
Between these 3 which would be the best for a starter? by slowgian12 in whatcarshouldIbuy

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah I feel you and I was a doubter too. I really wanted a manual Civic when I bought on because I planned on tuning it, but they were pure Unobtainium. I ended up getting a hatchback with a CVT and was so put off by it at first. I decided to tune my car anyway and it woke up CVT like I couldn’t believe. It was exceptionally quick and torquey, almost like the feel of an EV. I was blowing thr doors off SI models and could run in a dead heat with GTIs.

I beat the shit out of that car for 3 years and the CVT remained flawless. After that I became a believer that a well made CVT is definitely worth it and can offer some performance perks over a manual or traditional automatic if you’re careful about it. I drive a Mercedes GLA45 AMG as my daily now, but I still miss that Civic. It was so much fun.

Do you prefer Doomsday having the mind of a animal or having sentience? by ScoreImaginary5254 in superman

[–]Dr_Disaster 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I don’t know, to me it makes him scarier. He talked in the JLU series and it really unsettled me for some reason. The fact he’s intelligent and still can’t be reasoned with makes him feel more demonic somehow.

Between these 3 which would be the best for a starter? by slowgian12 in whatcarshouldIbuy

[–]Dr_Disaster 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No not all. Honda has featured CVTs in their cars for longer than most people realize and they’ve been perfectly fine. Same for Toyota. Nissan and Ford are almost singlehandedly responsible for the bad public perception of CVTs. Like any transmission/engine, they’re only as good (or bad) as companies make them.

Between these 3 which would be the best for a starter? by slowgian12 in whatcarshouldIbuy

[–]Dr_Disaster 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Yes. The other two cars are a pair of the shittiest vehicles on the road while the CRV will easily see many more miles while be easy/cheap to maintain.

Mercedes wants EV buyers to get used to paywalled features by boregon in cars

[–]Dr_Disaster 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I said this in conversation about new Mercedes just yesterday. The interiors really do look like strip clubs. I expect them to smell like cigarettes and cheap perfume.

Even joker has limits lol by jazygamer308 in batman

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s also why the version from BTAS is my favorite. Aside from Mark Hamil’s amazing voice, that Joker walked a fine line between homicidal maniac and twisted comedian. His crimes weren’t so horrific that you question why Batman let’s him live, but he’s still incredibly dangerous and unpredictable. You never have any clue whether you’re in on his joke, or one of his punchlines. That’s way more interesting to me than the modern try-hard, crazy horror movie killer versions.

I want my Joker to be actually fun/funny while also an absolute terrorist.

Gone, but not forgotten. by Dr_Disaster in socal

[–]Dr_Disaster[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The pandemic shut them down and they just couldn’t find the business case to reopen. I imagine they got significant Covid relief funds and decided to cash out/cut their loses.

Woman rams police vehicle with child in the car, hitting bystander and acts oblivious when finally taken out of her vehicle by WedCornet in facepalm

[–]Dr_Disaster 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Crazy people rarely do. I had a friend do something similar (after setting fire to her own house in hope of killing her husband). The police chase resulted in her death and an innocent person when she wrecked her car into them. No drugs involved. Just complete lack of care and treatment for her mental health.

We are surrounded by people every day that are barely holding their shit together and when they finally snap, stuff like this happens and it’s more common than most people realize.

Gone, but not forgotten. by Dr_Disaster in socal

[–]Dr_Disaster[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ugh those little pizzas. Man, I could eat a dozen of them. More than anything I miss the place for really having some healthy, but totally satisfying options for getting food out. No matter how I stuffed myself there, I never felt gross like with other restaurants. I felt like I just went to my grandma's and had a solid meal. People were always happy and polite there. My kid, who usually struggles to sit still long enough to eat properly, loved everything there. When we wanted food out, but didn't know exactly what we were in the mood for, Souplantation (or Sweet Tomatoes back in IL) was always the answer. It never missed.

Gone, but not forgotten. by Dr_Disaster in socal

[–]Dr_Disaster[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I miss their chili and those little brownies with some ice cream on top.

