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[–]Funny-Bend-7959 93 points94 points  (11 children)

I think the lifestyle worked for this family early on. As a career woman with kids, I could see the benefits Janelle had…could work long hours knowing her kids were cared for. No worries about making dinner. Never had to call out because her kids were sick. So yeah, I can see some benefits to the whole “sister wife” relationship.

[–]teapotoccamyteflon queen 53 points54 points  (10 children)

I'll be honest though, it makes me wonder if Janelle should have had kids at all. Like, there's nothing wrong with having a career and kids, but being so relieved that you don't have to do some pretty basic parenting things because you'd rather be at work (or anywhere else) is wild to me.

It wasn't a "I've got a lot going on right now and this kid has the sniffles. I just want to go to work to finish x project." It came off to me as, "I don't have to deal with this inconvenient task pretty much ever, which is great because I can't be bothered."

[–]Adeline299 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Considering how much her kids love her and revere her, I wonder how much of the “I am the career woman who’s never home” narrative is accurate.

[–]metaphysical-momma-1 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I can see where you’re coming from, however I think she enjoys being a mother. She has said many times in the show that the one topic that will make her cry every time is her kids. I think she just shows her love for them in ways that are socially non traditional for a mother. Janelle was raised by a mother who was a nurse, and her mother came across as a no nonsense and quiet person. At least some of Janelle’s parenting style was learned from her mother, I’d say.

[–]PeepoBoi 25 points26 points  (5 children)

I think this brings up this topic of how we view working mothers vs working fathers. No one would question a workaholic father but we do place judgement on workaholic mothers, whether consciously or unconsciously. Janelle is not a traditional mother in her religion nor in the rest of “normal” society because she prioritizes her career AND enjoys a traditionally masculine role in the family: the breadwinner.

No hate to you at all for your comment btw, just really thought provoking!!

[–]teapotoccamyteflon queen 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I think that's fair. I'll admit, I didn't mention Kody because he's such a terrible person, let alone parent, that to me it's just obvious he shouldn't have procreated. But yes there are different expectations on mother's than fathers

[–]ElinaMakropulos 227 points228 points  (8 children)

None of them are good parents, just varying levels and flavors of bad, none of them know how to communicate and function as a family nor have they ever really seemed to try to.

Robyn is not a master manipulator; Kody is just really stupid and easy to manipulate.

And possibly most unpopular, the most interesting thing about this show has never been polygamy but rather watching 5 adults make the absolute worst decisions for 17 seasons. Every single time they pick the worst possible course of action and then spend a couple of seasons cleaning up the mess. If it’s all for the show, ruining your life and that of all your family members for the sake of a tv show is some real dedication 😂

[–]supapfunk 84 points85 points  (0 children)

LMAO if that's not the most accurate description of this show I've ever read. The polygamy drew us in, the train wreck of poor decisions made us stay. 👏👏👏

[–]februarypigs 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Totally agree. I had to quit watching the show the first time around (later came back) because I couldn’t take watching the five dumbest adults on tv every week. Nothing to do with polygamy, just so dumb.

[–][deleted] 439 points440 points  (10 children)

Here’s an unpopular one: I’m skeeved out by how the SW fandom is so interested in Christine “getting some” from her new partner. I’ve seen so many cringey, ickey comments about how fans hope she’s getting some every night and all this. Christine is a 50 something, conservative, religiously indoctrinated woman (who admittedly is making progress away from some ideologies) who has never put herself out there as a sex icon. There’s a huge difference between wishing Christine happiness and wanting to actually discuss her sex life. It’s weird!

[–]tbone56er 51 points52 points  (0 children)

There was a post either in this sub or one of the other ones where someone had written verbatim how they hoped Christine would basically announce it on the show. Super weird and cringey.

[–]Obvious-Decision-609 10 points11 points  (1 child)

This 💯

Also, the people who wish for her to fight to let her boyfriend adopt Truely. #1 let's not put the cart before the horse #2 We think Robyn is crazy for doing that to her kids, why would we want Christine to stoop to her level?

[–]HappyLadyHappy 37 points38 points  (1 child)

I think most of us just want Christine to feel loved and yes, have good sex with someone who actually wants to have sex with her. It is pretty awesome and for a woman to be in her 50s and never experienced that…sucks and is sad.

I also think we all bristled when Robyn said Christine wouldn’t technically be divorced until she was sexually intimate with another man….that was the perfect pitch for jokes in the sub.

But yeah the 🍆🍆🍆👅👅👅 is a bit too much.

[–]Queenhotsnakes 491 points492 points  (31 children)

As awful as these people can be, they are all victims of an extremely toxic, misogynistic, religiously abusive culture that has given them all unrealistic expectations of marriage, motherhood, and life in general. That doesn't excuse any behavior, but I do think some of us could use a little more empathy when judging these people. The wives especially(except you, Robyn, fuck off) are just now realizing who they are, their value, their confidence. They're middle aged! Give them some grace and acknowledge they each did something brave and courageous by leaving Kody.

[–]AstroKay15teflon queen 58 points59 points  (2 children)

This is not an unpopular opinion 😅

[–]cryssy2009 42 points43 points  (0 children)

It kind of is bc so many ppl on this sub do not view these woman (and Kody to an extent) as abused kids that grew up to be dysfunctional adults (like many of us). They were all in a cult — whether that be AUB, FLDS, LDS (anything under the Mormon umbrella). One that taught them extremely unhealthy and downright terrible things and expected them to live in a way that is simply unsustainable and not at all conducive to happiness and fulfillment. A lot of ppl even say Christine left bc she couldn’t have sex with Kody anymore. That’s such a gross simplification of what that woman went through. To be quite honest, all 3 OG women are rock stars as moms compared to a huge number of women in their extreme end of that religion. None of these woman seemed to have had mothers that wanted a better life for them and they have, for the most part, broken that cycle.

[–]Queenhotsnakes 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Kody included isn't?

[–]KrisAlly 56 points57 points  (23 children)

I agree but even Robyn is a product of her environment. She’s often discussed with the same level of hatred exhibited on the true crime subs talking about evil predators. I can‘t help but feel some degree of sympathy for any woman who has spent their life being taught a belief system that completely oppresses women, regardless of their problematic behaviors.

