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audrey hepburn on a leaf

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level 1
Big Brother
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2 more replies

level 1

At first I was like, oh this is gonna be like seeing Elvis on a piece of toast, then it was like no fuckin way. Nice build on the gif.

level 2
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

I was thinking dickbutt. I'm damaged.

level 3
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

While watching it I was wondering how long it would be before someone edited in dickbutt

level 2

No, dude, this is more like seeing a piece of toast on elvis

level 1
158 points · 3 hours ago
level 2

Thanks for being the first commenter that I don't want to strangle.

level 3

Thanks for being the second commenter that I don't want to strangle.

level 4
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Thanks for being the third commenter that I don't want to strangle.

level 5

Wow, nature is truly incredible.

level 5
Score hidden · 50 minutes ago

Thanks for being the fourth commenter that I do want to strangle.

level 6
Score hidden · 40 minutes ago

Who were the first 3?

level 7
Score hidden · 39 minutes ago

I’d have to go back years to find them all.

level 8
Score hidden · 17 minutes ago

Do it?

level 9
Score hidden · 3 minutes ago

Give me a week.

level 2
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Yup. Immediately knew it was laser work after I saw the outline in her hair.

level 1

Wow, nature is truly incredible.

level 2

First Jesus on a burrito and now this?!?
What a time to be alive!

level 3

Did you see Jesus in the dog anus?

level 4
13 points · 3 hours ago

I remmember!

level 5
Score hidden · 2 hours ago
level 4

No, but I found God in a catalytic converter in Topeka on a Monday night.

level 3
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Don’t forget about the pigeon shitting a portrait of itself on a leaf

level 2

I can't even fathom how many leaves OP had to search through until he/she found that one...

level 3
9 points · 3 hours ago

All the others looked like Jesus so it must have been a lot

level 4
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

"Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Another Jesus. Wow, lookit that, a Jesus, who would have guessed? And . . . try to surprise me, okay? Jesus. Jesus. Jezus. Jeez. Jesus. Muhammad. Jesus. Jesus."


"What? Oh, see that one right there? That's a Muhammad."

"Let's hope he doesn't find out."

level 2

CrAzy HoW nATuRe dO THaT!

level 3
36 points · 4 hours ago

Nature made the real Audrey Hepburn so a leaf verison is probably way simplier.

level 4

Can nature make me an Audrey Hepburn . I would like one .

level 5
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

I believe that model was depricated.

level 3
10 points · 4 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago

If you're referencing the meme, for future meme perfectness he says "crazy how nature make dat." :)

level 2
Score hidden · 2 hours ago


level 2
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Nature do be like dat tho

level 2
level 2

I'm glad this comment is almost top. I came here to say this exact thing and I wouldn't want to be "that guy"... +1 friend.

level 2
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Ha ha beat me to nature is lit

level 2
Score hidden · 2 hours ago(3 children)
level 3

are you zsure

level 4
Comment deleted35 minutes ago(0 children)
level 5
Score hidden · 20 minutes ago

It was definitely a random leaf, the cold hard truth shows it

level 1
189 points · 4 hours ago

That's a very artistic caterpillar.

level 2

Fun fact, Hawaiian caterpillars are carnivorous. This probably isn't Hawaii but most people don't know this fact.

level 3

That fact just gave me the willies.

level 4
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Just don't give a Hawaiian caterpillar your willie

level 2
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

A Pixar movie waiting to happen.

level 3
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

What did he cut that with?

.....A Bug's Knife.

level 1
39 points · 5 hours ago


level 2
86 points · 4 hours ago

About 500 caterpillars, a tuning fork, and a shitwad of free time.

level 3

I appreciate what you did there.

level 2

Either by hand, or a fancy laser cutter. Or you could place a cutout on the leaf and hope the sun produces some good results.

level 3
8 points · 4 hours ago

Doesn’t even need to be fancy. There’s handheld laser engravers that could do this.

level 2


level 2

That's absolutely the work of a laser engraved. I've done similar things before.

level 2


level 3


level 1

Wonder how long that took to make.

level 2

Is everyone else in this thread truly under the assumption that this wasn't done by a person or am I just clearly missing a meme or something....

Yall can't be THAT dumb right?

level 3
50 points · 3 hours ago

Oh c'mon. Do you really think a human could do that?

Praise the Lord y'all!

level 4
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

All hail Jesus Caterpillar

level 3

You mean nature didn’t do that?

level 4

I mean, yeah, sort of. The same way "nature" makes beaver dams, ant hills or nuclear reactors, yeah, technically I guess this is natural.

level 3
21 points · 3 hours ago

What are you talking about? Of course the leaf was found this way. No way a person made it.

level 4

If a person had made this, the tiny leaf skeleton would be gone. It must have been decomposing like that by accident.

level 5

I artists are more capable than you’re giving credit for.

level 3

I imagine it still took the person some amount of time.

level 3
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

how the fuck would a person make this? if you look at enough leaves eventually one of them will have a random pattern that appears non-random. humans are notoriously bad at distinguishing randomness and notoriously good at anthropomorphizing everything they see, so that this looks like Audrey Hepburn's face and not some random caterpillar eating path.

level 4
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Never have I seen a post trying as hard as this to be smart, while confirming the opposite.

level 5
Score hidden · 2 hours ago
level 6

Probably, but in this day and age it's so hard to tell morons from people pretending to be morons.

