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[–][deleted] 1643 points1644 points  (164 children)

Plagarism aside, I didn't know warzone skins were getting this weird lol.

Are any other warzone skins that are so out there?

[–][deleted] 1534 points1535 points  (124 children)

MechaGodzilla, Snoop Dogg, Jigsaw, an anime cat girl, a football player, a 420 sniper wearing a weed ghillie suit.

It's going full Fortnite, but totally edgy and cool and radical.

[–]YourOwnSide_ 124 points125 points  (4 children)

Rambo, John McClane and the Terminator too.

[–]Zack123456201 60 points61 points  (1 child)

Don’t forget Ghostface from Scream!

[–]Daunt_M4 26 points27 points  (0 children)

back in my day (CoD4) we either had USMC Rifle guy or OpFor Rifle guy

and we LIKED IT

[–]KingOfRisky 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I drunk purchased Rambo. I do enjoy the one liners.

[–]jigeno 105 points106 points  (4 children)

you forgot the attack from titan titan, the mecha-dino-hunter, fantasy horsemen of the apocalypse that look like 40k characters, a babayaga, a purple crystal radsuit dude, a futuristic NFL outfit, a normal NFL outfit,

[–]Kryptosis 10 points11 points  (3 children)

babayaga you say?

[–]Ghost-138 15 points16 points  (2 children)

He probably is referring to John Wick.

[–]logosloki 29 points30 points  (1 child)

Boring. I'd be down for a Babushka running around toting some gunz.

[–]Ghost-138 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Wearing a babushka sounds like fun.

[–]Gellert 568 points569 points  (16 children)

TBF the "anime catgirl" isnt anime, just a normal operator with cat ears on her helmet. I'd argue there are far more rediculous skins, like the latex fetish girl.

[–]deathmouse 264 points265 points  (4 children)

latex fetish girl is a reference to O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill, show her some goddamn respect lol

[–]Qvar 77 points78 points  (2 children)

What? In which sense? O-Ren wore a classic japanesse dress afaik.

[–]captainktainer 160 points161 points  (0 children)

She had a red latex catsuit during the anime flashback sequence.

[–]deathmouse 89 points90 points  (0 children)

In the anime flashback she wears a latex suit that’s pretty much identical to the one in the game.


[–]SuperBackup9000 26 points27 points  (2 children)

That was the only pack I bought aside from Scream, just for the kawaii copter because it’s fun to say. I wish they would’ve had an uWu uzi

[–]Canis_Familiaris 24 points25 points  (0 children)

I miss the MLG video edits from YouTube

[–]blackop 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Don't forget the actual horseman of the fucking apocalypse. It's really blackops 4 all over again at this point. I don't get mad anymore, it is what it is. Edit for spelling.

[–]Void_Guardians 37 points38 points  (6 children)

Best part is these 25 dollar skin bundles aren’t going to carry over to the next warzone this year

[–]zooberwask 11 points12 points  (5 children)

There's a new warzone?

[–]THENATHE 16 points17 points  (3 children)

When MW2 comes out (likely in sep, oct, or nov) they are making a new warzone on its engine.

There is also some minor speculation that cod will move to a two year release cycle because activision was purchased by Microsoft, which generally favors more “long term” releases and the fact that CW and vanguard were very poorly received, while MW was commonly thought of as the best cod since Blops2

[–]Void_Guardians 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Not speculation, its been confirmed to no longer be annual

[–]SuperBackup9000 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yup, going forward they’re apparently going to be using the same “new” engine for all their games, so that means Warzone 2 where everyone starts from square one again

[–]namewithoutnumbers 203 points204 points  (15 children)

a weed ghillie suit

This sounds amazing

[–]dude_is_melting 146 points147 points  (12 children)

There’s a gas mask one that filters weed smoke into the characters lungs forever. It comes with bullet holes in the shape of pot leaves. I love it when the cod devs just say fuck it and do whatever

[–]runnyyyy 91 points92 points  (4 children)

dont know if that counts as "fuck it and do whatever" because cod has always been VEERRRYYY heavy on weed stuff. they really know their audience I guess

[–]_freeheeler_ 90 points91 points  (3 children)

Yeah, weed banners in MW2 like Joint Ops in 2009 was always funny as a kid. It's still kinda wild today.

[–]Slimmzli 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Blunt force trauma

[–]SymbolOfVibez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I remember in BO2 when you can make your own, I was making weed & ass emblems lmao

[–]vancity- 153 points154 points  (1 child)

fuck it, do whatever

Full plagiarization mode engaged.

