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[–]Notanidiot67 1038 points1039 points  (28 children)

Can't wait to see the golden parachute she gets from fucking up.

I wish I was rich enough to constantly fail upwards.

Must be fuckin nice.

[–]Shabloopie 48 points49 points  (2 children)

She’s getting around 350k each month as a consultant until like January or February so that’s cool

[–]AllDayIPADude 19 points20 points  (1 child)

Consulting?, on what?, how to drive a business into the ground?

[–]Old_Tomorrow5247 10 points11 points  (0 children)

“Listen to my advice, then do the opposite “!

[–]SparkStormrider 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Yeah no kidding. If tanking the business by 32% for two years means you get a golden parachute, hell I should sell my services to their board of directors. I can tank the company by twice that and in half the time! Vote me in!

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 1780 points1781 points  (143 children)

Could it be because they refused to dispense mifepristone in states where it’s legal? Could it be because of that, California prisons canceled their pharmacy contract and they lost $$?

[–]Stillprotesting62 809 points810 points  (61 children)

Amazing how everyone sidesteps THIS fact

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 348 points349 points  (59 children)

We are Californians, hear us roar. :)

[–]Sucitraf 386 points387 points  (9 children)

Our roar is known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.

[–]mechwarrior719 82 points83 points  (2 children)

Is that only because that collective roar contains just enough volatile organic compound particles per million that it COULD increase cancer risk?

[–]NeonGKayak 21 points22 points  (1 child)

No, just that they dont want to check so it's easier to slap the label on it

[–]Distitan 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Damn, the Californians got their cancer warning labels on here now too!? I knew reddit was cancer, but knowing it may increase my chance for cancer to that state is heartbreaking.

[–]Notanidiot67 121 points122 points  (44 children)

California alone qualifies to be in the G8 if separated from the US. 5th largest economy in the world.

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 13 points14 points  (39 children)

We should secede.

[–]largeuglyogre 62 points63 points  (9 children)

A group of states attempted that before. Didn't end well for them.

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 20 points21 points  (7 children)

My DH reminds me frequently. you don’t think they’d let us go and say “good riddance”? I see so much California hate out there.

[–]Kestralisk 85 points86 points  (2 children)

I see so much California hate out there.

It's mostly rightwing reactionary bullshit. CA is a way better state than most, but there are very real problems with it such as housing (because it's too capitalist, not cause its a socialist dystopia like FOX tries to say). I've lived in piece of shit small western towns/cities and the people there who don't do shit are always complaining about Californians lol.

For the record I'm from the midwest originally so don't have a dog in the fight.

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I’m from CA. Ive lived all over the world. I always return home to the SF Bay Area. I have 3 dogs. (But they don’t hunt).

[–]-1KingKRool- 9 points10 points  (2 children)

It’s in Uncle Sam’s best interest to not allow anyone to secede, as that would likely crack the apparent unbreakable bond that holds the states together, that is, the Feds.

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I thought the same about the UK. Looks like Scotland is going to try again.

[–]stateworkishardwork 3 points4 points  (2 children)

If we secede, good luck to the Democrats in the general election!

[–]PuzzleheadedCandy484 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think it will take a little longer than the next election. I only see doing it if the Dems lose. Interesting, the State of Jefferson (very conservative region) have been advocating secession for years.

[–]JARL_OF_DETROIT 2 points3 points  (0 children)

But Republicans won't let you forget about Busch stock.

[–]tokyo_engineer_dad 164 points165 points  (12 children)

I interviewed with them recently, and they're such a shit show. What went on in my interview is peanuts compared to the serious things you said, but still pretty indicative that they have very serious management problems. I interviewed for a corporate role, too, just so it's clear. You wouldn't believe how garbage their corporate structure and lack of consistency is. Just a complete mess.

[–]captcha_trampstamp 105 points106 points  (5 children)

Unfortunately the big 3 pharmacies completely fucking bungled millions in free government money during Covid, and they keep trying to operate like they did during the feast times.

[–]Darigaazrgb 57 points58 points  (4 children)

A lot of companies act like this and they didn’t even get free government money. My company handed out bonuses like candy during COVID because they got nothing but profit with low expenditures. Then comes 2022 and they weren’t able to beat COVID profits so they were like “why can’t we do better than when we had an absolute advantage over everything and nobody was using the services they were paying monthly for?”

Apparently smart people.

[–]specialkang 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Yeah, a lot of these biotech companies make me scratch my head. Like did the executives think covid was going to continue forever? Like 2023, and they are cost cutting because they are short a billion this year because they are not selling a lot of covid tests and related things. How do you not forecast that?

