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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What screams "I'm not feeling good mentally at all"?

Working through trauma on your own is a really challenging process. I’m not an expert on any of this stuff outside my own experience, and I haven’t gotten therapy either so please take everything I say with a grain of salt. I would check out the book I’ve mentioned a couple times on this thread, The Body Keeps the Score to get an understanding of what happens in the brain when we experience trauma.

You could also try journaling, though I’d recommend looking into specific types of journaling for trauma because just stream of consciousness writing can lead to rumination which is counterproductive. Your goal is to process the emotions and let them go. It likely won’t be a fun process so give yourself time and grace as you work through them.

I would also maybe speak to a friend or loved one you trust very well if you can because having a support system can be crucial. Most importantly, remind yourself (out loud if you need to) that what happened wasn’t your fault, and that you are working to make sure you are safe and taken care of. It’s surprising how much hearing those words out loud even from yourself can impact you. Hope things get better for you!

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What screams "I'm not feeling good mentally at all"?

It was mentioned further down but Auditory Processing Disorder and ADHD are worth looking into if you never have. As is the book I mentioned to someone else The Body Keeps the Score. I’m not a mental health professional but the things you talked about here sound similar to my own experiences with depression and ADHD. Basically you can feel fine on the surface but your brain is running stuff in the background that’s chewing up bandwidth and it can manifest in issues like this. Again, not a pro but if it’s negatively affecting your day to day life, it worth seeing if there’s anything going on.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What screams "I'm not feeling good mentally at all"?

The other commenter already mentioned APD which is a good place to start, especially if you have ADHD as the two often go hand in hand. Depression, anxiety, trauma and other mental health issues can also make it worse or more noticeable. I’m not really an expert outside of my own experience, but I’ve been reading the book The Body Keeps the Score and one of the early chapters talks a lot about what is going on in the brain to cause this. It’s not a pleasant read per se since it’s dealing with how trauma affects our entire system, but it is fascinating and could potentially be helpful.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What screams "I'm not feeling good mentally at all"?

The parts of your brain that handle speech become less active when the areas that handle stress/heightened emotions become active. Basically your brain fight or flight response. You don’t need words when you’re running from bears. (Which is troublesome when those bears are actually emails you need to send and conversations with loved ones…)

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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Do you believe true friends really exist? What do you think defines a genuine friendship?


There are many different kinds of friends. Some friendships are more surface level and/or focused around a shared interest, job, mutual friend or whatever. Maybe you don’t tell them your darkest secrets, but you still enjoy their company, or you know you can call them if you need help moving. There’s nothing wrong with this level of friendship at all.

Deeper friendships are built not discovered. It takes time to develop trust and a true emotional connection with someone. There may be disagreements along the way, even about more important issues, but real friends will at least try to see each others perspective and respect each others feelings. That often requires honesty and vulnerability from both sides, which can be difficult for some people who’ve been burned before.

Genuine friendship to me is defined by mutual respect and reciprocity, regardless of how close a friendship it is.

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What was it about your body that you thought was normal, until someone told you it wasn't?

Same! Mine are a very warm green hazel with a dark ring and golden flecks in direct sunlight. Most of the time they just look light brown though. Either way I like my eyes so I’m not too bothered lol

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A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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WIBTA if I refuse to buy a tacky painting my SIL made for my family?


NTA. I’m an artist, and this is a really scummy “sales tactic” imo. I know how tough it is to break into selling artwork but this is absolutely not the way to do it.

However, I do think it would be better for both of you if you were direct about not liking her work. The rejection will hurt in the moment but art is subjective and your tastes differ. I fear this situation will repeat itself and escalate if you don’t speak to her about it now.

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Americans, what shocks you about the UK?


Shock isn’t the right word per se, but the sheer variety of accents/dialects across the country. Like talking to one person who sounds one way and their buddy down the road who sounds distinctly different. It’s pretty cool to me.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What insect would you consider cute?


I find most insects/bugs pretty cute. Jumping spiders, mantises, bees, ladybugs, horn beetles. In a weird way cockroaches are kinda cute too, though obviously I don’t want them in my apartment. I loathes flies and mosquitoes and used to be scared of moths and butterflies, but those are growing on me finally.

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For all things MBTI. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. All personalities are welcome!

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For all things MBTI. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. All personalities are welcome!

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Artists: what is your MBTI?


XNTP I make surrealist pop culture inspired artwork. I use a lot of different media and draw inspiration from a lot of different areas. Here’s a recent sketchbook spread

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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What are some things people say to describe themselves that are more red flags to you?