[–]robdiqulous 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Yeah that part isn't so good

[–]Noellevanious 10 points11 points  (4 children)

I love it when the cod devs just say fuck it and do whatever

That's not "fuck it and do whatever", that's "cater to the playerbase that they know loads them up with cash". They focus hardcore on the 12-23 year old Dudebro demographic, because that's who plays their games and feeds them thousands of dollars. You should watch this video Pat Gill made about it.

[–]NoNefariousness2144 22 points23 points  (14 children)

Well they will stop being and edgy stupid with MW2 and Warzone 2 and say they are going back to their gritty and realistic roots. Then within a year we will have more silly goofy skins again.

[–]GlisseDansLaPiscine 22 points23 points  (7 children)

Practically all games with cosmetics end up going that path, there's only so much grounded stuff you can do and I can't really blame the artists at Activision for wanting to make other things than 3000 variations of camouflage

[–]SlyyKozlov 39 points40 points  (7 children)

Snoop Dogg sounds pretty dope ngl

[–]MajinTa 101 points102 points  (4 children)

On of his end screens he's about to shoot you, but hands you a blunt

[–]Boner666420 66 points67 points  (3 children)

I couldnt csre less about COD but that is legitimately fantastic.

[–]McManus26 24 points25 points  (2 children)

he has a tactical blunt too. Like, you remember how in the original MW2 you could have the tactical knife in your off hand while holding a pistol with the other ?

snoop does that, but with a cigar.

[–]JCthulhuM 1 point2 points  (1 child)

You know considering snoop almost went to prison, I’m almost shocked he’s cool with them allowing people to play as him and shoot people, weed jokes or not.

[–]McManus26 2 points3 points  (0 children)

He got a fat paycheck for that, think that's what matters to him

[–]Kaldricus 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Reminds me of True Crime Streets of LA, where you could unlock Snoop Dogg in a free roam mode

[–]diquehead 23 points24 points  (0 children)

The new terminator skins look pretty badass too

[–]FoolishSilvas 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Wack... But who am I to yuck someone's yum.. just seems weird they're trying to copy Fortnite but still try and come off as gritty/edgy

[–]TubbaBlubbaBanana 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I can’t seem to remember the football player, who was that again?

[–]huxtiblejones 11 points12 points  (29 children)

lol how fucking stupid. I am so tired of games needlessly shoehorning in all of these lame cosmetics.

[–]Woolmarket213 76 points77 points  (25 children)

I enjoy these kind of games way more when they don’t take themselves seriously.

[–]deathmouse 45 points46 points  (21 children)

oh god i disagree so much. Modern Warfare/Warzone were at their best when they kept that mil-sim aesthetic. Things went downhill when Black Ops started adding cartoon characters.

[–]PlayMp1 13 points14 points  (20 children)

There's a bunch of pretty popular milsims, why not just play one of those?

[–]MindForsaken 20 points21 points  (3 children)

You beat me to it. Arma exists, squad, insurgency. There's a few out there for the mil sim nut

[–]Shepherdsfavestore 12 points13 points  (2 children)

Right and I love Insurgency, but I also love CoD’s gameplay too, the aesthetics just got so weird over the past couple years. It’s not going to stop me from playing, but there’s a certain theme the game should stick too, instead of trying to be Fortnite 2.0.

[–]MindForsaken 4 points5 points  (1 child)

We'll have to agree to disagree. I love the wacky shit they add to these games. The player skins are new but let's not act like they haven't added shit like this for a long time. I still remember the snoop dog voice pack for ghosts and that was great

[–]bagboyrebel 5 points6 points  (11 children)

Call of Duty WAS one of those. It's only natural that fans of that style are annoyed at the changes.

[–]bruwin 31 points32 points  (7 children)

COD was never milsim. It was the arcade experience to Battlefields more serious experience. But even bf wasn't true milsim.

[–]bagboyrebel 18 points19 points  (5 children)

But it was a relatively serious game. It's the aesthetic that people are complaining about.

[–]MrEpicFerret 14 points15 points  (0 children)

The multiplayer aesthetic of the CoD series hasn't taken itself seriously since Modern Warfare 3 in like 2011, every CoD since has had wacky maps, guns or skins or a combination of all three.

The campaigns take themselves seriously for the aesthetic that they are in, but the multiplayer has not even once pretended to care about sticking to the original aesthetic for nearly a decade.

[–]_freeheeler_ 4 points5 points  (3 children)

Golden Guns in COD4, MW2 had goofy player banners like Joint Ops, Nazi zombies in WaW, it's never been that serious.