[–]ShesGotaChicken2Ride 42 points43 points  (14 children)

Robyn wasn’t raised in polygamy though. Neither was Jenelle. Meri and Christine were. So I think you can say that Christine and Meri certainly were victims of their upbringing and the FLDS church, but you can’t say that about Jenelle or Robyn. They were introduced to polygamy much later in life and chose it.

[–]fseahunt 32 points33 points  (4 children)

They were raised LDS which is almost as bad IMO.

[–]cryssy2009 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I gotta agree with that. The whole Mormon umbrella is bad

[–]lesterine77 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Yeah robyn was raised in the family of the mistress. She likes to call that polygamy. Except its not.

[–]babashishkumba 216 points217 points  (26 children)

Kody should have had his own space somewhere. It's a totally reasonable expectation

[–]MexicanGuey 53 points54 points  (4 children)

Just saw the episode where he was presenting the Single big house in CP and when he mentioned his "own space" Robyn got pissed. Then show cut to her confessional and said something along the lines "nope, you aren't allowed to get alone time". I Cringed and felt for Kody for a bit lol. Very toxic.

[–]babashishkumba 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Same, and I hate to feel bad for Kody 😂

[–]kitty5670 13 points14 points  (0 children)

How can she love bomb him, manipulate him and whine to him if he gets alone time? That’s why she was angry.

[–]SnooGiraffes3591 26 points27 points  (1 child)

100% that sounds toxic, but also if he wanted alone time he shouldn't have had 18 kids. Was he doing things to make sure his 4 wives got alone time? No, because that would mean parenting his children.

I do think Kody stays at Robyn's to escape drama, and he was looking for a way to escape the last bit of drama- her. If he got "his own space," her kids would start getting the treatment the rest got. I can't stand Robyn, but I kinda get her point here.

[–]Formal-Permission-27pink elephants and lemonade 29 points30 points  (2 children)

Yeah I said something similar, he just needed a room, somewhere he could keep all his stuff, maybe have a bathroom so he could shower before heading to another wife. If he'd had a argument with say Janelle then was heading to Christine, he needed somewhere to go to get out of his bad mood, so he didn't take it with him or take it out on Christine.

[–]sunsetorangespoon 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I agree. Everyone needs their alone time. There are times where I didn’t want my roommates to be home. There were times in high school that I would get excited about just being alone for an hour

[–]countessvonfangbang 11 points12 points  (1 child)

I agree. I think the family relationships would have been a lot healthier if he had scheduled a day to himself that same way he said he did with the wives.

[–]Either-Interest4946 45 points46 points  (1 child)

Janelle is the most well spoken and reasonable member of the family, but I don’t think she is as smart as people give her credit for. She’s made some pretty stupid financial decisions to end up where she was by season 17

[–]slapwerks 8 points9 points  (0 children)

This is my take.

Janelle isn’t some financial wizard, she’s just slightly better than the rest of them.

That’s not saying much.

[–]photogypsyAri's Kindergarten Rival 290 points291 points  (61 children)

Gwen’s fiancé is a famewhore user who’s exploiting Gwen. Evidence- Bea pushed her to paywall on Patreon , Bea was the one irritated about the Reddit recaps, Bea is the one that slept cuddled with the YouTube award.

[–]fiestabritchesteflon queen 191 points192 points  (18 children)

She really said that her girlfriend worked at this restaurant with her and watched Sister Wives but didn’t remember Gwen at all from the show! Ok sure Jan.

[–]photogypsyAri's Kindergarten Rival 69 points70 points  (4 children)

I missed that piece of the puzzle. I assumed they met through college. This only reinforces how I feel.

[–]fiestabritchesteflon queen 59 points60 points  (3 children)

I don’t remember where I saw it, I am guessing one of her videos but yeah Gwen was giving away the piping hot tea for $2 a month and she’d still be making baaaaaank but her girlfriend told her to up her prices

Clearly she’s the one that’s looking for a payday

[–]MavenOfNothing 54 points55 points  (0 children)

...and a cruise and a move to Europe. Gwen loves her, but I get bad vibes. Hopefully, we are wrong.

[–]Tiny-Proposal1495 35 points36 points  (0 children)

On Patreon Gwen said it. My girlfriend told me to up the price

[–]HeckSueSue 58 points59 points  (7 children)

Their family is also the most famous family in Flagstaff....she knew exactly who she was. And we will most likely see her in season 18.

[–]fiestabritchesteflon queen 22 points23 points  (0 children)

When I heard that it actually wouldn’t have surprised me if she heard Gwen worked there or saw her there and tried to get a job there to get close with her. Maybe I am just too suspicious of others lmao

[–]railroads_ 58 points59 points  (0 children)

There’s something not right with that girl. Some people you can just tell something is off - something is off with her

[–]madbeachrn 84 points85 points  (2 children)

I feel the same about Tony

[–]InevitableTrue7223 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Me too, I knew the moment I saw him he was just out for fame and she was the way. He is just a creep.

[–]TeacherInDaHood 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Omg! I’ve always thought so too but everyone seems to love him!!

[–]babashishkumba 92 points93 points  (5 children)

I think Gwen was going to give all her information away and her girlfriend had her monetize it instead. That seems like really good advice to me.

[–]PeopleCanBeAwful 92 points93 points  (0 children)

I agree. If I was in college and a friend/lover told me how I could make thousands of dollars a month quite easily & legally, I would’ve done it too. She has do it before her 15 minutes of fame expire. How many of us waited tables/ tended bar in college to barely scrape by? Gwen’s parents sold her privacy when she was young, Gwen decided to cash in herself now that she is of age. 👏 👏 Good for her!

[–]SheMcGLove should be weaponized, not divided equally. 32 points33 points  (1 child)

I agree. I don't get all of the hate around them monetizing fame. It's not "grifting"; it's a paid service. This isn't a volunteer activity. I'd be doing the same thing in her shoes---- and so would most of these critics.