level 3

Dont look into the abyss of unfathomable stupidity.

level 3

You can't be that dumb, right?

level 4
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

I mean, I leave reddit for 4 hours and there's 3 new Memes I missed so it's entirely possible I'm being dense about the other comments.

level 3
1 point · 3 hours ago · edited 53 minutes ago

If you’re not sure that they're joking then I’ve got bad news for you...

level 3

Dont' underistimate my lack of inteligence!

level 1

How is the green leaf matter removed so perfectly?

level 2


level 3


level 4


level 5


level 6


level 4


level 2

Laser cutter or possibly a mask and acid etch but that would be much harder to do.

level 1

Even the leaf its on has a perfect shape

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

crazy how nature do dat

level 1

Beats the hell out of "Dog butt Jesus".

level 1
10 points · 3 hours ago

this was posted a few days ago and ive never seen so many people posting "crazy how nature make that" in my fucking life.

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Mmm that's a stretch.....

Ok foreheads a little weird though.....

.....oh wow

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

If you put it in the sun it is Audry Sunburn

level 1

Crazy how nature make dat

level 1

Audrey Hempburn

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Crazy how nature do that

level 1

I wish I could learn how to do this, this looks amazing !

level 1


In a leaf...

level 1

My Fair Lady

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

And people say there is no God!

level 1

Wow, amazing how nature can do that

level 1

It's crazy how nature do that

level 1
2 points · 3 hours ago

Title ruins it , nice.

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Wasn't this posted here earlier this week?

level 2

You’re the ONLY person in this whole thread that has mentioned it. I was reading the comments to make sure I wasn’t having deja vu.

Yes, it was posted earlier this week.

level 3
Score hidden · 21 minutes ago

crazy how reddit do that

level 1

Crazy how nature do dat

level 1

Someone had a lot of thyme on their hands

level 1

Looks like Ariana grande with a haircut

level 1

Can someone do this with waluigi please?

level 1

Great find!

level 1

Some new religion will likely spring from this.

level 1

Human creativity truly astounds me sometimes.

level 1

Amazing that a caterpillar did that

level 1

Woah dude

level 1

First post that actually made me audibly go, “whhoooooaaaaaaa!”

level 1

step 1 -- obtain laser cutter

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

At first I was like “wtf is this shit...?”

And then boom, masterful !

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Checkmate atheists!

level 1

I would conquer the galaxy for her

level 1

Oh boy. You have a laser cutter. Cool bro.

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

My dumbass was thinking, “Wow, is that naturally occurring?”

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

That’s just nature baby!

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Until it was against the sky, I could not beleaf it.

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Very cool laser etching!

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Ok so I see all the comments, but you made this right?

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

This is peak reddit content.

level 1

Anybody ever notice just how much Ariana Grande looks just like her??

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

How the fuck?

level 1

Thought this was Lil Dicky's followup to Russell Westbrook on a farm.

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

What are the chances

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn son

level 1

Crazy that a leaf grew like that

level 1
Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Some pig !

level 1

Good Christ. That’s amazing.

level 1

How nature do that?

level 1

Audrey Hempburn

level 1

Crazy how nature do dat

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Audrey Leafburn!

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

This actually made me say woah

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Our tree has this same kind of leaves Each one with a different face

level 1

She just found it like that

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Pretty neat how nature does that. I guess that’s why we call it neature.

level 1

Damn, what are the chances...

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Wow. Nature works in mysterious ways.

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Don’t smoke that leaf bro

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

She's beautiful

level 1

And I don’t really give a shit

level 1

2018 version of the jesus toast

nature is amazing sometimes

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

just caught myself saying "whoa"

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Nature is lit!

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Holy shit. Mind blown.

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

Very cool, wrong sub.

level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

At first I'm like oh cool you can see through the leaf then it was like O SNAP

level 1
level 1
Score hidden · 1 hour ago

crazy how jesus did that

level 1
Score hidden · 55 minutes ago

Wow nature is amazing, what are the chances of that happening? God truly works in mysterious ways :)

level 1
Score hidden · 51 minutes ago

Crazy how nature do dat

level 1

I hope you earn good money to continue your passion for arts.

level 1

Oh pulease. Photoshopped AF

level 1

Wish, crazy how nature make that /s

level 1

Crazy how nature do that.

level 1

put fire on it. audrey hepburning

level 1
Score hidden · 19 minutes ago

there’s no WAY a caterpillar or bug carved that it’s too perfect

level 1

Oh god. I saw some sideways view of a smurf thing at first and then this face appeared out of no where and I got scared for a second, haha.

level 1

Crazy how nature do dat

level 1
Score hidden · 3 minutes ago

I was having a great day until this. Thanks for reminding me I have no talent.

level 1
Score hidden · 3 minutes ago

This has to be one of my favorite things I’ve ever seen. Really cool.

level 1
Score hidden · just now

Crazy how nature do that

level 1

Wow what a coincidence

level 1

Wow ants did that? Amazing!!!

level 1

I don’t think Caterpillars knew who Audrey Hepburn is.

level 2

It's passed down through their DNA

level 1

I love that someone wakes up one day and thinks; today I'm going to carve an exquisite portrait of Audrey Hepburn in a leaf.

level 1

God is amazing.

level 1

What the!!! How?!

level 1

Ok so how’s this possible?! Lol

level 2

God’s will.

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