Everything from 1999 and after will be removed.
Submissions without a year in the title will be removed. If you don’t know the exact year, make an educated guess and put the decade.
Offensive comments include sexism, racism, homophobia and abuse. Offensive submissions include racist, homophobic or sexist post. Repost spamming is consistently submitting reposts. Use www.karmadecay.com to check. All these will get you a permanent ban.
It is up to moderators to decide whether a comment or submission is offensive enough to warrant a ban. However, here is a good rule of thumb to follow: If you wouldn’t say it or share it with your own mother, don’t say it or share it here.
It is okay to submit photos of deceased relatives. It is not okay to mention that they have passed away in the title. Please include this information in a comment if you feel the need to share.
If you are unsure whether you are about to submit a repost, check beforehand using www.karmadecay.com
This should be self-explanatory. No vehicles, buildings, animals, etc.
You can still post normal photos of celebrities living life and doing their thing, but just not publicity photos.
Old School Cool is for real life coolness not fictional coolness.