[–]svn5182Robyn’s axe shaped eyebrows 🪓 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Yeah she’s bad vibes

[–]Tiny-Proposal1495 23 points24 points  (5 children)

When Gwen was unwrapping it she kept looking at Bea for acknowledgment or something she never lifted her head up. Only when Gwen said it had Bea's last name on it. This chick doesnt love Gwen she isnt a nice person

[–]Puzzleheaded_Fig_508 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Ding, ding, ding! Took the words out of my mouth.

[–]MooseRobot 252 points253 points  (10 children)

Meri is really not a bad person or any more or less "problematic" than the other wives. Most of what people rag on her for happened when she was 21 to 24, part of a cult, struggling with fertility and watching her value diminish as a result of the expectations for women in the cult. She's lived her whole life, basically attempting to reach the level that would give her value to her family and her husband. The stuff we've watched play out in TV is likely highly curated and not super accurate to what really happened. Every single one of the wives has had an equally bad look at one time or another.


Supporting the kids in their patreon or MLM crap is just helping to create another Brown generation of MLM scam artists and societal moochers.

[–]riskieststar 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I have always sympathized with Meri. I can’t imagine growing up in a religion where you are told your whole life that your main purpose is to have kids. Then you struggle with fertility issues. Maybe it’s because I have struggled with my own fertility issues. It was one of the most emotional times of my life when I had MC’s, losses and being given every test under the sun to find out why. It really sucked and was emotional when others around me seemed to be getting pregnant easily. I guess I project my experiences on to her because I get it. The only difference is I didn’t grow up with the added weight of “my duty”. I can’t imagine having sister wives, who seem to be getting knocked up fast and you believe your failing when you compare. I am not making excuses for her shitty behavior but I understand why she is like that. She has so many emotions and lingering traumas from her past that she needs to go to therapy to straighten out her feelings. I still feel bad for her to this day

[–]LydiaDeets7 15 points16 points  (0 children)

This. I honestly think Meri is probably a fun person to hang out with. She seems like she has quite a few good friends outside of the cult/fahmlee.

[–]EvansHomeforBoys 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I couldn’t agree more with all of this.

[–]Puchilu 34 points35 points  (7 children)

They are all horrible people. Down to Christine with her mlms and not having medical insurance for her kids when tlc money was coming in. And don't get me started with them ripping the kids out of school because Kody promised them loads of money. But I'm still somewhat supportive because I give them a slight pass due to their cult upbringing. Their moral compass is skewed.

[–]HeckSueSue 28 points29 points  (6 children)

Christine has had TLC money and MLM money rolling in for years and multiple kids with health issues yet never thought to get health insurance until the day that one of her kids tells her she's in excruciating daily pain...

[–]Puchilu 17 points18 points  (5 children)

And then had the nerve to ask public for money to cover it. All while they were making good money with sisterwives and mlms.

[–]punkybrewbrew 34 points35 points  (2 children)

This show, like a lot of reality shows, cease to be real after several years of TLC money. I would be much more interested to see how this large family coped with living every day if they all had to work 9-5 jobs to make ends meet instead of relying on their fame.

[–]lechydda 12 points13 points  (1 child)

This x1000. It’s good tv drama but it wasn’t really “real” after the show took off and they were all getting paid to be on camera. All of us would act differently if we were getting paid to be on a tv series and had a small amount of fame from it.

[–]PracticeImaginary710 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Out of all the wives I feel the worst for meri. (I also find her annoying AF but that’s besides my point). I think meri doesn’t have the life she wanted(as she got older I think she got over it but…)

In the pilot only Robyn and meri said kody was there soulmates. So I think Meri really did love him and I’m not convinced the other 2 wives really did. Also the culture meri grew up in made women’s self worth= babies and meri wasn’t able to have but the 1 kid. And seeing “your soulmate” with other women who have that self worth (remember: self worth=babies) can make you feel depressed.

[–]Twizzlers666 30 points31 points  (4 children)

I don't think Janelle was good with finances at all, they have had multiple bankruptcies. I think the person that would have managed the money the best was Meri.

[–]lovestorun 14 points15 points  (2 children)

The fifth wheel purchase is absolute proof of this.

[–]readsomething1968Sharpening my kidney 🔪 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I kinda wonder whether Janelle bought the trailer as a straight-up FU purchase toward Kody. Not the healthiest way to break free, but … she was tired of waiting for her own thing.

[–]geniologygal 62 points63 points  (2 children)

I don’t understand why grown adults on here have Truly on a pedestal and practically worship her.

[–]DareWrightSettle down, Johnny Appleseed 116 points117 points  (0 children)

My unpopular opinion is that Christine is sabotaging her new romance by posting it all over social media. She rushed into this relationship when she should be putting more time into learning about herself and her new status as an empowered woman.

Unpopular opinion #2: I’m unimpressed with Gwen’s patreon and can’t believe people are wasting their money on it.

Unpopular opinion #: I have zero interest in watching a spin-off involving any of the Browns.

[–]Lonely_Teaching8650 27 points28 points  (2 children)

Christine is not a hero. Yes, she left Kody. Yes, she got Ysabel surgery. But she was just as complicit in leaving Ysabel to suffer for years because they wanted to try "natural" (read: unproven) methods first. She also didn't tell Truly about the separation OR the move - the poor kid overheard about the separation and the move was sprung on her last minute. All because Christine wanted to avoid an uncomfortable discussion.

I'm glad she's moved on and I hope the best for her and Truly, but she's not flawless.

[–]display_name_op 51 points52 points  (2 children)

While Meri definitely messed up by involving Leon in the affair, enmeshment and parentification is so absolutely systemic in their culture and that is not all on Meri. ALL of the wives have copped to leaning on their kids heavily for emotional support. People rag on Meri for pressuring Leon to forgive them but that child was Meri's whole world. She had no emotional support from her husband, or the other wives, and her sister had died. It's painful when your child is angry or disappointed in you. Leon claimed to need space which is understandable but they chose to live in the same house to be rude to Meri all summer.

