Posts must be Doom related. Anything else is spam. This includes any "AI-generated" content etc.
Forced and or extremely minimal connections to Doom count as low effort.
Low effort memes are only allowed on Sundays.
Doom is a game about fictional badass violence. There’s nothing badass about real gore, nor is it something a lot of people like to see. The same applies to pornographic content, even if it’s Doom related. In other words, this sub is rated M for Mature, not AO for Adults Only.
By this we mean no piracy. We don’t care how old Doom is, nor how cheap it is, nor do we care that Carmack doesn’t care. Do not distribute any copyrighted material nor advocate media piracy here. This is against Reddit's global rules, and we don't want to invoke the wrath of Zenimax.
Using swears or talking in a way that makes you look like yelling does not make you look smarter, nor does it make you look more right or less wrong. That’s not to say swearing isn’t allowed, just if your comment or post is found malicious in any way, it will be removed.
Hate speech will not be tolerated and is highly likely to be a bannable offense. Any talk that promotes sexism, racism, transphobia or any sort of bigotry, it's not welcome here.
We also do not allow any form of witch-hunting.
Please keep your issues from other communities out of this subreddit. We don't want to hear about how you got banned from ZDoom, Doomworld, Zandronum, or whatever. You probably deserved it.
Let's play's and Streams come more off as advertisements for the creator/streamer than they are about the game. Please limit these things to clips and or "moments". Charity streams are allowed, but please contact the mod team first.