
To prevent the homeless from sleeping here by hereuponfry650 in therewasanattempt

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This image has been debunked.

It’s to stop the carts from being dragged out of the front of the store, apparently it’s a pharmacy in some poor area that had carts loaded into the front of the store.

White dude does black face on Destiny's podcast by johnleoks in LivestreamFail

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer -10 points-9 points  (0 children)

I’d say a cool example of a similar thing is also Logic, white dude using the N word freely

TIL that airline flight attendants aren't paid until the airplane doors are closed, nor are they covered by insurance or workers' compensation until the doors are closed. (Delta, SkyWest and United have forms of coverage.) This policy discourages them from helping put luggage in overhead bins. by SanDieganNewYorker in todayilearned

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 25 points26 points  (0 children)

You often find that the people who want to become flight attendants are not in it for the journey.

I’ve had the unfortunate pleasure of working in the airline industry and the vast majority of them are contractually treated like shit because the big, gleaming reward is a free-ish holiday for a few hours of work.

That’s the dream anyway.

Potentially millions of android tvs and phones come with malware preinstalled by Goats_vs_Aliens in technology

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It always amazes me how cancerous fanboys can be. You see someone criticising your favourite brand and immediately hop on the offensive and throw shit at a rival company you don’t like. I can’t imagine my life being that hollow and meaningless that I’m sucking corporate dick online.

The answer to your question is also basically 0. Because even if Apple are a bad company they don’t let just anyone and anything into their systems.

Mfw (my face when) the single player experience from 17 years ago has been experienced already😱 by Mariah_Mcmuffin in shittydarksouls

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The shitty clickbait title is the YouTube algorithm forcing people to title their videos a certain way.

LinusTechTips has as much, clickbait is statistically the only way to grow an audience on YouTube.

Saw this while in vietnam by Jesse1913 in EscapefromTarkov

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Fun fact: the original Cao Sao Vang contained a numbing agent which was most likely Lidocaine imported from Chinas chemical boom in the 70’s, during the Vietnam war the Vietnamese used Cao Sao Vang on cuts and other wounds to help numb the pain and prevent infection.

After the war the Vietnamese turned to Russia and said “hey we just beat the shit out America and we used this stuff”. But because the factories used to make it were mostly closed down, the new product sent to Russia was basically just a scented petroleum gel which did nothing.

And although there’s no solid evidence it was ever given to Russian/Soviet troops, millions of them made their way into the Soviet Union under the guise of being a medical ointment.

Demonstration of Reshade abusing by Terribaer in HuntShowdown

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They didn’t. They removed the caching file for shading

You can still reshade, just not through your GPU provider

Demonstration of Reshade abusing by Terribaer in HuntShowdown

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Monitor brightness is not created equal, increasing the brightness doesn’t actually make individual components of the game brighter or more visible it simply increases the total brightness of everything to an equal level. It’s also built directly into the game and shading is not included anywhere in it.

Let me put it this way. At 50% brightness a player hiding in a bush is no less visible than a player in a bush at 100% brightness, both the player and bush are brightened equally, a black dot on a black page becomes a white dot on a white page.

With reshade however the bush and the player are brightened, cast, lit, and in some cases layered differently, the bush may be black as night but the player inside of the bush would cast a light grey silhouette.

Demonstration of Reshade abusing by Terribaer in HuntShowdown

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 11 points12 points  (0 children)

1: you can’t disable reshade, it’s a ROTO colour correction software and the only way to prevent it would be to disable brightness/colour in general.

2: the original reshades were in fact created for cheating undetected, specifically the 0.08 build of Crosire was created for Source with specific filters for enemy/friendly players and later models of Nvidia, Amd and C0RE reshading softwares were based on the 0.2 build which was again specifically designed for PvP shooters, rather than say, The 0.4 release which focused on actually making games look better like Fallout and GTA V.

And while I understand your overall point that tweaking colours isn’t as “potent” as aimbot shall we say, the whole idea of Hunt is that environmental stealth is a core mechanic, and there are reshade kits out there which completely remove that element from the game. There are no “good actors” with reshade because every single person who uses it hides behind a shitty excuse and directly goes against the developers idea and wishes for the game.

$3.3m House in Venice Beach by wawabreakfast in pics

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I know it’s obviously a joke but lots of places in Scotland have had issues with Americans/Canadians moving over and treating the place like shit. There’s no HOA so people think there’s no rules and they can do/build as they please.

