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“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!”
3 months ago

Harvey Keitel talking about being fired from Eyes Wide Shut

99% Upvoted
level 1

lol the Brooklyn in Harvey got fired by the Bronx in Stanley

level 2

Oh shit. All this time I thought Kubrick was British.

level 1

It’s a drag but Sydney Pollock was perfect in the role. And Harvey Keitel is the greatest for getting fired by both Kubrick and Coppola. I bet HK recognizes it was simply not meant to be, may they all wave into eternity.

level 1

Sydney is great in the role - I think he gives the Ziegler character more ambiguity than Harvey could. So this worked in favor of the film.

level 1

Finally, an interesting Eyes Wide Shut post.

level 2

I thought I’d heard it all

level 2

Seriously hahahaha

level 1

One of the reasons Kubrick had to do so many takes is because he needed very precise alignments with actors and symbols in the scene. Here's one well known example from Eyes Wide Shut. It takes time to get this kind of double precision in one tracking shot, especially when you're not telling the actors about the alignment you're looking for because it's part of a closely held symbolic puzzle.

level 2
· 3 mo. ago

It’s exactly the opposite to what you say: the more precise, the less secret something is on set by necessity. Most of EWS is shot on Steadicam primarily by Elizabeth Ziegler and Peter Cavaciutu, and we know from reports from technicians (Team Deakins podcast for example) that worked on the show and from Leon Vitali that he was very explicit with his camera instructions using marks and even laser pointers on the steadicam rig at times, to triangulate exact framings (you can see this in BTS shots of the orgy set) which everyone can see on the monitors. The actors and operators quickly learn. There’s no such thing as a ‘secret framing’ on set, let-alone on a Kubrick set where things are so precise.

level 2


level 2

Yeah but couldn't he just grab Winslet by the neck and force her into knowing the right way to walk? It's the genius thing to do

level 2

He was indeed precise, but the shot you used to illustrate it is badly chosen, it's pretty easy to have a couple frames of actors in front of the same prop light in a tracking shot.

Blocking actors is like movie directing 101.

level 1

Who is the person talking in the second half of the video?

level 2

Gary Oldman?

level 2

Commissioner Gordon

level 2
· 3 mo. ago

Gary Oldman

level 1

i do think it's interesting Harvey chooses to see it as a sign of disrespect. It was just how Kubrick operated, ask Shelly or Matthew Modine. It was the reason he got such great performances. It seems like a sort of ego thing that Harvey would take it so personally

level 2

At that point of Kubrick's career, it was well known how he operated too. Why agree to do a movie with him if you aren't okay with doing so many takes?


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Created Jul 5, 2011




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