[–]PlayMp1 5 points6 points  (2 children)

CoD was never, ever a milsim. From COD1 it was arcadey.

[–]bagboyrebel 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I understand that. We're talking about theme and aesthetics.

[–]suwu_uwu 1 point2 points  (0 children)

in context games like counterstrike and call of duty were definitely more on the "realistic" side of things. bear in mind they were coming off games like unreal tournament and quake 3

[–]LLJKCicero 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Weird, when I saw the title I assumed there was some kind of combat dog partner that you could apply this skin to, not, y'know, your guy being a humanoid dog.

[–]EezoManiac 32 points33 points  (6 children)

My favourite is Judge Dredd and his monochrome variant

[–]_Kamigoye_ 14 points15 points  (5 children)


There was a Judge Dredd skin for CoD?

[–]EezoManiac 11 points12 points  (4 children)

Fuck yeah

[–]logosloki 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Fuck. Now I want to play.

[–]zsxdflip 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Think it was a limited time skin, you can’t get it anymore

[–]kevlarus80 3 points4 points  (0 children)

What the actual fuck

[–]amalgam_reynolds 6 points7 points  (0 children)

That's how all games that rely on selling skins end up. The longer the game is out, the weirder the skins get.

[–]Atranox 30 points31 points  (6 children)

My friends and I switched over to Fortnite a couple months ago from Warzone, and it's pretty amazing how half of the skins there somehow manage to be less ridiculous than most of the newer stuff Warzone is putting out.

To top it off, Warzone skins are like 3-4x the price.

[–]Keeping_Secrets 36 points37 points  (4 children)

To top it off even more, you can't see your skin in Warzone and other FPS games. I've never understood why people spend so much money on something only other people can see. In Fortnite at least I get to enjoy my skins.

[–]sector3011 5 points6 points  (1 child)

yep that is why fortnite will always be 3rd person view

[–]turmspitzewerk 1 point2 points  (0 children)

fortnite can stay without a first person mode, just let me flip my damn camera over the shoulder like every other third person shooter. right hand advantage is fucking stupid.

[–]Miami_Vice-Grip 6 points7 points  (7 children)

Have we already forgotten MW2 and those unlockable banners? They've had "out there" stuff for like a decade at least

[–]Om_Nom_Zombie 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Out there stuff on a players profile/banner is worlds away from out there stuff being playable characters in what used to be a fairly grounded shooter visually.

[–]pichael288 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Those were like nameplates. Also MW2 had the option for animated clan tags. For whatever reason you had to enter the code (it was like (..+.) And the + would move around, while using a lag switch because it wouldn't work otherwise.

[–]acidphosphate69 4 points5 points  (2 children)

A silly banner is so much different than actual humanoid dogs for player models that I'm unsure why you thought bringing that up mattered.

[–]Shepherdsfavestore 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Those are pretty minor…and most players used them to brag about how many kills they’ve had with a certain gun or something. MW2 was hardly “out there” at all.

[–]BlazeDrag 662 points663 points  (21 children)

Wow yeah there's like zero room for debate here. There's like not a single detail off to be disputed and so many little details that are exactly the same. Like whoever the artist was didn't even try to change anything to hide it.

[–]RadicalLackey 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Others have said it elsewhere, but it's not that obvious (legally).

The fact that both are Samoyeds is a clear similarity, but the entirety of the outfit is not copyright protected (because it's just generic tactical stuff). What's key is how it's protected as a whole: there aren't a lot of Samoyed soldier designs out there, so this could be considered original.

Activision could reply saying that dogs in soldier outfits is not enough of a protected concept, but it's hard to argue the similarities to the artist's specific design aren't there.

Here's the problem for the artist:

  1. They need to lawyer up. Appealing to social media helps, but Activision won't do a thing if they know the issue has no consequences.

  2. The artist needs to register the work. In the U.S. ,while your art is copyright protected the moment you put it on a tangible medium, you NEED to register it to sue.

The artist will need to commit money into both of these things.

[–]Ohh_Yeah 6 points7 points  (1 child)

The artist will need to commit money into both of these things.

The artist may be able to find someone willing to do it for free if the lawyer feels they have a strong case to get money out of it

[–]RadicalLackey 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That's a big if, because Activision is a big company, they can drag the proceeding, and it's mostly a civil issue. It's a lot easier to find Pro Bono lawyers for criminal or civil rights issues. I bet there's a good amount of money involved in the sales of that skin, but it may or may not be worth fighting for years.