[–]jkraige 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yup. I think also that wanting space is one thing but you can't act like you hate your mother while expecting them to still give you everything. Your mom is a person worthy of respect too, and if she's so awful that she's not worthy of it why live with her? Leon more than most had other options. I mean, two of Christine's kids lived with Robyn at some point

[–]supapfunk 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I think this is a fair analysis

[–]sunshinenrainbows3 120 points121 points  (8 children)

I’m glad Christine is dating but I don’t want her to get married.

I think Gwen’s YouTube videos were beyond boring.

Sometimes I think truly is funny, but mostly she’s just a weird kid.

[–]HappyLadyHappy 20 points21 points  (0 children)

You don’t want Christine to ever get married again or just too soon?

Gwen’s YouTube is boring. The kids often have conflicting stories. This family was dysfunctional and disconnected for many years it seems. I don’t think many of them know what is going on in the lives of the other family members especially their dad’s.

[–]EScottMusicStudio 59 points60 points  (6 children)

I believe that Truely is on the autism spectrum and has never been diagnosed or helped out as such.

My son is high functioning autistic. We had him tested at a young age, and worked with him, along with his pediatrician and the school to get the extra attention he needed to succeed. It was a learning process for us as parents to understand how an autistic person processes information differently. He is now in college doing great!

I see symptoms of fight or flight that are very similar to my son’s condition.

I think that Christine and Kody were not focused enough to understand the signs.

[–]SheMcGLove should be weaponized, not divided equally. 34 points35 points  (2 children)

I'm not sure how you can make the assertion that Truely is undiagbosed or that Christine hasnt taken "notice"of her daughter??? We see very small snippets of Truely. Christine doesn't discuss her education, her progress, her grades, if she has an IEP, if she's been referred for any evaluations, interventions, etc. That doesn't mean they aren't happening. She didn't "announce" Truely's vision problems but obviously noticed and took her to be evaluated. You have no idea what Christine has or hasn't done for Truely. But having an older autistic child, I'm sure Christine is not oblivious.

Christine would not disclose a diagnosis like that on TV...or any personal information like that about her kids. She didn't "out" Gwen's sexuality or her autism. She let Gwen do that as an adult. We have seen Truely wear a lot of autism awareness clothing. Perhaps for her sister, but Truely seems to show a lot of self-expression with her clothing, so I highly doubt it.

[–]HappyLadyHappy 95 points96 points  (10 children)

I never saw this alleged potential in Maddie that everyone talks about. She mentioned a few different possible career paths as most young people do. If I’m being honest, most of the kids, with just a few exceptions, strike me as…not particularly intelligent.

[–]jkraige 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Yup. What are people talking about when they say she was mature and Mykelti was immature? How? They both seemed like normal teenagers but Maddie didn't stand out to me as mature, particularly not when they went to "volunteer" with the child brides who escaped polygamy (though I thought Christine was wildly immature then too and she was a full grown adult)

[–]Daisee8 136 points137 points  (21 children)

I don't like Christine. Now there's an unpopular opinion for you.

[–]noldottorrentI am not a poo-poo head 29 points30 points  (2 children)

Right there with ya! I don’t really like Janelle either. I don’t like any of them actually, but it’s a good background noise show 🫣

[–]InevitableTrue7223 18 points19 points  (1 child)

I never liked either of them but I like Meri. She is so misjudged by people on here.

[–]9021FU 10 points11 points  (0 children)

My mom always stressed that 3 people is not a good number because one will always be left out. I think if Kody had stayed with it being just Meri and Janelle they would have to have worked on their problems, but then Christine came in and they had a new ally.

[–]KyloDren 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Me neither!! Good for her for leaving and everything, but I'm not a fan at all.

[–]InevitableTrue7223 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I never like Christine or Janelle.

[–]kardon213 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I share it! She was the mean girl of that marriage

[–]Neither-Dentist-7899 20 points21 points  (2 children)

  1. I like Robyn’s floral shirts.

  2. I don’t think Kody and Robyn are soulmates. I think she’s just his current favorite wife and over time, like all the others, he’ll get bored of her. I doubt it’ll be a divorce but he’ll probably get his “own home” in the future.

  3. Janelle is gullible. She’s dumped money and assets into the family pot. She knows what money was there, how it was spent, where Kody spent his time/effort, and before this season, never spoke a bad word about Kody. She wasn’t robbed of her money and future, she gave it away.

[–]jamiekynnminer 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Kody is a victim of a cult too. I think in 10 years he will be a completely different person and look back at all of this in shock that he even survived it and will have a lot of heartache over the children he couldn't reconcile with.

[–]mathnerd405 58 points59 points  (3 children)

I don't think Kody and Robyn are the master manipulators that they have been portrayed to be.

[–]Lazy-Lasagna121 16 points17 points  (4 children)

If Robyn never joined the family, the outcome would be the same as it is today. Kody is a monogamous man at heart

[–]OpheliaPhoeniXXX 16 points17 points  (1 child)

I don't think Robyn is ALWAYS faking caring or faking crying, I think she feels her feelings very intensely, she's just largely selfish and self serving. Her survival and her kids survival will always come first. I think she protested too much with the "god will provide a rental" because she knew Kody had emotionally checked out, as soon as he found that house he dgaf about building on coyote pass anymore, and she knew the other wives (and public) were going to be scorned by Kody's money grab -- just after the wives had some real bonding moments. Acceptance, a sense of sisterhood, the romanticized albeit unrealistic dream of polygamy Robyn was looking for. In the first talk about renting/buying she seemed to share some genuine grief about this possibly being the "family culture" death knoll (cue: Robyn's horrible acting to try and convince us buying instead of building wasn't their fault).

[–]MavenOfNothing 213 points214 points  (11 children)

Since I was down voted about 100 times for this observation, I know it is really unpopular.

Calling Robyn "robojaw" does not make you clever. It really makes you look like a shit person. That's her jaw, she can't do anything about it. Others have that exact or similar jawline, they can't change it either.

[–]mojones18Dickens Village Debtor's Prison 66 points67 points  (0 children)

100% agree on the jaw. I personally have never commented on looks, though, because that reeks of immaturity. I will say now, however, those brows are a CHOICE and, therefore, fair game for comment, IMO.

