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Animal Benny Hill (I edited this [OC])

95% Upvoted
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level 1

I giggled when the 3 ducks showed up.

level 2

Duck two and three have entered the game.

level 2

I liked the force field around the ducks . . .

level 3


level 2

At the end? Jajaa

level 1
128 points · 7 hours ago


level 2
Original Poster66 points · 7 hours ago


level 3

Enjoyed it, very nice.

level 3
7 points · 3 hours ago

Where's the topless chick?

level 3

God this is great

level 3

Awesome job, loved it funny af

level 2


level 3


level 1
108 points · 4 hours ago

This is really well done! I initially thought I was watching a dog and a duck interact in real time, and then after the triple duck I realized what was going on. It was hilarious -- and definitely flavored by benny hill, more than just the music. Thanks for kicking my day off with this!

level 2
Original Poster27 points · 4 hours ago

Thanks, I did try to benny-hill up the edit

level 1

On April first, this is getting turned into the loading spinner on all the apps that I have built at work.

level 2
7 points · 3 hours ago

RemindMe! 103 days

level 1

Fuck you for making me spew coffee at Timmy's!

BTW 👍👍👍👍👍👍

level 1

This is so weird and funny. I love it

level 2

Benny Hill was a show I never missed as a kid.

level 1

Yakkity Sax! Love this.

level 2

I can actually hear that playing in my head when I watch this.

level 3

Is that because it's in the video?

level 4

Nope, it's /r/noisygifs worthy without a soundtrack.

level 5

I mean. It’s literally a video with sound. Reddit media player sucks, you might have to un mute it.

level 1

Well done OP!

level 1

Soon as duplicates showing up I knew this was more than just a loop. Glorious.

level 1

Brilliant! Absolutely awesome!

level 1

I had it on mute and was like, I know exactly what song should go with this...

level 1
10 points · 5 hours ago

Good ol benny's hill. Never gets old

level 2

Like anti-vax kids

level 3
1 point · 3 hours ago


level 1

Don't let Cyriak see this

level 2
Original Poster5 points · 4 hours ago


level 3

Cyriak was what came to mind as well...

I mean... just click on any vid on his channel and you'll see what /u/KevineCove means.

level 1

That was great!

level 1


level 1

I love ducks! I have 2 ducks!

level 1

Pure gem

level 1

Hell yeah well done

level 1
3 points · 4 hours ago

I would love this in black and white.

level 1
2 points · 5 hours ago

Beautiful timing!

level 1

Nicely done Op, I enjoyed that :)

level 1

i enjoyed this

level 1

well done!

level 1

And a good job you did, too.

level 1

This is genuinely amazing. Saved, thanks for this!

level 1

love the fact is the duck is SUPER HOT

level 1

Literally the content I joined Reddit for.

level 1

Thank you for sharing this!

Ha! Ha!

level 1

Had sound turned off and I just knew what song this would be before I even turned it on

level 1
2 points · 2 hours ago

The best video i saw on the internet today xD

level 1

Who else can hear the saxophone music?

level 2

Anyone who turned their sound on :P

level 3


level 1

You can add pretty much any footage to that music and make it funny but that really hit the nail on the head. Kudos!

level 1

Well done

level 1

I giggled with glee. Tee hee hee

level 1

Aw man, I was having a shitty day and this made me laugh. Thanks for this!

level 1

Makes me think of a non-creepy Cyriak animation.

level 1

Wait what’s going on here

level 1

Where’s the bald guy and dapper guy in suit ? Oh and the blonde ladies ?

level 1

Very creative

level 1

well done child.

level 1

Those ducks are warping the fabric of space and time.

level 1

Lol. I have three dogs, and we have Amazon Echo devices through the house. It's a pretty common occurrence to have Yakety Sax playing throughout the house with a crazy dog chasing scene happening.

level 1

Thanks for the smile!

level 1

lol so relatable

level 1

Superb. Glorious.

level 1

Classic musical piece.

level 1

Thank you

level 1

internet won!

level 1

It was sad when they blew up at the end

level 1

Awesome. Just awesome

level 1

Leaving a comment for later

level 1

How did you do that

level 1

Iš there Any tutorial how to do this kind of editing

level 1

I'm at work, so I watched it muted.

I heard/imagined the Benny Hill music anyway, and it was glorious.

level 1

Scrolls past thinking "Benny Hill, ugh."