[–]Jelly_Mac 260 points261 points  (24 children)

Plagiarism aside, these skins are getting ridiculous. Last time I played warzone one the newest skin was the Alex Zedra one, sure a little out of place running around in a tank top but now it’s a literal dog???

[–]robotmayo 145 points146 points  (3 children)

This is always going to happen to these types of games. There are only so many variants of camo and bearded man in sunglass with headset you can make.

[–]Geistbar 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Honestly just live service games in general.

I used to play a ton of Path of Exile, and the cosmetics got increasingly ridiculous. One of them was a literal clown cosmetic pack — and it started off as a loot box too.

[–]Mystia 4 points5 points  (0 children)

PoE cosmetics for me have the opposite issue. For like 4 years now it feels like every league's featured supporter pack skins were just "golden holy angel man" and "black-red edgelord demon". There's barely any stuff if you want to dress up thematically for your build, like ice, poison, lightning, etc.

[–]Bocephuss 91 points92 points  (8 children)

Sounds like you haven't played WZ since it came out then.

The skins are the least of its issues since they got rid of Verdansk.

I do like fortunes keep though.

[–]Shepherdsfavestore 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Fortune’s keep brought my buddies and I all back in. I don’t feel the need to play the meta at all to be successful on that map.

We are patiently waiting for WZ2 though

[–]Jelly_Mac 21 points22 points  (6 children)

I played a little warzone when Vanguard released and I don’t remember any player models that were straight-up jarring to look at. Some strange gun skins but those aren’t too hard to ignore.

If modern warfare 2 has literal animals running around I’m not gonna buy it.

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Modern warfare 2 will have "immersive" skins at launch so people like you will buy the game, and then the cosmetics will get progressively more wacky over time.

[–]PublicWest 6 points7 points  (0 children)

They won’t have those until late in the game cycle. They wait until everyone buys it, then squeeze out all the whales when they’re the only ones still playing.

[–]mcslackens 18 points19 points  (1 child)

and here I am thinking "Wasn't planning on buying MW2, but I'm on board if I get to be a kitty"

[–]TheeAJPowell 13 points14 points  (1 child)

They've really taken an absurd leap in the past two games. Like, MW'19 and the start of Warzone, they were mostly grounded in reality. Now it just feels like Fornite-lite.

[–]ismashugood 5 points6 points  (0 children)

That’s because they switched developers. Infinity ward was the dev for all the more realistic stuff. I forget who they gave the warzone keys to, but all the other cod developers make super 90s arcade type shit. Not my cup of tea, so I stopped playing when warzone took a noticeable nose dive in quality.

[–]aroundme 8 points9 points  (2 children)

What sucks is they don't start introducing this level of whackyness until the game has been out for a bit. But they have been getting kooky with the skins earlier and earlier in the game's lives. MW was pretty lowkey for several months before anything wonky came out. BOCW was kinda goofy from the start but not too bad, quickly got stupid. Vanguard came out the gate swinging with totally-not-WWII shit that looks ugly as sin, and now we have literal furries. Hoping MWII holds back on this garbage for as long as possible.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Honestly if your multiplayer game isn't even trying with lore and world building I couldn't care less about these types of skins.

Now for example this would be far more jarring in something like Apex or Valorant but in Warzone who really cares?

[–]DrQuint 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We're in a post-Fortnite world. Every game is now TF2 2011.

[–]usaokay 97 points98 points  (8 children)

Weird to plagarise an art when the internet and social media exist; and that you're making something for one of the largest and well known brands in the world, so definitely someone in the world will be like "Hey! I've seen this somewhere else before!"

The person who lied to their supervisor and passed the artwork as their own will most likely never work in the industry ever again.

I hope Activision just issues a public apology, but most done so far is removing the promo pics of the cosmetic. Speaking of which, the outfit looks cool and I hope they just pay off the artist for the rights.

Edit: I was right and below poster didn't get what they hope for lmao. When it comes to big corporations and laws, this is what it can mostly amount into.

[–]BADxW0LF1 101 points102 points  (5 children)

I hope Activision just issues a public apology

Just a public apology? How about either compensation for using the artist's work or fully removing the cosmetic? JUST a public apology would not be good enough.

[–]Barnyard_Pussy 24 points25 points  (1 child)

compensation for using the artist's work or fully removing the cosmetic?

Both, otherwise it encourages them to keep stealing and only pay when they're caught. Anybody who purchased the skin should be fully refunded as well, not some bullshit codcoins.

