
The Science of Magic by FireTurtle338 in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms 2 points3 points  (0 children)

In general, the type of magic I like is just fake science. I like classifications, groups of people trying to rationalize this phenomena and that in the end, with enough knowledge, one can explain magic systems in-world in the same way one could explain gravity, combustion or a steam engine. I'm not a fan of the classical approach to magic where it's all mystical, unapproachable and too complex for mortal minds to explain. Maybe that's why I'm such a Brandon Sanderson fan. He does exactly what I want.

"unite them" theory by lightweaver4 in Stormlight_Archive

[–]LordColms 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Given that the mix of their two lights is War, I feel like that's a good name for it. And if you fuse the three Roshar shards then it's Unity

Season 4 Predictions by Stardust_and_Shadows in TheBoys

[–]LordColms 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I low-key expect Stormfront to be HL's mother honestly

Secret Project Update reveals that the average WalMart store is 1.4 times bigger than Urithiru’s tower by Qwopflop500 in Cosmere

[–]LordColms 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe it's a headcanon but I read somewhere that the diameter of the lowest floor would be roughly 1000m with roughly that height for the entire tower... Not sure if it's true but definitely would fit

Need some advice for part of my magic system by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well the magic seems like exactly what I want to do except in a different setting so yeah I'd better check it out! Thanks

notice how the last four episodes ended with the same character by NapoleonGonaparty151 in TheBoys

[–]LordColms 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Honestly if I gotta choose, I would rather have Hughie die this season. She has been way more compelling lately in my opinion.

zackrawrr unbanned by [deleted] in Asmongold

[–]LordColms 2 points3 points  (0 children)

People reported the clip/stream and twitch automatically banned him

How satisfied are you with your main job? by Nathenael in ffxiv

[–]LordColms 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Dragoon here. After some QoL stuff, the old skill upgrades and wyrmwind thrust from Endwalker I'm pretty happy with how it is right now but if I were to suddenly get two of three additional cool skills like Stardiver all of a sudden then I wouldn't mind!

In case anyone wants to see the 12 minutes before Pyromancer deleted his stream today by Jesseroni in ffxiv

[–]LordColms 20 points21 points  (0 children)

In my case, I heard he was a pretty toxic person and watched the Wow rant video but I could understand because of the emotional baggage that carried but one day I watched a HW stream and I just couldn't take the constant bashing on the chat, 10 minutes of note taking per 5 lines of dialogue and overall feeling so I stopped watching. However I came back for ShB and the overall toxicity was completely gone and after having watched most of his journey from there until now, I hadn't seen any more signs of toxicity so I was surprised by this new outburst

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in ffxiv

[–]LordColms 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I would forbid all of them but the ones in a bikini and posing could be fine, I guess.

[1400 words] Chapter One of "The Ballad of the Hallowed Tree" by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hello, thank you for the advice! The bit about her skin must have been a poor choice of words. She has dark skin and hair, which I guessed matched with her green dress because apparently emerald green is a color that matches with brown and black? I have no idea about that stuff so could be wrong.

I really want there to be a twist of her being the priest-like girl who is supposed to go through holy rituals but suddenly reveals she is there to kill someone. I know it's really sloppy, though. And yeah, the second chapter is from the point of view of the other Floarean and a fight happens, after which the two of them end up apart from their tribes and have to go back before the Blight takes advantage of the war that just started during the festival and kills them all. It will pretty much be a Romeo and Juliet thing, yeah. I was thinking doing all this setup till they fight and end up apart from the tribes could happen in just two chapters since I don't really have much more in mind for this part but maybe I should try to do more and make it more meaningful. Definitely some stuff to have in mind!

[Spoiler: 6.1 cutscene... I'm a little slow, but I've got the spirit.] by elf_off_the_shelf in ffxiv

[–]LordColms 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I feel so dumb when I see people realize it's Golbez so easily since I was so convinced it was Garland from the first game. I even looked up a picture of him and they looked identical so I was sure I was right before jumping on Reddit.

Edit: Looked it up again and apparently when I looked up the picture I googled "FF1 main villain" and a picture of Golbez showed up instead of Garland so yeah... I'm just dumb.