[–]TrimspaBB 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Everyone thinks quarterly in sales environments where profits are expected to go up quarter after quarter or else. Of course, when things go sour it's departmentfuls of low level employees that get canned and not the ones at the top who failed to live in reality.

[–]nightpanda893 35 points36 points  (1 child)

I feel like so many big companies, especially brick and mortar retail, have been coasting on their size and the convenience they offer for decades. They’ve never felt a need to be lean and have strong management. Now people are relying less and less on them and they don’t have a strong enough corporate structure to respond.

[–]Krogsly 6 points7 points  (0 children)

WAG been cutting for years now. They're just clueless.

[–]PrincessNakeyDance 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Yeah and it’s sucks because in the last few years they took over every rite aid location. They suck so bad, but somehow also successful?

[–]ramennoodle 100 points101 points  (10 children)

I stopped shopping at Walgreens long before that. They have a crazy policy where employees can refuse to sell birth control based on the employee's personal beliefs.

[–]ServantOfBeing 37 points38 points  (0 children)

They have a crazy policy where employees can refuse to sell birth control based on the employee's personal beliefs beefs.

Sounds more on point. People are taking personal shit out on others.

[–]ohlookahipster 25 points26 points  (7 children)

It’s like that at every pharm. Plenty of techs and pharmDs will refuse to fill for personal reasons whether it’s BC or C2s.

Being on a controlled substance means getting a lot of flak at the pick up counter.

It’s weird. An NP will have no issues ordering a C2 but the pharmD on the other end of the escript portal will see you as an addict or dealer.

Just check out the CVS subreddit if you want good rage bait… they think every woman is a slut and every patient is an addict or committing insurance fraud.

[–]Levonorgestrelfairy1 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Parmacits know more about drugs than the prescribing doc. Certainly more than a NP.

They are also bound by various state and federal regulations.

Back during the paxlovid days most perscribers were sending patients over without doing the required tests to see it was safe for the patient as an example.

[–]DextersDrkPassenger_ 44 points45 points  (17 children)

My wife worked for Walgreens in management for 20 years. About 5 years or so back, it was purchased by a guy from Europe. He pulled some shady capitalism and bought it with Walgreens own money. Ever since it’s been one bad decision after another. She left the company a couple years ago, and they lost probably 60-70% of their longtime staff since it changed owners (at least in our area).

[–]Skyrick 63 points64 points  (13 children)

This is a pretty common acquisition tactic in the US. You take out a loan to purchase the company and then transfer the loan balance to said company. It transfers all of the risk away from the venture capitalist, while they can feed on the profit. Either the company pays off its loans and they make a fortune, or they don’t and the losses are spun off so that the capitalist doesn’t lose anything. This is famously what killed Toys R Us.

[–]glytchypoo 57 points58 points  (2 children)

This feels like it should be super illegal

[–]potatohats 18 points19 points  (1 child)

I moved my prescriptions from Walgreens exactly because of this.

I mean, everything else was a hassle there too, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

[–]vpblackheart 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I began boycotting Walgreens a few years ago because they allowed pharmacists to refuse to fill PlanB prescriptions.

[–]dman928 26 points27 points  (0 children)

I stopped shopping at Walgreens for this very reason

[–]ManfredTheCat 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I stopped going to Walgreens after that

[–]Fuzzy_Calligrapher71 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Perhaps something to do with making billions but having to pay billions for killing tens of thousands with opioids? https://www.npr.org/2022/12/13/1142416718/cvs-walgreens-opioid-crisis-settlement

[–]Direbat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I stopped using Walgreens on principle because of this. I read a story about how a women couldn’t get her birth control because the Walgreens employee refused to do it because of religious something or other. I was like hell no and refuse to go there ever again.

[–]rohlinxeg 305 points306 points  (10 children)

That's cool. I presume this is because I clicked the unsubscribe button on their emails and they told me it would take 10 days to remove me, but it's been TWO MONTHS Walgreens, and I'm STILL getting your emails.

I appreciate him taking responsibility.

[–]Erlkings 79 points80 points  (2 children)

Pretty sure they could be fined for this most courts would deem past 30 days reasonable to stop email contact when they tell you it takes half the time, probably some kind of harassment law you could use to sue.

[–]Rogue-Journalist 35 points36 points  (1 child)

Can spam law is 10 days, but it’s never been enforced.

[–]Erlkings 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Usually laws like that fall on the consumer to do the legwork unless you got a big class action it’s your problem nobody else’s. Unfortunately

[–]EDMSauce_Erik 22 points23 points  (0 children)

If this is true, and documented, you could have an insane fine for them. Like $1000 per email after 2 weeks from asking for removal.

[–]cold-corn-dog 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Report Spam

If nothing helps, and you’re still bombed by spammers, report spam to all authorized institutions.

