the concept of intersectionality. How the very same systems of oppression you're complaining about are the same systems that oppress women and queers. That queer rights are the same fight from a different direction and that whining against that fight only hurts other oppressed groups as well.

0 points · 1 day ago

Yes these same systems oppress us all and not only one group. we should unite but when it was convenient no one batted an eye. Support each other. If u fight for me I’ll fight for u. Have the dogs been released on u ? Has your family told u stories of horror about being eaten alive by an animal and hosed down like a pig by a pressured water hose. Come on fight for us and we will back u up. Defend us with more then your voice. Don’t hate embrace. I might be stupid but at least I’m willing to learn more from individuals like yourself who take the time out to inform me of my discrepancies. Any titles u recommend since I don’t read Farrakhan

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1 point · 1 day ago

Have the dogs been released on u ? Has your family told u stories of horror about being eaten alive by an animal and hosed down like a pig by a pressured water hose.

Why are you so focused with some sort of who had it worse? The oppression olympics is terrible and well and truly not worth even considering. It only serves to divide. So first and foremost, please let that go. It can be personally satisfying sometimes, but it only poisons you and the discourse.

There's suffering a plenty to go around. The gay community lost thousands of people to the inaction of democrats and the active harm from Republicans during the AIDS crisis. To say nothing of the lynchings that people like Brandon Teena or Mathew Shepphard experienced.

James Baldwin was a gay man. He faced both those battles. Reflect for a moment on that. What do you think people like him, RuPaul, and other queer Black people think about this kind of schism you're focused on?

Hampton teamed up with the Young Patriots, a group of Appalachian white men, you think he was concerned about who had dogs or hoses turned on them? Or was it the unification of the oppressed that mattered?

As for some titles, a very accessible book is bell hooks' "Feminism is for Everybody." Denser, but important is "Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory" by Patricia Hill Collins. But you might just be well served looking through some general blogs for "intersectionality" and finding writers that engage well with you. A lot of the work on intersectionality is focused on a gender + racial lens, but it applies through out so many identities.

I apologize for the shot about Farrakhan. But while he did a lot for Civil Rights, he was very focused on just the Black identity and your comments echoed that kind of foundation. That was uncalled for.

tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
0 points · 2 days ago

Too many minorities. They shoulda called it, Da Boyz.


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1 point · 2 days ago


tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
59 points · 2 days ago

Can we just go one day without a shooting. Ffs! This is getting ridiculous. As a country and society, we are failures.

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1 point · 2 days ago

IIRC, someone posted that there was a day in March or April with no mass shootings. But yeah, that's it.

tomas_shugar commented on
Posted by
73 points · 3 days ago

You’re so close

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64 points · 2 days ago

Yeah, he needed to specify they were here for this rally, and that "meet up with their friends from their side gig" refers to their job in law enforcement.

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