[–]MetroGrunge 57 points58 points  (2 children)

As someone who had jaw surgery, agree. I hate the attacks on looks.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Did you develop an accent after your jaw surgery? I have read that many people do

[–]MetroGrunge 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I have a slur. Mostly from having to learn how to manipulate my lower lip and chin with no feeling, now :( and I hate watching myself on video… to me it’s so obvious that I talk different, and my chin is lopsided :(

ETA: husband and kids remark that I say some things differently, now.

[–]sunsetorangespoon 33 points34 points  (4 children)

Robyn attacks people on their looks because she does not care how low she stoops. People on this sub do the same thing. To me they are no better than Robyn.

[–]Euphoric-Zucchini-18 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Christine is not the perfect angel people make her out to be.

[–]NoBall8 66 points67 points  (8 children)

My Sister Wives Closet is shit but at least it’s an actual business and not a predatory MLM

[–]thekamakiri 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Whoa, I never thought about it that way, but you're right. MSWC is terrible, but MLMs are the actual worst.

[–]LipstickSingularity 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Minors should not be allowed on TV unblurred. Even with Parental consent. All of these fundies are trading their children's mental health for a TLC paycheck and its gross.

[–]FailedFanfiction14 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I don’t dislike meri and I honestly don’t view the whole cat fishing thing as cheating at that point I think their marriage was over and she had every right to seek out another.

[–]dianna1976 54 points55 points  (1 child)

A lot of the kids are stuck up jerks.

[–]MexicanGuey 22 points23 points  (0 children)

especially Mykelti

[–]sucker4reality 117 points118 points  (19 children)

Snarking on anyone’s looks or accents is a crappy thing to do.

[–]seeyouinlaguna 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I love different accents and dialects, it’s so fascinating to me. If everyone talked the same way, it would be boring!

[–]Sivla-Alegna 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Janelle is not good with money and finances.

[–]sunshinesucculents 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Nor does she have any business sense like some people claim.

[–]Brianas-Living-Room 27 points28 points  (6 children)

Christine is not the wonderful amazing great choice making parent the fandom makes her out to be. Latest: her daughter biting her boyfriend and her thinking it was adorable and funny. That was out of line and Id be embarrassed and speaking with the pediatrician about why my 13yo is biting adults and what this could mean

[–]HeckSueSue 13 points14 points  (3 children)

I didn't see that vid till like 2 days ago and theres been such a mixed reaction to it. The thing that I personally found odd about it was he wasn't even doing anything...some people made it seem like he was messing around with her and she bit him, but he was just sitting there with his hand on the seat and she bites him for no reason..and when Christine tells her to be nice to David she straight up makes a face and says No. The way Christine talks to her is odd too, she's 13. Yet she talks to her like she's 2.

[–]Brianas-Living-Room 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I think she should be speaking to someone about that. It’s not normal or age appropriate to be 13, biting ppl, unless Truly has something developmental going on, which is none of our business if she does. But privately, she needs to address that and make it know that wasn’t ok and let her know that, not brush it off and “that’s my whimsical girl Truly”

[–]sunshinesucculents 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This is why, whenever I can, I try to watch the videos people are talking for myself. I almost never agree with the general consensus of the sub. People definitely made it seem like they were rough housing and Truely bit him as a joke, but that he was in on it. That's not how I perceived it at all. It was weird.

[–]MsTruCrime 106 points107 points  (11 children)

Leon is a jerk. Yes, they had it rough, but that is not an excuse for being awful. I feel like people overlook their shitty personality, under the umbrella of being “woke.” I’m as bleeding heart as they come, and am accepting of any identity one may give oneself, unless that identity is entitled, spoiled, asshole.

[–]MexicanGuey 40 points41 points  (1 child)

I agree. Leon is my least favorite since crying in Vegas because their house was still a week from closing. How did Leon have it rough? Leon was essentially an only child and was spoiled by Meri. Probably got anything they wanted.

[–]poietes_4 89 points90 points  (12 children)

Christine was a crappy mother. She may be getting a bit better now but she is still using Truely’s childhood and “trauma” to make money instead of protecting her childhood. She didn’t learn from any of her other mistakes.

[–]Statesborochick 32 points33 points  (7 children)

Yep. She kicks them all out when they turn 18.

[–]sweetsugar888 10 points11 points  (4 children)

I’m surprised that hasn’t been talked about more. Especially since Gwen clarified it’s moreso her than Kody ready to kick them out once they’re 18.

[–]_merning_glery_ 23 points24 points  (0 children)

When Aspyn moved back home and in with Robin instead of her mother I didn't blame her one bit. She would have ended up in the same position as fill in mother/caretaker/cleaner and what ever else was asked of her.

[–]supapfunk 15 points16 points  (0 children)

I never thought this until the most recent season when she kept pestering Truly to talk about the divorce and it was SO CLEAR she didn't want to. Maybe they didn't have enough footage due to covid or whatever, but trying to get an 11 yo to talk about their parents divorce on camera multiple times is just shitty.

[–]callin-br 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Also she said once that Aspyn "freaks out every time I ask her about her having kids." When your kid makes it clear one time that they don't want to talk about having kids, you stop asking. You shouldn't really even be asking in the first place.

[–]sunsetorangespoon 49 points50 points  (0 children)

This exactly. And maybe one of the reasons Aspyn “freaks out” is because her and Logan played mom and dad???

[–]tbone56er 102 points103 points  (8 children)

Christine is also to blame for Truely almost dying. It’s not only on Kody. She was home for 4-5 days before Truely went cross eyed.

I don’t believe Tony and Mykelti when they claim they paid for part of their wedding. The show portrayed it as the parents paid for it, but T & M say TLC paid for some of it and they paid the rest. I definitely believe TLC paid, but not T & M.

I say this one every time, but I’ll say it again. Kotex is not a funny or clever name to call Kody.

[–]Ashamed_Gas3608 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I just watched that episode. She did take her to the doctor and he said it was the flu. She took her back when she went cross eyed and the doctor told her to go to the ER. I was thinking since Truely was the 2nd youngest, they probably thought it was the flu. They have lots of kids they’ve had lots of flus and didn’t think otherwise.