Forward the entire spam message:

to the Federal Trade Commission ([spam@uce.gov](mailto:spam@uce.gov))

[–]Fuzzy_Calligrapher71 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Ex CEO of Walgreens Roz Brewer identifies as a woman.

It’s understandable you made the mistake, because CEOs and corporate criminals are disproportionately male.

[–]TheBirdBytheWindow 871 points872 points  (87 children)

Was she instrumental in ruling that Walgreens pharmacists could refuse to serve customers wanting birth control?

If so, may she live in an unemployment line for eternity.

[–]UncannyTarotSpread 359 points360 points  (44 children)

Or for the chronic and constant understaffing of those stores?

[–]Gravelsack 188 points189 points  (26 children)

This was why I quit after 17 years. When I started we would have the store manager, assistant manager, 3 shift leads, a photo person, a cosmetics person, an inventory specialist, a fully staffed pharmacy, a cashier and a breaker. That was every shift.

When I left it was me (shift lead) and a cashier.

And of course they wanted to keep adding to the services we provided, so for years I was constantly doing more with less until finally I snapped and walked out. Fuck that place. Terrible company that nobody should work for.

[–]UncannyTarotSpread 85 points86 points  (18 children)

Here we had multiple pharmacy closures (Kmart and the like), and Walgreens kept slashing their staff until it was a skeleton crew and then started trying to peel the bones.

[–]Gravelsack 85 points86 points  (17 children)

The best part was when the shoplifting skyrocketed during the pandemic so their response was to lock up almost literally every single product so I also had to run around the store unlocking shit on top of everything else. We had the fucking febreeze air freshener plug-ins locked up ffs.

I don't mean to brag but I was basically the only thing keeping my store afloat and I have been told by former customers who I'm still friendly with that after I left they had to stop shopping there because it got so bad. I don't know how they're still in business.

[–]smashkraft 48 points49 points  (5 children)

More and more companies are trending in this direction. It’s really all skeleton crews from the front to the back of most operations.

[–]Eldetorre 27 points28 points  (0 children)

The reality is most upper level execs and administration could be skeleton crews.

[–]UncannyTarotSpread 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I can believe it. The Enshittification continues.

[–]Witchgrass 5 points6 points  (4 children)

Shoplifting didn't actually skyrocket tho did it

[–]sluttttt 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It sounds like they not only bought up a bunch of Rite Aids, but also copied their business model. I worked for RA for half a decade and it was usually just two people working most of the time. Three was a treat because that meant that you could take a lunch without being paged to do something. I actually quit just before Walgreens started expanding in my area, which is part of what killed the location I worked at. Everyone started going to the shiny new Walgreens, but I get the vibe from both your comment and my own shopping trips there that it's not the superior option anymore.

[–]LilysTheorbo 2 points3 points  (4 children)

LMAO I went to get prescrptions transferred to Walgreens. I waited on line TWO HOURS. Then like a week later they still didn't transfer it so I said fuck it. FOUR locations in the city were all eternal wait times according ot google review. I went there the other day to buy deoderant and I pressed the "call staff" button because they locked women's deoderant behind glass. I waited 15m and nobody came despite rinigng it a few times. Just walked out. They didn't have money to hire staff besides the security guard that sat at the entrance doing fuck all.

[–]TheBirdBytheWindow 201 points202 points  (5 children)

Or the low pay and poor benefits?

[–]WhatLikeAPuma751 50 points51 points  (0 children)

You obviously forgot those are all requirements for a retail job.

/s, I worked in retail hell for too long

[–]mrwaltwhiteguy 13 points14 points  (0 children)

No, no, NO! It’s the absolute corner of happy AND healthy. Don’t you just feel yourself brimming with happiness and healthiness???

I know during my brief tenure there I didn’t and Fuuuuuuuuuck those people running that place and it’s board. All of ‘em!

[–]kobold-kicker 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What benefits?

[–]darkhorsehance 29 points30 points  (0 children)

TIL there were workers at Walgreens. I always thought it was that one lady who does all the jobs at once.

[–]Fickle_Competition33 8 points9 points  (6 children)

This is very true. I live in WA State and we have a very large local pharmacy chain called Bartell's. It used to be an excellent store with pristine service. Since Walgreens acquired them 4 years ago or something, they've become the biggest garbage of a pharmacy I've visited.

[–]BrownEggs93 42 points43 points  (0 children)

She got a golden handshake. She's wealthier than most of us. She's just fine, even without a soul.