[–]DMonitor 6 points7 points  (0 children)

They haven’t even sold the cosmetic yet. They just announced it, and have since pulled the announcement (as per the article)

[–]skylla05 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The person who lied to their supervisor and passed the artwork as their own will most likely never work in the industry ever again

Except it was probably outsourced to another company in another country where they were already paid and really don't give a shit.

[–]GossamerSolid 124 points125 points  (37 children)

See if normal people plagiarized call of duty materials and were selling them, we'd get a huge fine that ruins us financially.

Activision will just do whatever they want and get a slap on the wrist.

[–]Grammaton485 14 points15 points  (7 children)

I give major props to any online artist, becuase even as just a casual outside observer, I'm hard-pressed to find an artist whose work hasn't been pirated, stolen, traced, redistributed, etc, without their consent.

And more often than not, getting that artwork taken down is a fruitless attempt. The thief can simply block you from seeing their account, making the process harder, you may not be made aware of the piracy until well after the fact, or in some cases, you need to supply personal information that gets back to the pirate/thief in order to get it taken down.

[–]lycao 17 points18 points  (5 children)

I'm hard-pressed to find an artist whose work hasn't been pirated, stolen, traced, redistributed, etc, without their consent.

I'm a professional artist (Comic book artist/illustrator.) and can say with absolute certainty that it's very much the exception to have your art stolen, not the rule. 99%+ of artists out there won't have their art stolen (Just getting your art seen in the first place is an uphill battle.), the real problem lies in how difficult it is for that 1% to discover their art was stolen in the first place.

And more often than not, getting that artwork taken down is a fruitless attempt. The thief can simply block you from seeing their account, making the process harder...

There's no reason to go to the person posting it, you would go to the site hosting it with something like a DMCA notice, then the site will go after the thief. They'll more often than not do something about it after that. If not, then they open themselves up to all kinds of legal recourse, which is why Youtube is notorious for being so knee jerk when it comes to DMCA claims.

or in some cases, you need to supply personal information that gets back to the pirate/thief in order to get it taken down.

Never once heard of someone needing to provide personal information to get stolen artwork removed (Not saying it's never happened, I've just never seen a case of it.). Also, if you provided personal information to the website and that somehow leaked back to the person on the other end of the dispute without your knowledge/consent, that would be grounds for legal action in and of it self against the intermediary/website. Privacy laws exist, and depending where you are, have steep consequences for anyone who breaks them.

[–]SpeckTech314 3 points4 points  (2 children)

Yeah, about that last part… per twitter

Filing a DMCA complaint is the start of a pre-defined legal process. Your complaint will be reviewed for accuracy, validity, and completeness. If your complaint has satisfied these requirements, we will take action on your request - which includes forwarding a full copy of your notice (including your name, address, phone and email address) to the user(s) who posted the allegedly infringing material in question.


[–]Onar_Koma 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Are these skins gonna transfer to warzone 2?

[–]stranger666 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No, it's a complete reset of all this stuff back to normal, same with any loadouts/weapon skins

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Ridiculous and hideously awful plagiarism aside a "Fluffy Dog Soldiers" pvp FPS is now a game I really want to exist.

[–]Castun 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Call of Duty: Dogs of War

[–]FilthyPleasant 24 points25 points  (16 children)

Can at least 1 military franchise be left alone with the shitty skins? like regardless of the plagiarism this is not a good look for COD.

[–]hohihohi 53 points54 points  (7 children)

You are way late on the train if you're thinking this is the first ridiculous skin they've had

[–]AveryLazyCovfefe 14 points15 points  (5 children)

Yes, you’re left with hardcore mil-sims like Insurgency and Hell Let Loose as well as Squad(PC only)

[–]Hammer_Of_Discipline 8 points9 points  (0 children)

They tried sticking to Mil-Sim operators in MW2019 but no one was buying them.

If these weren’t selling they wouldn’t be around, but I agree I’m not a fan either.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At least we got Squad still

[–]GetReadyToJob 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hard for billion dollar companies to come up with Skin Designs you know.

Im convinced at this point devs at Activision dont actually work on their games, they just created soem algorithm that makes sure to maxixmize profits.

[–]Uallyn 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This game has just gone so far off the rails, they don’t care though because there are plenty of dipshits that love the micro transactions

[–]Venicebitch03 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Bruh, they could've changed the color at least or something, you'd think it would be obvious someone would notice.

[–]RimMeDaddy 3 points4 points  (2 children)

fuck i wish there was an option to turn off all these dogshit zoomer skins. any immersion you are granted in a shooter is ripped away within 6 months when the devs start selling literal clown skins.

[–]hareb-serap 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well said RimMeDaddy