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sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted byu/[deleted]
1 point · 2 years ago

NTA. You did handle it better, you didn’t punch her f*cling face in. Kicking her out and banning her was the minimum that needed to happen.

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 years ago

NTA. She’s not really a friend.

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 years ago

NTA. Nobody wants to look at other people when they eat, but when it’s super loud or gross it’s kinda hard not to...

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted byu/[deleted]
1 point · 2 years ago

NTA. She damaged your clothes, the reason is irrelevant. You don’t want to lend them anymore, so she needs to suck it up and buy her own stuff.

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 years ago

NTA. Your mom knows you don’t like dinners with strangers, but made you go anyway, and she knows which foods you have texture issues with, but gave them to you anyway. She’s def TA here. You didn’t make a scene and it does not sound like her boss was bothered at all.

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted byu/[deleted]
1 point · 2 years ago

YTA. That’s a lot of roundabout justifications to avoid saying “I give my favorite daughter everything she wants and usually at my other daughter’s expense”

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted by
0 points · 2 years ago

NTA. If she was such a big deal why isn’t she in first class?

sydneyunderfoot commented on
Posted by
214 points · 2 years ago

Wow, I’m sorry you had to go to such ridiculous lengths, but I’m so happy to hear you’re back on the swim team! When your dad gets upset just say “thank you for teaching me such an important lesson on how to stand up for myself and go after what I want. It really toughened me up”

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