[–]GUMBYtheOG 7 points8 points  (1 child)

She will be selling MyComforter with Mike by next week

[–]gatoaffogato 7 points8 points  (0 children)

She’ll be living in a palatial estate and forgetting that the rest of us not hyper-wealthy folks exist (except when we’re the help)

[–]Aretirednurse 93 points94 points  (2 children)

How about taking better care of the overworked pharmacist? The new CEO should address this.

[–]drrxhouse 17 points18 points  (0 children)

That’s not what the shareholders care about though…

Hardly any big retail chain pharmacy treat their pharmacists any better, which isn’t a good thing for patient care. Trust me as patients, you’re a lot better off with happy, experienced and relatively “independent” pharmacists…

[–]Mr-Segundus 413 points414 points  (17 children)

They’ve had a lot of issues. Their stores are constantly understaffed and it takes forever to pick up a prescription. They lied about thefts as a major cause for shrink. They don’t dispense legal abortion medication in red states that banned abortion.

I wouldn’t be upset if they went bankrupt, TBH.

[–]caverunner17 27 points28 points  (1 child)

Also, higher prescription prices (at least for me) than WalMart, and the rest of the general items are more expensive than WalMart, Target or even my local grocery store.

They are like Ace Hardware - If there happens to be one that's significantly closer than another store I might stop to grab something, but otherwise I'd rather just go to a big store and save the $

[–]Justin__D 83 points84 points  (6 children)

And don't forget those stupid screens that they replaced the far cheaper and more functional plain windows on freezers with.

I mean... I'm still there basically every day because it's right across the street from me and by far my most convenient option when I need basic shit, but... I wish they'd get their shit together.

[–]theKetoBear 29 points30 points  (2 children)

This is still so confusing to me, why replace a clear piece of glass with a TV screen when all I want from there is a $3 bottle of water ?

[–]skrame 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Because half of the shelves are empty, but they want you to see the refreshing potential.

[–]Lovely-Ashes 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I've heard people argue these changes were so they could put more advertising.

[–]Sargonnax 143 points144 points  (27 children)

I have an employee who works for them as a second job. If what she tells me is true, then working for them is a nightmare. Horrifically understaffed, and everyone quits leaving a skeleton crew to run the entire store.

I personally rarely go to Walgreens these days. No real reason to most of the time. They are only useful when you want to get in and out with a few items instead of going to a big grocery store, or maybe to get a prescription. I get my toothpaste, mouthwash, etc, from Amazon. I think I've gone into a Walgreens 2-3 times in the last year.

[–]crappercreeper 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Their prices tend to be more than grocery stores these days and not worth it, for me at least. It helps it is in the grocery store parking lot and that chain does not do in store pharmacies.

[–]constituent 9 points10 points  (1 child)

By extension, they ditched their standard weekly advertisement. Instead of the flip-page layout like any other retailer, Walgreens introduced a horribly disjointed mess. Should one do comparison shopping or looking to see what's on sale, Walgreens' weekly ad is very consumer-unfriendly.

With any other store, you can eyeball products by quickly scrolling through the standard layout. "Oh, milk is on sale." or "Hey, look, they have a deal on paper towels.", etc. But their updated website? To find *anything* which might be featured, you either have to doom scroll or apply various filters.

From a marketing standpoint, the flip-page style may permit consumers to see other sale items which may draw customers into the store. Along with your standard shopping list, that may encourage the consumer to deviate and shop for additional items. Instead, they now feature this doom-scrolling, dynamic-load catastrophe. To add more grief, their 'ad' doesn't even tell you the product size (e.g. 16-oz., 180 capsules, 50 sheets, etc.) of what's being featured. To learn about that info, you have to click every individual sale item. It's rubbish.

Staffing is especially bad in the mornings. Sometimes there are only two people on duty -- a cashier and a floor manager. If there is a bottleneck for whatever reason (e.g. customer return, price dispute, +21 age purchase, etc.), then everything is thrown for a loop. The poor clerk is slamming that "I SEE THREE" button, the floor manager is nowhere to be found, and the line grows. Worse when the manager is MIA because they're doing stock, responding to locked-up items (*Ding* "Customer assistance is needed in ... BATH NEEDS."), or fielding external phone calls.

Of course, scheduling isn't the fault of the underlings. All of that is maintained by a very out-of-touch Corporate, which permits bare bones efficient operations. And it's the store employees receiving the flack.

Like you said, Walgreens is just not worth it. Too many barriers for the consumer.

[–]carpet111 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Working there is a nightmare, they tack on new things for us to do constantly without giving us more people. The 10 people at our store who actually do all of the work are spread so thin that it's a wonder that we're staffed at all.