[–]Cornflakegirl78 20 points21 points  (2 children)

I agree with that last part. Kotex is actually USEFUL to women.....

[–]Simple-Tea-3642 13 points14 points  (0 children)

As much as the show fascinates me, I find it incredibly irresponsible of Kody to have so many children if he’s unwilling or incapable of being a present father figure to all of them.

[–]lalivevivo 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Christine isn’t a good mom.

[–]radat10 34 points35 points  (2 children)

I think everyone one of them was into the show for the money. Christine acts like she is such a victim but she knew all along, the viewers were the victims

[–]supapfunk 9 points10 points  (0 children)

100%, money and ego

[–]fxnlfox 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Robyn’s thyroid is not an emergency.

[–]Diegobyte 11 points12 points  (0 children)

That all the wives are in on the grift and aren’t anyone to be congratulated

[–]SillySimian9 13 points14 points  (1 child)

Unpopular opinion: If Robyn had not joined the family, there would never have been a show…they would have stayed in Lehi and continued to suffer in abject poverty. Therefore, Robyn saved the family. (Still hate her tho.)

[–]lilred190 23 points24 points  (1 child)

I’m on my first watch-through and I only just got to season 16, but I don’t think Robyn is as manipulative as people say (yet). I can definitely see her turning against everyone else as the pandemic goes on but Kody also spends all his time with her and he’s been openly shit-talking his family so it really makes sense why. I think she’s equally as flawed as everyone else.

[–]trish3975precious moments mansion 26 points27 points  (6 children)

Would probably drunk bang Kody. I said what I said

[–]PaleontologistWarm13 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I hate to admit it but when he’s got that ponytail going on he’s pretty hot for his age.. get me drunk enough and I’d bang but I like em a little on the trashy side tbh

[–]EvansHomeforBoys 62 points63 points  (20 children)

Maddie was too young to drop out of college and get married, especially when she had so much potential. That’s not to say she can’t fulfill that potential but she definitely made her journey harder by adding three children to it.

Anyway, while she was too young for Caleb at the time I really dislike comments saying Caleb is gross or a predator or a groomer. Yes, she was too young for him and he too old for her, but that doesn’t automatically make someone a sexual deviant. It seems like the slightest age gap, even if it’s between a 17 and a 19 year old is considered “grooming” these days. Also, and I’m NOT saying it’s okay, but age gaps are less freaked out over here in Europe. My biggest problem with the whole Maddie-Caleb thing was the fact that she dropped out of college to move near him and then turn into a bridezilla and have babies at 19 years old.

I agree with Maddie that a birth is not a medical thing, but it’s not fair to compare situations because I live in a country where 1. homebirths still make up for half of all the births I believe and 2. a hospital is never very far away. So no, I don’t think a birth is something medical that needs to be dealt with by people covered head to toe in gowns and headgear but in Evie’s case they knew there was a very real chance of problems during or after the birth so when they didn’t go to the hospital for that I thought they were being irresponsible.

I’ll get downvotes over this one but I think Truely is a bit of a weird kid and I don’t really get all the ‘spirit animal’ love for her just because she was sassy about the bike riding incident. I hate the droopy pics Christine posts of her.

[–]jackanddiane1670[🍰] 40 points41 points  (3 children)

This may not be unpopular but I never see it discussed: janelle saying Logan should propose to his gf because he’s been with her for 8 months when he was about 20 is ridiculous. He said he was commuted to her but that wasn’t enough for Janelle, yet she’s the one who divorced her first husband after less than a year. Perhaps if they had dated longer and not married the first dude that came along they would’ve been happy. I hated her for pressuring her son that way

[–]_Bogey_Lowenstein_ 26 points27 points  (1 child)

Didn’t they also blow off how upset one of Janelle’s sons (Hunter? Gabe?) was over having to leave his gf of a year when they moved to Vegas?

[–]heminggay69 51 points52 points  (3 children)

most of the subs nicknames’ for the browns are annoying and kind of childish. i also can’t stand them, but trying to decipher sobyn and kotex and solnari among everything else is silly. just use their names

[–]fiestabritchesteflon queen 40 points41 points  (1 child)

Calling Kody a feminine hygiene product like it’s an insult is really bizarre as well

[–]cryssy2009 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I understand why Meri is the way she is. I can’t imagine having her life from jump. I’ve also been married to my first boyfriend half my life. If he married two other women and continued to have babies with them while ignoring one of the most painful things a woman can ever go through, I’d be in a psych ward if I thought I’d go to hell if I didn’t live like that. She acts like a teenager bc she’s never learned any healthy coping mechanisms but even if she had, few people could’ve been in her situation and remained mentally healthy.

[–]Environmental-Ant878 9 points10 points  (0 children)

There’s def some drama between Maddie and mykelti

[–]Accomplished-Bite960 9 points10 points  (0 children)

All those Wives are fully accountable for their 30+ years of poor and codependent decisions and for seriously damaging all the children by modeling horrible behaviors. Period.

[–]fiestabritchesteflon queen 72 points73 points  (3 children)

Being mad that Robyn said something bad about the women’s looks (which another unpopular opinion: I don’t think she was talking shit about their weight with that comment) and then shit talking Robyn’s looks and weight isn’t really the vibe

[–]babashishkumba 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Agree. The response was a real stretch.

[–]sunsetorangespoon 37 points38 points  (8 children)

There are so many things in this sub that get stretched to fit the sub’s narrative. “What does the nanny do” was taken completely out of context. Christine literally said that when talking about Covid safety—she literally was saying “what does the nanny do [in terms of Covid where Kody and Robyn deem her as a safe person]”. Things Robyn says are taken out of context all the time (don’t like Robyn).

[–]HeckSueSue 12 points13 points  (6 children)

The amount of things taken out of context with this family is infuriating.

[–]HeckSueSue 36 points37 points  (0 children)

1- I don't think Janelle and Christine should get a spinoff show...their lives are honestly not that interesting outside of them living polygamy.

