
Mark McGwire defends his steroid use by nailbiter111 in sports

[–]StankyMink 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"I didn't need to do them" says the geriatric who is still doing them.

"The “less desirable” ad inventory is much cheaper!" (E. M.) 🤔 by Palam_et_Clam in EnoughMuskSpam

[–]StankyMink 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The "less desirable" are the same ones that would key a Tesla if they saw it parked next to their shitbox.

Are you gonna buy the PvE missions? by Erik_REF in Overwatch

[–]StankyMink 39 points40 points  (0 children)

40 minutes or standing around waiting for terrible bots to spawn in while some voice lines play? Yeah no thanks, I'll pass.

Artist tattoos over 70 people in order to create a scene from Betty Boop Snow White. by h3nr_y in BeAmazed

[–]StankyMink 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"Yo, I'll knock a little off the price if you let me tat this one thing and then cover it up with your design after"

What kind of behaviour is this? by ch0nkykong in herpetology

[–]StankyMink 8 points9 points  (0 children)

There is this one specific western fence lizard that likes to do push ups in front of my cats anytime I have the door open. I'm half tempted to open the screen one day, just because of the lizard's audacity.

Anyone else had a terrible time with these First Alert smoke/carbon alarms? by hurtme_plenty in Home

[–]StankyMink 3 points4 points  (0 children)

When is the last time a single one of those units as been checked? My assumption is zero in all the time they've been installed.

Just searched "Melle Mel" on youtube to see who this dude was, not one song came up lmao, just clips of him talking shit. by SportsEnthusiast24 in Eminem

[–]StankyMink 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Mel has talked shit about all the greats. He has a permanant case of foot in mouth disease, the dude just cannot fathom that anyone is more successful than he is.

Aussie barber calls for controversial exemption so it can ban women from store by plutoplops in australian

[–]StankyMink 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He has a justification, he is a barber, not a hair dresser. These are two different professions with different training. If a bunch of woman are suddenly coming to his business asking for touch ups on their dye or wanting things like layered cuts, it is way outside the scope of the services a barber generally provides.

Does boobs size really matter to men? by Julia_Amareno in NoStupidQuestions

[–]StankyMink 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Some guys strongly prefer boobs that would kill a person.

100% a mentall illness. Some dudes are pathelogically obsessed with unrealistic boob sizes.

What are these cookies called? by retro_smash1254 in Baking

[–]StankyMink 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same, and at grandpas it was lemon cookies.

What is the appeal of nipple piercings? by [deleted] in NoStupidQuestions

[–]StankyMink -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You never see a woman with just one nipple pierced, and I just realized that disapoints me.

My girlfriend told all her friends that I drink her piss by Positive_Poem_9280 in amiwrong

[–]StankyMink 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You're engaging in a form of humilation play and you're surprised she's using it to humiliate you? Pee inside her butt sometime, then brag to all your friends.

What food do you swear people only pretend to like? by [deleted] in NoStupidQuestions

[–]StankyMink -5 points-4 points  (0 children)

I am utterly convinced that people who like avocados, also regularlly consume their own boogers.

11,190 Cubic Yard Mass Concrete Foundation Pour at the Century City Center in Century City, CA by watchthis03 in Concrete

[–]StankyMink 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm over here just wondering how many phones got lost in the goop. Statistically, there is probably at least one burried in all that.

Before there was chilies by Elandtrical in Cooking

[–]StankyMink 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Sichuan pepper is native to China. They've always had it. It's not the same as the Capsicum cultivars from the Americas.

From your supports by rinigneel in overwatch2

[–]StankyMink -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Dear Supports: The I Need healing voiceline auto-plays when taking critical damage, so stop blamming everyone for spamming it at inconvenient times. Calm your PTSD.

To restrain a 64 year-old man without assistance from pedestrians by zainab111xz in therewasanattempt

[–]StankyMink 16 points17 points  (0 children)

A rational person would say as much, not jump right to screaming like a child being put in time out.

I cannot resist the urge by jimbobimbotindo in Overwatch

[–]StankyMink 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Is it Hurling Day already? Ahh, the memories. That look on her face as she spiraled out of sight.

Her labia doesn’t look like what he sees in porn, therefore can’t be normal by Dragon_on_iceskates in redditonwiki

[–]StankyMink 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's a very long winded way of saying it doesn't look infantile enough. Smaller lips = purer in these people's minds.

to deceive the viewers... by _khychx_ in therewasanattempt

[–]StankyMink 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That was Lil Romeo. Bow Wow wasn't related to any artist.

Meats room temp before cooking in restaurants? by iamalita in Cooking

[–]StankyMink 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Professional kitches run much hotter than your home kitchen. Setting a steak out for 20 minutes for you, is less than ten for them. Doubt many places bother to do any kind of concious pre-rest, though.