[–]mentalxkp 47 points48 points  (14 children)

My doctor sent a prescription to Walgreens in error. It was routine, but it took me 3 days of showing up to actually get it. I showed up on a Saturday, but they shut the window on me as I walked up to the counter to close for lunch. Came back 55 minutes later and the line was 11 people deep already. Waited through that just so they could hand me someone else's prescription. That place is a shit show.

[–]cajonero 28 points29 points  (5 children)

About a decade ago Walgreens almost killed my mother by misreading her prescription and giving her 10x the dose she was supposed to receive. (She is okay now and ended up settling with them out of court)

[–]Tx600 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Same here!!! My dad was taking heart meds and I went to pick up his prescription for him. Brought it home and he was looking it over, and noticed it was for someone else with the same last name. He called them furious. He said if they had given his correct prescription to this woman, or someone else, and they took it they would die. It was serious stuff.

[–]107er 10 points11 points  (3 children)

“I’m mad because they closed for lunch and I was too damn lazy to check the hours before arriving”. How old are you?

[–]israeljeff 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Clearly they should have ate into their tiny lunch break to help this guy, and the seven other people that would have walked up behind him.

[–]Flamingpotato100 8 points9 points  (0 children)

There’s one pharmacist, one manager that is stuck doing paperwork and spreadsheets all day, and one cashier to attend to customers. Every time I’m at Walgreens it’s always a 30 min + line.

[–]MonsieurVox 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Same. There's a Walgreens right around the corner from my neighborhood so it's convenient to stop in there for a quick couple items (milk, bread, ice cream, whatever), but past that, there's just no reason to go there. It's essentially one step up from a proper convenience store. The staff clearly doesn't want to be there and the poor cashiers are usually responsible for stocking, staffing the photo department, and checking people out. So most of the time I go in there I have to stand near the registers (no self check outs at this location) awkwardly and wait for the cashier to return from their voyage to pay for my items.

I stopped filling my prescriptions there entirely when, during the pandemic, they had people doing drive through COVID tests... and had them sit there in the line for the 10-15 minutes it took to get results. So everyone who was in line to pick up a prescription had to wait in an insanely long time for No-Smell Nelson to get his COVID results back.

[–]KinshasaPR 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I think this varies by location. There's one right across the street from my place and they're always well staffed. They have 2 cashiers at all times during the day shift and one "utility employee" helping the stocking crew and in charge of the photo counter.

I was told by one of the employees that the only positions they have problems filling up is the overnight shift since they receive trucks on a daily basis and employees have to shift between working said truck and manning the front end.

[–]vixenpeon 5 points6 points  (0 children)

So true. On the last day I worked there my racist manager was all up my ass. The only 2 other workers left due to emergencies. I was on my 15, told my husband to call the store hollering about all hell breaking loose.

Me: oh shit I gotta go

Manager: 😰 but but

Me: last day. Byyyyeeeeee

Best day ever

[–]tokyo_engineer_dad 83 points84 points  (6 children)

So, I'll share my Walgreens corporate interview experience here.

I was contacted by an internal recruiter for them. I have a lot of experience in e-commerce software and very high MAU services, and the recruiter was looking specifically for this.

I was very transparent with them that I was only considering remote roles or hybrid in my area of Southern California. I'm not desperate for a job and have a job now. So it's not like u either take a job and relocate or my family is homeless. The recruiter assured me they were considering remote candidates, and it was even in the title of her LinkedIn message!

I was scheduled for an interview, and the first one went well. I really liked the guy I talked to, who would basically be the tech lead on my team. That went well, and the recruiter told me I'd move to the next round.

The next interview was abruptly changed, not only the date but the person. Recruiter called me after the change and told me the manager to interview me had to take leave for a medical reason but had delegated his interviews to another manager who he trusted to make the call on hiring. I asked if she was sure because if I'm gonna have to interview with Manager A anyway, I'd rather just wait. I do the interview with Manager B, and it goes well. She tells me the next step is for finance to approve my offer.

And then she calls me and says "are you SURE you wouldn't be willing to relocate? Again, because we interviewed you and everyone in your cohort for remote, your job is super safe as remote, but I thought I'd just float the idea of relocating to near a tech hub... But seriously you don't have to! But would you?" I thought "oh, fuck... I've got a bad feeling about this."