2- Gwen and her fiance are swindling all of you who are paying her for "the tea".

3- Making fun of Robyn for things like her weight, jawline, eyebrows, collections, the way she parents her kids is uncalled for.

4- Robyn may be a helicopter mom but Christine and Janelle aren't the greatest of mom's either. I could list all the reasons why but I'd be here all day, if you've watched the show from the beginning you'd know what I'm talking about.

5- The fact that Robyns kids aren't dropping out of college to marry the first person they've dated is proof that maybe she isn't the monster mom so many people make her out to be.

[–]ImmaCraftyI'm not here to argue with you, really 29 points30 points  (3 children)

Oh, I'm sure I'll take a beating for this one, but I think Leo is a mess. This has nothing to do with them being trans or going by plural pronouns. Leo would benefit from some counseling, in my opinion. Leo had to grow up in an effed-up poly family as an only child - seeing Janelle's 6 kids and Christine's 6 kids - seeing her dad treat her mom like a turd - and then seeing how her dad treated Robyn and her bio kids and her kids with Kody. On TELEVISION! Leo said Leo couldn't wait to be a sister wife. Then Leo was bi. Now Leo is trans. I wish nothing but the best for Leo, but Leo needs some emotional and mental care. Leo's parents are assholes.

[–]bumblebee______ 28 points29 points  (2 children)

I know I am going to get down voted to the nether regions, but I can't stand Christine, never have. First of all her silly, fake (so very fake) personality is just over the top and ick. She has always acted like a whiny, princess who should always get her own way. Just like when the entire family didn't want to celebrate Joseph smith's birthday and she cried like a little bitch about it because it was what she wanted. Who cares about what the entire rest of the family wanted! And that fake crying scene where she said i never knew men could be bastards boo hoo hoo 😭. And the fake crying about being the basement wife to receive sympathy and pity. That's just how the house was layed out and she happened to get that apartment because the space worked out for her and her kids. She isn't the Saint that people portray her to be here. She acted like a brat when Kody presented her with the custom jewelry he made for her. Her reaction was just rude. Even if she didn't like the piece she should have been gracious about receiving the gift rather if she liked it or not. It's the thought that counts. He was trying and most men don't even do that. And trust me I'm not a Kody fan by any means. But her behavior is childish.

[–]sunshinesucculents 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I don't feel bad about her having the basement apartment either. You're a big family with not a lot of money, odds are your living situation is going to be cramped. What did she expect? Janelle had 4 rooms, but she also had 6 kids when they moved into the house. I assume Savanah was born, or Janelle was pregnant because she was 5 when the show started and they lived in that house for 5 years. Christine had 5 kids so she got the 3 bedroom and Meri also got a 3 bedroom. What else were they supposed to do?

[–]BilingualElf 28 points29 points  (1 child)

I think that Meri has genuinely had it very rough. I’m not saying i think the accusations made against her don’t matter (we all choose our actions regardless of our circumstances and abuse is never ok), but I do feel for how rough she has had it. As someone who hasn’t been able to have kids I can’t imagine watching my husband build large families with his other wives. Yes, she did have a child, but only one and that child desperately wanted siblings. Her religion strongly encourages big families. She got left out a lot. Having a small family can have benefits (more money, more peace and quiet) but she either didn’t get those things or had to fight for them. And then the surrogacy thing. It was like Kody was dangling it front of her just to tease her ( or I have a theory that Robyn decided she didn’t want to and made Kody be the bad guy). I don’t find her likable, but I can see how she got to be such an angry person. Leon was also prone to fits of anger over things that seemed odd).

I think Truely needs professional help (and to not be on TV anymore). I am not sure what it is but something about her concerns me (like 12 year olds don’t bite-that’s super unusual!)

[–]biggiesmalltits 44 points45 points  (6 children)

Christine gets way too much credit. I think she played a huge part in the family dynamic being as it was. I also 100% believe that she was furious that kody considered reconciling with meri. I think she was probably mad that he was willing to put the work into Meri and not her, which is fair, but I don’t think she sat back and was cool with kody and Meri despite what she claimed.

[–]EffectiveOutside9721 10 points11 points  (3 children)

Gwen’s insight on her You Tube recap was a bit telling on this.

[–]thornsandroses 21 points22 points  (1 child)

I don't believe for a second that any of that reconciliation with meri line was real. That was all lies and manipulation to turn Meri against Christine. I think it's when kody and robyn made those accusations to Suki that Meri realized that they were liars and she finally left Kody.

[–]yourerightmayne 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Unpopular opinion, Christine was being immature all of season 16 and did not take Covid seriously. She wanted things that no one else wanted. However, with that said she did need to leave but she was not the victim she made herself be about moving back to Utah

[–]sunshinesucculents 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Christine's behavior at the start of the pandemic was entitled and immature.

[–]grisuo 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Robyn advocates for her kids in a way Christine and Janelle could (and probably did) learn from. Robyn would NEVERRR allow her child to walk around in pain with an untreated back condition for years.

[–]Forever_Marie 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Janelle is not as nice as people want her to be. She's passive sure but still ...off.

Janelle is somehow a better mother than Christine.

Leon is just awful, personality wise.

Honestly, I may not like Janelle or Christine, I am happy they are away from Kody.

[–]Puzzleheaded_Fig_508 49 points50 points  (8 children)

I am genuinely scared of Truely, and I don’t think Christine paid enough attention to her middle kids.

[–]MrsMandelbrot 31 points32 points  (4 children)

I think Kody looks his best with a ponytail

[–]thekamakiri 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Janelle, is that you? ;)

[–]MrsMandelbrot 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Lol caught me!

[–]NovaStar_StellaStar 17 points18 points  (10 children)

Christine should get botox for her wrinkle between her eyes. That would make her look a couple years younger and even more attractive.

[–]unebellecoeur 8 points9 points  (0 children)

DISCLAIMER i watched seasons 1-4 when they came out, just watched most recent season but have no knowledge of the in between except what i see on TikTok lol.

Opinion: While I agree Robyn is whiney and makes herself a bit of a martyr, I don’t really dislike her that much at all.