"OK, I'll give it a shot."

I've now bookmarked the post and have tears in my eyes.

level 1

Judging by the dying grass, this happens frequently.

level 1

That was fun. Thanks OP :)

level 1

😂😂😂 Great tribute! Benny was Hilarious!

level 1

I got a good chuckle out of this

level 1

Omg I thought it was just a loop I’m glad I stayed. This is gold.

level 1

Nice dude

level 1

Makes you wonder exactly what is happening on the other side of the rock lol

level 1

Damn the editing is really good! I love it

level 1

How long did this take

level 1

I have a theory that you can speed up any footage, ANY footage, and as long as it has Benny Hill's yakety sax playing, that footage will be funny

level 1

That was perfect. Good show, old chap.... good show!

level 1

This is the most 2007 thing I’ve ever seen and I love it

level 1

My favorite, The Benny Hill Ravers.

level 2

I actually like their dancing. Would dance with them.

level 1

Love it!

level 1

This is funny but the worbles hurt my eyes

level 1

I enjoyed this.

level 1

I've seen this before, a duck chasing a dog, wait was that two dogs? Now three ducks, that's not right, what the hell's going on?

level 1

I needed this today

level 1

Tex Avery and Chuck Jones would be quite proud of your work. Thanks for making this!

level 1

From the looks of the grass around that boulder, they've been doing this for a long time!

level 1

sadly most people only know the music they dont get the show reference

level 1

I can tell you put some work into this. I love it.

level 1

Hahahaha .... What the heck are they even playing

level 1

I have no idea why, but this brought me a stupid amount of joy. Good on you, sir.

level 1

That’s awesome. If only there was a way to not have the slight blur on the ducks. Good work!

level 1
1 point · 1 hour ago

You messed with ma mind dude!

level 1

This is awesome. Thank you!

level 1

Lol amazing

level 1

Classic 🤣

level 1
1 point · 1 hour ago

Reeee (haha i'm laughing very nice work)

level 1
1 point · 1 hour ago

Benny Hill theme song has such a unique ability to add comedic effect. Love this OP, well done

level 1

This was fantastic. Yet another reason why the Internet was created.

level 1

Okay now *this* is duckracing

level 1

Very cool

level 1

Great! Can I download it so I can share it on Facebook without people having to install Reddit app?

level 2
Original Poster1 point · 1 hour ago

Sure can you tag my page please @feelwelcome

level 1

Oh God this is so classic. Had a good laugh OP. Thank you!

level 1

Psh this is totally fake, you see that explosion at the end?

level 2

That’s how explosions really are, man. I seent it

level 1

Hey how come they sometimes warp reality as they walk?

level 2


level 3

Nah, clearly they're minor gods disguised as harmless animal going about their business

level 4

Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers

level 1

When I unmuted the audio it plays the song that was playing in my head

level 1

What the duck?

level 1

Wait a minute!

level 1

Pretty good

level 1

C’est efficace

level 1

This is some live-action scooby doo type shit. Nice work OP.

level 1

While the rotoscoping was terrible I still gave a hearty laugh. Good show old chap.

level 1

These comments are weird. I see ghosting on this. Not sure I would say well done.

level 2
Original Poster3 points · 3 hours ago

Fair enough, I edited it 2 years ago, I’ve improved since. What is ghosting?

level 3

I’m not sure if it’s the mobile app or what. if you are familiar with the warp stabilizer in AE, it looks like that when you are over stabilizing. I can see a ripple in the picture or a ghosting where you masked out.

level 4
Original Poster5 points · 3 hours ago

Yes I use ae- you’re right- what you’re seeing is the edge of the masks o footage layer, which, because of bad warp stabilisation, looks different to the still image layer I used for the background.

level 4

can confirm. otherwise a very cool clip, enjoyed it)

level 2

Guys, stop posting your OC until u/qwertyisdead gives the green flag. He/she knows what is acceptable.

level 3

That’s a little dramatic..

level 1

My brain : bro stop watching it i can't process the logic behind this !!!

me : nah its cool....haha XD ...dont try to find logic just watch...

my brain: error ..... too much piece of stooooooneeeeeee......

shuting down in 3...2...1....................................

level 1

This is poor editing. I am disappoint...

level 2
Original Poster2 points · 2 hours ago

I didn’t shoot the original footage but I made the edit, yes

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