I will stand on this hill by crazyplane7 in batman

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He’s still young, so he’s not the most experienced person and is being intellectually challenged for the first time. Bruce showed himself keen in greasing the wheels and doing legwork much like a real police detective would, but still being to young and impulsive to take the more cerebral approach we know from the comics/animation.

I will stand on this hill by crazyplane7 in batman

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I know as a Chicagoan at the time, it was tough because I know exactly where everything was filmed, trademark Chicago locations. It took me out of the film a lot because I always hyper aware this wasn’t Gotham City.

Gone, but not forgotten. by Dr_Disaster in socal

[–]Dr_Disaster[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No idea. I’m orginally from IL and there it was Sweet Tomatoes.

Doesn't matter which version of Peter, j.johna Jameson has Peter's back in every version by Maximum-power-9932 in Spiderman

[–]Dr_Disaster 13 points14 points  (0 children)

In the game he’s honestly saddened and heartbroken by the death of Mile’s dad. It shows that although he hates on Spider-Man he truly hates crime in the city and innocent people that get hurt.

Doesn't matter which version of Peter, j.johna Jameson has Peter's back in every version by Maximum-power-9932 in Spiderman

[–]Dr_Disaster 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It’s different in those because JJ is just a media personality with no connection to Peter. We only see him as a media entity and not as a man, so we can’t judge him on way or the other. But that said, JJ has done some SNAKE ASS SHIT in the comics. He helped create Scorpion and Spider Slayers for the explicit purpose of killing or capturing Spidey. He has a good heart, but he’s still done absolutely awful shit and shouldn’t get that white washed.

NWH and Insomniac JJ are mean to Spidey. That’s standard for the character. It doesn’t make them monsters. JJ in the comics was a whole ass ANTAGONIST at times. Don’t cap for that man.

Doesn't matter which version of Peter, j.johna Jameson has Peter's back in every version by Maximum-power-9932 in Spiderman

[–]Dr_Disaster 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Bingo. JJJ in the MCU is literally just doing what he’s always done; being a dick to Spider-Man. Do people forget JJ helped make Scorpion to sick him on Peter?! He’s an ass.

But it’s cool to hate on the MCU for reasons.

Doesn't matter which version of Peter, j.johna Jameson has Peter's back in every version by Maximum-power-9932 in Spiderman

[–]Dr_Disaster 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I fail to see why that is. He does the usual JJJ stuff, just with a modern bend. We don’t really see enough of him to judge his character.

Police arrest man for filming a police crash by LovableJackassv4 in facepalm

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes, it’s 100% CPD. You can tell by the cars, flags, distinctive leather jackets, and shitty fucking attitudes. Some Chicagoans have accents akin to Minnesotans, but it’s not as thick. It’s somewhere between a Boston and Wisconsin accent.

Police arrest man for filming a police crash by LovableJackassv4 in facepalm

[–]Dr_Disaster 5 points6 points  (0 children)

A police state with cops that literally can’t be bothered to do shit unless it’s harassing regular people. Being in downtown is comical if it wasn’t so sad. They just sit around with the lights on in medians and being a “presence”, but won’t do anything if they see an actual crime. The city tried to make them accountable for their shittiness and the force started “quiet quitting”. They don’t want to do their jobs if it means they can harass, beat, and shoot people without consequence.

I think he takes out most of them until Thanos gets involved. by jorhey14 in TheBoys

[–]Dr_Disaster 0 points1 point  (0 children)

True he doesn’t have any enhancements the prevents him getting crept up on, but he’s also made of vibranium so good luck hurting him. Corvus in IW had a special weapon that was uniquely capable of hurting him and disrupting his phasing. They don’t mention it in the movie, but in the comics it’s made of rare alien metal and can slice atoms apart. Anyone without something on that level isn’t likely to take him out.

I think he takes out most of them until Thanos gets involved. by jorhey14 in TheBoys

[–]Dr_Disaster 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Exactly. When MCU/DCU characters fight, even on TV, they destroy a block, or level buildings, or at least hurl each other through a wall or two. 4-5 supes fighting in a hallway or TV office with hardly any damage is just kind lame.