
This is getting ridiculous the content of 76208 could fit in a box half the size by bigandfatfoodfan in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I know they tested it on Star Wars, but I think there was several themes they tried it on.

This is getting ridiculous the content of 76208 could fit in a box half the size by bigandfatfoodfan in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja 346 points347 points  (0 children)

The box sizes are primarily designed to sell the product. LEGO tried two sizes of boxes on the same sets back in 2010-ish. The smaller boxes were roughly 15-25% smaller and reportedly did not sell as well. After the marketing test LEGO went back to the larger original box sizes.

My LEGO version of the HotD poster. by Brick_Ninja in HouseOfTheDragon

[–]Brick_Ninja[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Now I'm trying to envision a LEGO movie version of Westeros. The very happy and excited Emmett in the grim dark world of GRRM.

Struggling to get into anime by evscye in AnimeReccomendations

[–]Brick_Ninja 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would highly recommend just giving the first episode of try rather than watching the trailer though. The trailer is filled with quite a few spoilers and personally I'm really glad that I saw the show without having seen the trailer first.

Struggling to get into anime by evscye in AnimeReccomendations

[–]Brick_Ninja 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Erased" 12 episodes. (A great drama/suspense and has a great story. Hooked me quite well in the first episode.)

I thought this was illegal? by Confident_Captain1 in legostarwars

[–]Brick_Ninja 6 points7 points  (0 children)

The only thing "illegal" means is that it is a techniqe that LEGO currently won't use in set designs. So technically by definition of they use it in a set than it isn't illegal. Currently a single sticker across multiple pieces is "illegal," though in the past that was very common in sets.

I thought this was illegal? by Confident_Captain1 in legostarwars

[–]Brick_Ninja 39 points40 points  (0 children)

The only thing "illegal" means is that it is a techniqe that LEGO currently doesn't use in set designs. Currently a single sticker across multiple pieces is "illegal," though in the past that was very common in sets. Illegal techniques are usually ones that stress/damage pieces, are not strong structurally, or they are deemed too complicated. There is a range of legality regarding complex techniques. Some techniques that are used in Creator expert sets would not be used in a regular City set, and obviously there are a lot that would never be used in 4+ sets.

Sprue tree coins question in comments. by mog4579 in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I saw one of these on BrickLink several years ago. I regret not buying it at the time. They aren't useful, but they are just so cool.

Theories that never came to be by obioco in WoT

[–]Brick_Ninja 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Thom being Jain Farstrider

Lews Therin's madness was hearing Rand's voice from the future in his mind.

Mat's memories were from his previous lives.

In Crossroads of Twilight Mat is with Tuon the whole time but at the end of the book there is a meeting set up between Rand and Tuon (Semirhage.) When I got to the end of Crossroads of Twilight I never considered that the "Tuon" going to meet Rand was real. On the flip side my sister assumed that the Tuon meeting Rand was real and that the Tuon with Mat the whole time was an imposter. Neither one of us had considered the other possibility at all until we talk to each other. It was a long wait for the next book to figure out which of us was correct.

Every frog is awesome! by RandyButterNubbins in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Very nice, just missing the Pearl Silver and the Trans Green frogs.

***Books*** What opinions do you have that differ from most of this sub? by Lethifold26 in WoT

[–]Brick_Ninja 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I experienced the slog only the very first time when I was waiting for books to be published. I don't think it exists on re-reads. And honestly I didn't feel like it would have existed in the original publication if New Spring had be released at a different time, but that came out after CoT and exasperated the slower part of the series.

***Books*** What opinions do you have that differ from most of this sub? by Lethifold26 in WoT

[–]Brick_Ninja 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This is a more general one, but I have never gotten annoyed by a character in the books. I hear a number of people say that the don't like a POV or a plot line because such-n-such character is annoying. And I do not understand that. Everyone does stuff that I don't agree with, there are a number of characters who may be annoying to interact with in real life, but I am sitting and reading a book I'm not actually living with them. They can be as annoying as they want on page and it does not affect me personally.

who designed these instructions - can anyone actually see them? by nolasia in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Black in is cheaper than colored ink and every single instruction page is a full color print. I certainly don't know, but I highly suspect that these were actually cheaper to produce.

The Treason of Isengard by Brick_Ninja in lego

[–]Brick_Ninja[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Dual for the Throne of Gondor Based off of early notes by JRR Tolkien, this plot line was later significantly changed.

After Merry and Pippin are captured by the Urik-hai Legolas and Gimli pursue the Hobbits, but Boromir and Aragorn go to Minas Tirith. Sauron has Mina Tirith besieged and the two men sneak in through the mountains. After Denethor is slain the people of Gondor choose Aragon as the Lord of Minis Tirith. Boromir is filled with jealousy and evil overcomes him. He sneaks off to Isengard and betrays the Fellowship in exchange for Saruman's aid to help him become the Lord of Minas Tirith. After the battle of Pelennor Fields and the defeat of Sauron, Aragon returns to Minas Tirith. As the moon rises Boromir returns and challenges Aragon for the throne. In the end Boromir is defeated and slain by Aragon.

--Summarized from "The Treason of Isengard" By: JRR Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien

So, i got two of the republic fighter tanks sett, one Europen and other from USA. It would seem like the lightsaber blade and arm printing(thicker printing) is different from depending on region by NoMoneyNoV-Bucks in legostarwars

[–]Brick_Ninja 0 points1 point  (0 children)

LEGO has several plants around the world, but they produce different themes. This is done so that the factory that does Star Wars (Denmark) is the only one that needs the molds for things like Darth Vader's helmet and c-3po's head, etc. So all of the Star Wars figures/set are produced in Denmark and distributed out to the rest of the world. I believe (though I'm not sure) That the Mexico plant does Super Heroes. Some themes are produced in multiple locations, like Creator (one of the reasons why you see a smaller selection of unique parts in Creator sets) but the IP themes with lots of unique molds are produced entirely at individual factories and then shipped out from there.

All of that to say the difference in printing is most likely just from a different machine, or a different setup and variance in the production rather than a regional thing.