My aunts village just outside of Stirling has had 2 American “businessmen” move in and destroy a 16th century pond for a tennis court

Valve just started banning some big traders related to reselling skins on gambling websites by Tschoina in GlobalOffensive

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 24 points25 points  (0 children)

I mean look at CSGOLotto.

Two of the biggest YouTubers at the time promoted a scam which funnelled millions of dollars worth of skins directly into their pockets.

If those are two public people who are very easy to get legal access to then imagine what the anonymous shell company’s who own skinport etc are doing

[COD] it's over... SM2 is over... by afriendfuryou in CallOfDuty

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Knowing the devs they didn’t actually receive a S&D they just wanted to drop the project now it’s not profiting them anymore and avoid backlash

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Interesting way to say 3 out of 4 homeless people are men by brylex1 in shitposting

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A person who lives with their spouse and sleeps in their bed 365 days a year but isn’t on any kind of lease, rent, or governmental documentation is, by the books, still just as homeless as someone who is freezing to death in an alleyway regardless of gender in the US, UK and most of Europe.

I’m not gatekeeping anything.

But it’s the difference between saying “I’m dying” when you’re just ageing naturally vs “I’m dying” when you’ve been shot and are bleeding out.

Interrogation techniques of old by Marc-Aureli in tumblr

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 1 point2 points  (0 children)

On one hand I agree with you but on the other hand there’s several million Americans who are scared of vaccines.


Interesting way to say 3 out of 4 homeless people are men by brylex1 in shitposting

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 13 points14 points  (0 children)

The actual article is also full of shit.

The vast majority of homeless women will sleep in a bed every night and are only technically homeless in the sense they’re not renting/letting/etc in an official capacity

The majority of homeless men are traditional homeless, I.e. sleep on the streets/shelters

‘The Mandalorian’ Season 4 Start Of Production Likely To Be Delayed Due To Writers Strike by DemiFiendRSA in television

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I’m not sure what happened

It’s called Disney.

Create something cool

Realise it makes money

Drag it on for far longer than any Disney writer can sustain


Burger Planet gropes woman by purplereformer in LivestreamFail

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Actually you’re wrong

Water is at the core of the entertainment industry, 100% of rapists, murderers and abusers drink water DAILY and you spineless losers won’t talk about big water raping our women!

Oh, my bad, I mixed up my correlation and causation like a fuckwit

Dave Chappelle Asks San Francisco Audience "What The F*** Happened" During Recent Comedy Set by Drinkie_Zilla in entertainment

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Serious question, and I’m not baiting/trolling here

If homelessness is such a problem and drugs is obviously a cog in that wheel, then why would legalising or decriminalising drugs not make this much worse?

The reason it works in Portugal is because the healthcare system was already accommodating drug use and safety before they made it legal. Whereas the healthcare system in the US isn’t accommodating anything beyond a bank account.

How America’s fatal gun attraction turned schools into war zones by DavidMalony in politics

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 12 points13 points  (0 children)

When I was a kid I watched the Columbine live report from my shitty little town in Portugal.

I vaguely remember the newscaster guy saying “nothing good will come out of today, but tomorrow real change will happen in America, things will change and real fast”

Nothing changed. The world looks on with total apathy.

Multiple people shot, including 8-year-old child, in afternoon Albany shooting by ICumCoffee in news

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s a stupid argument because legalising or decriminalising all drugs has only ever been tested in systems designed for it.

Portugal is a great example because the systems in place existed before the decriminalisation even existed on paper and the transition went smoothly

The only reason decriminalising drugs in the US will never work is because the mental and physical health services are nonexistent and basically every drug-friendly system that Portugal has doesn’t exist in the US.

There’s no evidence, trials or studies to suggest that decriminalisation would work in the US. Because just like US healthcare a theoretical decriminalisation would be underfunded, overpriced and lazy.

Italian PM: I am confident in Ukraine's victory by eaglemaxie in worldnews

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

Lmao this comment is stupid. It doesn’t matter if she “barley won” she’s not planning on a second term and knows she wouldn’t win no matter what stance she took. She’s still right wing.

The Uk conservatives are more left-leaning than the US democrat party, nice try though.

If you want Real right wing government, look at both US parties. Policy and matter wise they’re both further right than Italy, France, UK, Germany and Spanish right wing parties.

Your political knowledge is nonexistent, please keep your mouth shut.

Italian PM: I am confident in Ukraine's victory by eaglemaxie in worldnews

[–]PrinterInkEnjoyer 43 points44 points  (0 children)

supports Ukraine

pushed back on Berlusconi

That’s kinda like saying a German chancellor is ultra left wing because they denounced the Nazis.

She’s still a right wing degenerate.