Then I get a calendar invite for Manager A for 30 minutes. Um what? I call the recruiter because she didn't call this time. "Am I being interviewed again?" And she says no, it's NOT an interview at all. Don't worry, it's just a casual face to face. He wants to get to know his new team members now that he's back from leave. Okay, whatever. I go into the Zoom, the third question is literally, "can you tell me about a time you had a difficult coworker and how you resolved the iss-" it's a fucking interview! And after I went through 3-4 STAR questions, he dropped relocation on me! He said it like a darn script too. "As you are probably aware, Walgreens is a top retail pharmaceutical business with a variety of tech hubs in popular locations of the United States, such as Seattle and Chicago..." after his spiel, I told him, no I don't want to relocate, but if I had absolutely no choice in the matter, I lose my California job and no one else will hire me, I suppose I'd be willing to relocate to Chicago or Seattle but it'd have to be after maybe six months minimum and after I work long enough to have trust that I won't just be abandoned after relocating. He says, "excellent, so you can relocate to our Chicago office six months after you start?" Wtf were you even LISTENING to me? I actually, physically, face palmed on Zoom and triple explained to him that I won't relocate, but if later in the future after starting, something changes and I can't find a new job to stay in California, I'd think about it.

I for sure would have my offer rescinded, I believed. I was waiting for the apology call about them deciding I wasn't a good fit. But even after all that, the recruiter said they wanted to hire me.

And then a few days later they pulled my offer because management decided to only hire people who were willing to relocate.

The team I interviewed is about to have serious problems, because the tech lead I interviewed with specifically told me that he will quit if they return to office.

[–]EgoDefeator 37 points38 points  (2 children)

yeah thats some bs. They are fishing with a larger net by pretending the remote work is an option when in reality it isn't for them at least. Sorry they put you through that.

[–]Mrsnerd2U 14 points15 points  (1 child)

I dont understand why these companies lie about remote/hybrid work. It is a waste of everyone's time. I assume some really desperate people might cave and take a job in an office against their will but they likely won't stay long term.

[–]Lovely-Ashes 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's interesting. I interviewed with them for a tech position a while back, too. I believe one of my interviewers was an ex-Amazon employee. I assume he had been laid off, but I didn't ask. He claimed they were hiring a lot of remote developers, and I believe he was on the west coast.

My interview was a bit of a nightmare. A recruiter who contacted me would constantly blow up my phone. I know I am not prepared for certain types of interviews. I asked what types of interviews they did, and it sounded like I'd be OK. Anyway, he told me what to prepare for. When I went to the interview, it was nothing like he told me it would be. I was pretty pissed, and he didn't respond to any messages afterwards.

I got the impression they were pretty unorganized. I know they have a new CTO who fired all their contractors/consultants. Supposedly they were slowing rebuilding, but I'm curious what their progress is like, and how this will impact them. I assumed they had deep pockets and were picking up talent from big tech companies, but who knows how it's really playing out, especially if they are trying to force RTO?

Interesting, thanks for sharing!

[–]TightLines022 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Considering the horrific direction Walgreens has taken in staffing, inventory, and customer service, this is a great thing.

[–]everettmarm 17 points18 points  (0 children)

I was super pissed when I found out that our local Super 1 pharmacy is going to be a Walgreens. Super 1 had low prices on a lot of generics, and my insurance company has contracts with some big pharma companies that only cover brand versions of some of my prescriptions (that's a separate infuriating item altogether), driving the price up.

[–]tafkat 11 points12 points  (2 children)

Good. Maybe they’ll revisit their policy of punishing stores that don’t move volume as well by taking away the employees and hours the store needs to perform better. The stores can’t perform better if they don’t have enough employees to do the work.

[–]Additional_Prune_536 11 points12 points  (0 children)

For all you Walgreens peons out there: In 2021, "Brewer was awarded $28.3 million in compensation — $20.2 million in the form of stock awards."

[–]JohnnyGFX 58 points59 points  (3 children)

She's the one that had Walgreens deny people abortion medication in states where they didn't have to? My family and I put Walgreens on a permanent boycott for that. Still not taking Walgreens off permanent boycott status but glad to see that ghoul step down.

[–]WatchmanVimes 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I don't know what she did but all of the Walgreens by me went from nice to seedy in just a few years. I do know they cut staff to the bone in the actual pharmacy. The lines were ridiculous. Switched last year. No regrets.

[–]BarCompetitive7220 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Walgreens has been looking for a way to remove the stench of spending 50M to be first in line to market the Theranos magic that landed the creator in prison. They appear to be unable to get out of their own way in the march to "keep up with the big players".

[–]Zero_Griever 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Get fucked Walgreens. Still won't ever step inside one with how they caved to Republicans. Let the door hit his ass on the way out.

[–]wrathfulgrape 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I know when we think Walgreens (or CVS for that matter), we just think of the stores.

I think folks need to understand the major $ is coming from their other services such as specialty pharmacy mail order services, Pharmacy Benefit Management, healthcare/urgent care services, etc. Retail has been dropping for years and the race to digitize and capture more of the behind the scenes processes and services is a major priority to keep them profitable.

ETA: Store Operations are clearly an issue but it speaks to where their priorities lie. It is not the stores.