My (thankfully ex) step mother used to describe herself as “tender-hearted”. Rather than meaning she was kind, compassionate or empathetic, it meant she took every negative emotion, differing opinion or mild familial conflict as a personal attack and responded in the most self-victimizing way possible.

Im now very wary of people who describe themselves in that sort of way. You shouldn’t have to inform people that you’re a good or caring person; it should be obvious through your actions.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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Which fictional character is the most misunderstood by people?

Anakin wasn’t just corrupted by Palpatine. He was a deeply emotional person who craved connection to other people. The man who should have trained him was killed and he was left with a far younger, less experienced Jedi who loved him but didn’t understand his needs.

Each time Anakin reached out to the Jedi for help in navigating his feelings he was told to suppress them, something he couldn’t do. His attachment to Padme is largely because she was the only person in his new life to be truly kind to him. He feared losing her, which emotion fueled his connection to the dark side.

Palpatine exploited all of this, knowing more about Anakins origins and potential than even the Jedi. He leveraged Anakins feelings of isolation, fear, jealousy and wounded pride and essentially used him a tool to destroy the Jedi order and overtake the political system. Anakin willingly gave into the dark side in the end, but he was ushered down that path as much by the Jedi’s arrogance and unwillingness to see things from anything but their own narrow perspective, as by Palpatines direct interference.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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Which fictional character is the most misunderstood by people?

I read it the first time a couple years ago (I’m early 30s now) and recognized a lot of my younger emotionally volatile/traumatized self in the main character. I definitely read it through a more critical lens than I think I would have had if I’d read it as a teenager, but it also helped me put events and emotions from my own past in a new perspective as well. I love a good flawed narrator and Holden Caulfield is definitely an interesting mind to see the world through.

A place for artists working in traditional artistic media to show their craft in an encouraging environment. Any traditionally made 2d or 3d piece is welcome here.

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A place for artists working in traditional artistic media to show their craft in an encouraging environment. Any traditionally made 2d or 3d piece is welcome here.

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How do I scan In traditional art on a phone?


Make sure you have good lighting. Natural, indirect sunlight is best. I recommend photographing vertically vs horizontally (eg hanging on a wall not laying on table) and do your best to make sure it’s straight and centered in the frame. The best bet is to use a neutral backdrop like a blank white wall that won’t cause distortion of the colours (if any). I try to leave a border around the artwork so I can crop it down more accurately. Experiment with whatever settings your phone camera has to get the best raw image you can.

From there you’ll need a way to edit the image. Things like exposure, brightness and contrast, colour balance etc can all be adjusted to make the image look true to life. Though to be honest, trying to minimize paper texture while maintaining colour balance and contrast can be really tricky. I would prioritize making sure the art looks great and worry less about the paper texture detracting from others perception of your work.

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r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.

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A friend is self harming and telling a professional is not an option, what would be the best course of action?


The most important thing imo is to not freak out or overreact to the person. That will likely just make them defensive and feel less comfortable opening up to you or someone else about what’s going on. Instead be comforting and gently curious. Ask them what’s upsetting them. Don’t offer solutions or diminish their struggles, just listen and be empathetic.

People self harm for lots of reasons and while it’s serious it’s not always indicative of immediate life threatening danger. It’s best to try to understand the situation before you make any decisions. And unfortunately sometimes professional mental health care is just not as accessible as it should be. Do your best to be supportive of the person while still prioritizing your own emotional wellbeing. It’s not easy but being someone a person who is struggling can connect to can be extremely helpful in eventually getting them the help they deserve.

Sketchbooks. Make them a routine. Use them as therapy. Paint, draw, collage; Do whatever you want to do in them, and then share them here :) Bonus points for sharing your ENTIRE sketchbook. Vulnerability and empathy are key ingredients to being a great creative

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Sketchbooks. Make them a routine. Use them as therapy. Paint, draw, collage; Do whatever you want to do in them, and then share them here :) Bonus points for sharing your ENTIRE sketchbook. Vulnerability and empathy are key ingredients to being a great creative

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There are plenty of good options. Stillman & Burn, specifically their Zeta series though they have quite a few options depending if you prefer bright white or ivory paper and how much texture you want. Bee Paper Company Deluxe mixed media is great if you like a little texture. Canson XL or Strathmore 400 series are decent if you’re on a tighter budget (either one, they’re the same paper). I personally don’t mind paper warping or ghosting so I’ve been really liking the Leuchttrum sketchbook.

Bear in my mind, alcohol markers will bleed through just about anything. I recommend putting something under the page you’re working on. Or just use an opaque medium/collage/enjoy the zero effort underpainting on the back side.

Hopefully this helps! You may have to try a few order to find one you really like.

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