[1400 words] Chapter One of "The Ballad of the Hallowed Tree" by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hello, thanks for the advice! Rayen has been trained in combat throughout her life and she can use her plants to attack, kind of like instantly growing Vines as thick as trees and all that. Kind of a Poison Ivy power but with music so a random guy would just fail at trying to kill one of those.

The "Rayen would just be like the Blacks" thing is a mistake, sorry. I should have noticed that.

I wrote this all in a couple of hours in a busy place and all so I think I should have waited till I could revise it or even rewrite it before posting it. This is clearly not the best I can do right now and just with another pass it could have been much better, sorry!

[1400 words] Chapter One of "The Ballad of the Hallowed Tree" by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey thanks for the advice! I'll keep this all in mind when I go through the chapter again and do pretty major revisions. I really need to have the story start here since I have to introduce Rayen, the significance of the tree, her relationship with her father, the two tribes and the festival before the second chapter where the action will happen and things will start getting crazy. The big break from the status quo that kicks off the story is on that chapter and it's impossible to not explain all of those things and have that happen.

The second chapter is from the other Floarean's point of view and it's sort of a mirrored chapter with him in the Festival and introducing the other tribe before Rayen shows up to kill him. And I understand the whole thing about show vs tell and it's very hard for me to not tell as much because it turns out those paragraphs are usually my favorite things to write. I'm sure I'll improve when it comes to that eventually, though!

[1400 words] Chapter One of "The Ballad of the Hallowed Tree" by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you for your advice! I will keep it in mind today when I revise. This chapter is more of the skeleton just so I knew the structure and what I wanted to do, it'll go through many big changes.

Mendo Calls Out The Spanish Streamers After Rust Twitch Rivals by ElGremlino in LivestreamFail

[–]LordColms 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I haven't followed the event so I don't know if this is true but the Spanish streamers have been complaining that since the beginning the NA team has been breaking the rules and nothing has happened to them. Like for example, using weapons that are banned or raiding houses when they aren't allowed to do that yet. No idea if it's true, just pointing it out. And Spain has had a very bad experience with Twitch Rivals before since there's been many of them where teams from other countries have outright cheated and nothing has happened.

[Spoiler: 6.1] Primal did a lala only run of the new alliance raid! Here are some screenshots! by DylanTheWalrus in ffxiv

[–]LordColms 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I saw someone on PF planning a Hrothgar only run. Don't know if they were successful though since they only had two people when I looked

Struggling to flesh out my antagonist. by LordColms in fantasywriters

[–]LordColms[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey, I am more than happy to answer those questions.

  1. The Tree is a mysterious divine force that has awareness but can't directly comunicate with anyone. I chose blood because I really like the theming of having to stab themselves with a rose on their fingers to make things grow and where I'm from, there's a tale about roses growing from a dragon's blood once slain. It isn't anything dark like blood sacrifices that you would imagine in more creepy tales.

  2. I'm still developing the backstory of these two tribes but the main cultural difference between the two is whether they value reason or emotion more. One of the tribes acts more rational and believes in an organized religion around the tree while the other is guided by emotion and are more party-like and hippies. They have more of a Buddhist religion around the tree. There's also some minor differences like the colors they usually use with the reasonable tribe using cool colors while the emotional one uses warm colors.

  3. The camps are fairly close together since they don't want to stray too far from the tree. They are far apart enough to live independently but close enough to have a few hostile skirmishes from time to time. Things are a bit cloudy in my mind when it comes to the Blight King since I'm still trying to flesh him out so I haven't figured out where he resides or what is the extent of his powers.

  4. He has the intelligence of a normal human but he has been corrupted by the Blight. He once was an Avatar to Death and understood the cycle of life and death but now he is the host to a force that craves the definitive death of everything, breaking this wheel. And the tree acts like a magical ward that stays strong with the cooperation of the two tribes so it's impossible to just raze the tribes to the ground easily. He slowly dries the land and takes over more territory till only the two camps remain. The Blight King will take advantage of the full-on war that is breaking out between the tribes and the fact that the tree goes weaker, granting their blessing to just one person in each tribe...

Feel free to ask any other questions and give any input if you want!