I truly believe Robyn when she describes the life she wants for herself and her family however insane it may seem to be, but i also come from a background with a lot of religious abuse so that’s just my bias.

with a little bit more constructive support and a supportive partner, instead of a codependent enabling mess, in general I think she could see her part in the challenging dynamics created and perpetuated in their family dynamic by her martyrdom.

[–]chasmfiend4 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Kody's hair looks better now that he is learning to manage his curls instead of creating a poofy mess.

[–]Ok-Journalist-4090 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I actually felt bad for Meri in the last season... The way she just stuck around after being degraded by Kody

[–]UnhappyAd9934 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I guess my unpopular opinion is I don't think Robyn's ex is as bad as she makes him out to be. I could be wrong but it seems like she was just as much of a problem in that failed marriage as him but opted to vilify him to gain sympathy and make herself look like a victim coming out of that divorce.

[–]lululosthervoice 15 points16 points  (2 children)

i don't like it when ppl comment on kodys looks (especially his hair) or give him or robyn nicknames ( = "sobyn" or "kidney") it's just annoying and kind of childish to me

[–]Willowdeeno 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Robin came into what she thought was a functioning family only to discover a dysfunctional mess.

[–]OiKay 22 points23 points  (6 children)

Even if she's finally done a smart thing and left her shitty abusive husband I still think Janelle is an asshole too.

[–]Dry_Studio_2114 21 points22 points  (0 children)

My unpopular opinion is that people who pimp their families out on reality TV for money are total slimeballs. I think the only reason the Brown's did this is they could not support their large family on their own and TLC was an easy solution for them. They wanted to be the real life "Big Love." While entertaining for us, it's really sleazy.

[–]funkelly1 22 points23 points  (2 children)

I think Kody was tired of trying to please 4 wives and towards he end he just gave up.

I don't think Robyn had intentions on breaking up the family and being the only wife.

Christine also plays the victim from time to time.

Meri has borderline personality disorder and as annoying as she is I don't think most of what she says and does she's aware of her doing.

[–]MexicanGuey 24 points25 points  (1 child)

All the kids married young because they wanted to bang.

They moved to Flagstaff for the show. They knew that content was gonna be stale if they stayed in Vegas.

I actually liked Kody and agreed with many things he said for the 1st 10 seasons. He was the voice of reason. I think hes a psycho now and fame got to him.

Leon is a spoiled brat and my least favorite.

[–]Careful_Ambassador87 46 points47 points  (7 children)

Unpopular opinion! I don’t think Kody was abusive when he tried to teach Truely how to ride a bike.

In fact, in that scene, he actually struck me as a recognizable, normal dad whose patience is wearing thin but who just wants their timid child to conquer her fears and enjoy one of life’s great activities: bike riding. 🚴

[–]Prudent-Confection-4 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Was anyone else shocked she didn’t already know how to ride a bike?

[–]YogaBeth 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I think Robyn has been assigned a lot of blame that just isn’t fair. I don’t even like her. But I don’t think she came into the family with malicious intentions. If anyone deserves blame, it’s Meri. And of course, Kody.

[–]AbbreviationsDue7794 24 points25 points  (3 children)

All of the kids are kind of terrible.

[–]rarepinkhippo 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I agree on many of them but I legitimately think Logan is a really good kid, and probably also Hunter and Ysabel at minimum.

[–]JoseMachismo 24 points25 points  (1 child)

Sammy Hagar shouldn't have traded being in Van Halen for a bunch of wives.

[–]bobbitybobbitteflon queen 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I’m also coming around on Meri. To see how awful Kody is to her & right to her face—I only feel for her

[–]ninnibear 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Christine and Janelle aren't great either, considering their MLM activities.

[–]217EBroadwayApt4E 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Mine is more about the fandom.

People act like they are baby birds trying to fly for the first time instead of actual adults.

Could Christine’s relationship end? Yes. Would it be sad? Sure. But I don’t judge her for what she chooses to post. I wish her every drop of happiness she can find- and if that means acting like a teenager on social media, so be it.

I’m in my mid 40s and over the past 5 years or so I’ve seen a handful of my friends go through divorce. They all married really young and had kids young. And now they are out acting like absolute fools. Dressing like teenagers, getting terrible spray tans, going on girls weekends to Vegas- pretty much out here living like 21 year olds. And you know what? Good for them. Not what I would choose- but hey. Life is short. You gotta find your joy. If you’re not hurting anyone- get it.

Some of the threads/comments about Christine are infantilizing AF, though. Has she been fairly sheltered? Sure, but she hasn’t been sealed in a vault her whole life. She went through a lot of her grieving/processing before she left the family. Whether it was COVID or Ysabel’s surgery when it hit her, she realized that it wasn’t working, it never worked, and was never going to work. And it seems like the spell was broken and she felt free, even before she told the family or left.

And you know what? Sometimes those lightbulb moments bring together things you have been dealing with/processing for a long time and it just clicks. And it’s over, and that can be extremely freeing.

And I think it’s obvious that this is the case for Christine. You can see how serene she is after she makes her choice. It doesn’t really bother her regardless of what Kody throws at her. She just lets him rage. He can’t hurt her anymore. He can only hurt her kids, and that’s all she cares about. She’s absolutely focused on the future. She doesn’t get drawn into the petty bullshit. She isn’t trying to hurt anyone. She is just ready to move on.

So by the time she met David I think she was ready for him. It feels fast to us, but she has been lonely for decades. She tried so hard to believe in the principle and while she wasn’t perfect, she did try to shove herself into the perfect Sister Wife box. And when she finally realized it was that system that was broken, not her, she just found her peace.

So do I get what people mean when they cringe? Sure. But what she’s going through is very tame for a newly divorced woman who was married young and/or in an abusive marriage. I know people who met their partner around her age and yeah- things tend to move fast from the outside, but often times they have better outcomes than younger relationships. And even if she does get her heart broken, she will survive and live through it.

But she’s a whole, grown ass woman who has been through a lot and knows what she wants. Some of the comments on these subs act like she’s a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time ever or something. I don’t get it.