[–]AdjunctAngel 5 points6 points  (0 children)

good.. now maybe there will be someone new who isn't going to allow the refusal of certain medications and birth control. someone who will have such fuck heads removed from the company. after all, refusing business based on political positions is poison for profits. treat your customers like that in any company and you are sure to see that company die. when people go somewhere else for their needs, they don't like the idea of coming back to buy other stuff they need. go far-right and go broke

[–]kev11n 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Where I live almost every single item is locked up now, so you have to wait for assistance in an understaffed store and then when you go to grab the other items in your list you get to do it again and again. So yeah I’m done with that store and it’s definitely not the local employees fault

[–]the_eluder 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If they could just keep some personnel at the register that would be helpful.

[–]Crims0nN0ble 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I worked at Starbucks while she was the head of “partner (employee) relations” and she was disingenuous and terrible then too. She left for Walgreens around the time so many stores stated unionizing, huh. Kinda makes you wonder why. /s

[–]Kid-OK 22 points23 points  (1 child)

The most depressed I had ever been was working for Walgreens fresh out of pharmacy school. I wish the worst for everyone in the company

[–]thekingswitness 2 points3 points  (0 children)

For me it was adding on Covid testing and doing shots for screaming toddlers. Like I am genuinely happy you are getting your child vaccinated but that was the absolute worst.

[–]fleetadmiralj 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Screw walgreens. They bought, and then closed, the only pharmacy within a half hour that wasn't explicitly Christian run. The only saving grace is they have a delivery option for most of their meds

[–]Anonymoustard 58 points59 points  (71 children)

Ever since they pushed out the indy drug stores, the remaining chain chains in my neighborhood all close in the middle of the day for lunch. You know, when people go to get their prescriptions.

e: This isn't about giving workers lunch breaks, that is the law. This is about the drug stores not caring about staffing the Rx counter properly now that they no longer have to compete in the customer service arena having undercut the smaller competition.

[–]TheSpatulaOfLove 137 points138 points  (40 children)

The ability to close for lunch was hard fought. For years, those people got zero breaks and worked long shifts.

Yes, it sucks you can’t pick up your stuff.

[–]tetoffens 36 points37 points  (5 children)

Laws are different everywhere but, in my state, lunches and breaks have always been a thing for them because they're legally mandated.

CVS, for example, said themselves why they're closed for lunch. Staff shortages during COVID, which have not been rolled back post-COVID. Seems like the hard fought thing would be to pay people more so the jobs were more appealing and there wouldn't be shortages. These chains aren't mom and pop shops with two employees that need to shut down services because someone is having lunch.

[–]TheSpatulaOfLove 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Oh I agree they should staff more, I’m just pointing out they have a long history of abusing their pharmacy employees.

[–]dbosse311 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Let's all admit that you're not trying to be rude and that your comment is judging the corporations.

But the person you are responding to was defending retail pharmacists who fought for decades to be able just to sit down for five minutes and eat a sandwich. And the laws for labor were there. But the boom in the market and the ubiquitous policies regarding breaks in all retail pharmacies allowed those people who are responsible for patient safety to be exploited into 12+ hour shifts with no breaks. This went on for decades. I assure you, the DEA, OSHA, and other organizations all knew that not only were the pharmacists working more than legal without a break, but that they also did not meet minimum staffing requirements (# of techs per pharmacist, # of pharmacists per # of scripts...). And now, when pharmacies finally close for lunch customers give shit to the people who spent years slaving to fill their scripts without those lunches.

We all feel like you do, but people need to stop shitting on retail staffers for this stuff. Go elsewhere and leave these poor people alone.

[–]Flavaflavius 16 points17 points  (0 children)

For Walgreens, it's because they only ever have one actual pharmacist on duty (they can't dispense without them; they have to be present by law even though the techs pretty much do everything). So they all take theirs at the same time.

[–]Wisteriafic 26 points27 points  (7 children)

Well-stated. I just looked up my local. The pharmacy is open 9am-8pm, with a break from 1:30-2:00. Wild guess, but I doubt the complainers work 12-hour days that encompass the entire pharmacy shift.

ETA: By “complainers”, I meant the people in this thread whining about lunch breaks “when most people are at work”. Welp, unless they work 12-hour days, they still have plenty of time to go by the pharmacy before or after work, or on the weekends. Sheesh.

[–]rmgonzal 10 points11 points  (0 children)

As someone who works a lot of 12-hour days i have no problem with them taking a break. In fact i'd rather the person dispensing my fucking medicine not be exhausted. Then again, the complainers you mentioned... they're not going home from work exhausted.

[–]sneakybandit1 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Exactly, it's ridiculous if anyone is arguing that the pharmacist doesn't deserve a lunch break. They can try working in a pharmacy for 8, 10, or even 12 hrs with out a break. Stupid.

