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Cadamar commented on
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Op336 points · 11 hours ago

Okay but can we also talk about how Animal Crossing helped our mental health during the pandemic? For a few months that game was my escape from the crappy stuff that year.

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3 points · 19 minutes ago

So thanks to Animal Crossing I ended up on Twitch, discovering a whole swath of streamers who have greatly improved my life. And just broadly brought some wonder and excitement into my life at a time when both were rare.

Op3 points · 6 minutes ago

Oh that's great! I didn't even think about people who were streaming the game. That's something I've personally wanted to start doing (with horror games) but I don't have enough confidence yet ><

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Score hidden · 4 minutes ago

No reason not to. I see so many wonderful folks on Twitch.

Cadamar commented on
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1 point · 6 minutes ago

So much attitude!

Cadamar commented on
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1 point · 15 minutes ago

Do you sell these anywhere? I’ve been trying to find some Stormlight art for my apartment!

Cadamar commented on
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29 points · 1 day ago

Adolin is absolutely a golden retriever.

Kaladin is a pit bull. Loyal, a bit of a “mutt,” but cuddly and pleasant if you get to know him.

Dalinar is a pure bred Great Dane. Big, not the absolute smartest, but good.

Shallan is a Chihuahua. Small, but mighty. And can go from cuddles to biting you in half a breath.

Navani is a Shih Tzu. Stubborn, pretty, and smarter than most people think.

Jasnah is a Standard Poodle. Smart, bred for war, and very aware of how pretty she is.

Szeth is a schnauzer. Stand offish, weirdly aggressive and a little unusual.

Lopen is a lab. Strong, happy no matter what, and also happy to help.

Rock is a Newfoundland. I don’t know anything about their personalities, this is based on hair alone.

6 points · 16 hours ago

I have mixed feelings Navani to be Shih Tzu, i agree with stubborn and smarter than you think. But mine is the most unelegant, ungraceful being i ever knew. More like Lift: somehow gets into any place he is not supposed to be to steal food, a senior by age but has kept the energy and playfulness of a puppy, likes to slide around and crash into furniture when excitet

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1 point · 11 hours ago

I can see this! Ours was a bit more reserved as she got older, so I think I was basing it on that. We lost her a month or so ago unfortunately. Give yours a hug and if you have a pic I'd love to see him!

Cadamar commented on
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58 points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

Yeah Riker definitely lived up to that reputation onscreen a great deal more than Kirk ever did.

Most of the "love interests" of Kirk were either him in a hostage situation/influenced by some outside force or former long term relationships. Homeboy sure loved dating scientists.

That said, I do love me some Riker and ain't here to stifle his ho shine. Take us to Risa and crank up the Night Bird, We are sex positive in this household. (Plus Jonathan Frakes is a Godsend to Star Trek. :D)

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37 points · 1 day ago

Did you know in the one episode with the sort of non-gendered species, where Riker semi hooks up with one? Jonathan Frakes pushed for that actor to be a male in order to really push the boundaries. He was, obviously, rebuffed, but I always appreciated that from Frakes.

31 points · 20 hours ago

I remember Jonathan Frakes talking about that and how he pushed for it to be a male character. To me, Jonathan Frakes always understood the assignment when it came to Star Trek. Rick Berman not so much.

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2 points · 11 hours ago

I'm very glad to see him continue to have a role in Trek, both in front of and behind the camera. His turns on Lower Decks have been amazing.

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Cadamar commented on
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195 points · 1 day ago

*Michael and Kate silently groan.

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84 points · 1 day ago

I mean they probably get paid by the time it takes to record it so maybe they cheer?

Cadamar commented on
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90 points · 2 days ago

Brother if Rickie runs away with the Masters I will lose my god damn mind

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2 points · 1 day ago

I will probably legit cry ifwhen Rickie gets a green jacket.

Cadamar commented on
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5 points · 2 days ago

Everyone talks about Scottie’s religion but I’m low key convinced he’s made some kind of deal with the devil or some other eldritch beast. That level of talent and whatnot is just unholy.

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