[–]Ludwigofthepotatoppl 23 points24 points  (11 children)

If they’d properly staff, they could do lunches back-to-back and stay open.

[–]edvek 10 points11 points  (10 children)

They would need 2 pharmacist on staff at that time though. If the pharmacist is off the clock then they cannot dispense medicine. I don't know if that is a state specific rule or a rule nation wide though. I know on FL when they go to lunch the pharmacy is closed. Every pharmacy has a sign that says "closed from X to Y for lunch" or something like that.

[–]kilometr 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At least by me they go on lunch break a bit late so unless you eat lunch at like 1:30 you’ll be okay.

[–]ijustwantaredditacct 3 points4 points  (8 children)

The solution isn't to close for lunch...it's to hire more staff so there's slack in the schedule and people aren't overworked

[–]allen_abduction 6 points7 points  (0 children)

How dare you go back to the good ol days!! How are the executives going to get their bonuses if stores are properly staffed!!

[–]dbosse311 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Then why if everyone is so brilliant is the top comment a complaint aimed at closing for lunch?

This is the kind of thing people shout at the staff like they decide how much help they hire.

You are right. But nothing is at the will of the staff. If you don't think they should close write the company. The fucking staff has NOTHING to do with hiring decisions in retail pharmacy.

[–]rmgonzal 6 points7 points  (5 children)

Uhhhh most places close for lunch, because most people need to eat lunch. I bet your job closes for lunch right? Tell us the solution then Warren Buffet, do you think they should have a backup pharmacist to work during lunch for the primary one? Or like a travelling lunchtime pharmacist who goes around to all the different pharmacies and covers for their lunch break? You're just talking dumb shit with no idea how anything works.

[–]Anti-Hypertensive 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Insane how the people working at the pharmacy would like to eat lunch.

[–]fuckkitt 57 points58 points  (17 children)

Lol… god forbid they get a 30 minute lunch break during their 10hr shift right

[–]mortar_n_pestilence 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I was gonna say “close for hours”… please it’s 30 minutes. God forbid people have to treat pharmacies like other healthcare services. Tell me again how you berate doctors offices about closing for lunch?

[–]JRiley4141 11 points12 points  (10 children)

No one is saying they shouldn't get a lunch break. They are saying that pharmacies should have more staff, so everyone can get a few breaks without closing down.

[–]whatyouwant5 15 points16 points  (9 children)

There are about 313,000 pharmacists in the US There are about 45,000 pharmacies, not including hospitals, PBMs, LTACs, industry, etc

There just aren't enough pharmacists to allow us to get lunch without closing. Everywhere.

When was the last time you worked a 14 hour shift without a break?

[–]--TaCo-- 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Sounds like those 313,000 pharmacists should unionize.

[–]overloadrages 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Those pharmacists got their break. The only people complaining are customers with 0 empathy.

[–]doomslayer33 6 points7 points  (0 children)

People working there deserve to have a lunch break as well.

[–]MagicSpoon69 34 points35 points  (1 child)

God forbid they get a break. GTFO bro

[–]tetoffens 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Yup, my local CVS has started closing their pharmacy during the hours in the middle of the day that are the most convenient for me to actually go there and get my meds.

Never saw anywhere do that until recently. Seems like they're apparently not doing as well as they thought they would because of a sharp decline in COVID vaccine and COVID testing revenue that was a big money maker for them the last few years? Oh, who could have anticipated the money from that would eventually dry up?

[–]jmdibrillo 4 points5 points  (0 children)

A "health care" company that makes a large portion of profits on cigs, junk food, and selling nail polish to 8 year old girls is not a health care company. It's just a poorly steered retail venture trying to maximize profits.

We switched to a small independent local pharmacy by us that has 4 times the staffing in the pharmacy and some cute little gifty knick knacks that fit our locale well.

Walgreens is the butt of jokes in our town and everyone hates them. CVS is the same. These are just like gas station stores with a single person usually filling scripts.

[–]zatch17 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Or that they wouldn't be open on weekends

Or that they consistently had the worst prices

[–]DiegoDigs 3 points4 points  (1 child)

stock market is corrupt

[–]CaPineapple 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Good Riddance. Now can we get rid of Walgreen’s?

[–]BibliophileMafia 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Getting that golden parachute before the shit hits the fan

[–]freetimerva 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'll be upset if the prices on 6-Packs goes up.

Some of the better priced beer in my area.

In the end, once walgreens stores fail.. they will sell all their corner lots for big bucks and retire to the cayman islands.

Or they just transition to a Doc In A Box that can fill their own prescriptions.