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Armie Hammer Selling Timeshares in Cayman Islands Office

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For like TEN YEARS and they could never make him happen


That Buzzfeed writer is feeling smug right now

That article felt like such a hit job but they got every point right

I remember thinking he was quite dull in a couple of movies that I can’t even remember the names of. He turned out to be more uh, interesting than anyone thought 😳

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u/une_etrangere avatar

Anne Helen Petersen is the writer. Found her through her Armie Hammer article, am now subscribed to her substack which is great!

here to say i love anne helen!! her substack is worth the money!

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When the movie was called off, Hammer and the other stars — including Adam Brody as The Flash, DJ Cotrona as Superman, and Megan Gale as Wonder Woman — were already deep in pre-production training.

Reading the article and having one of the biggest “who are these people?” in living memory.

u/Ohhh_boi-howdy avatar

Well, there soon might be an opening for Adam Brody to play The Flash.

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Armie Hammer is the human embodiment of "fetch."

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He won the genetic lottery and came from a very rich and powerful family, and he is proof that those things are never more important than the quality of someone's character and personality.

That also describes the Kardashians and the Hiltons. And it's so true.

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bdsm cannabalism is one hell of a drug

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"Gretchen,stop trying to make Armie happen. He's not gonna happen!"

u/ILoveRegenHealth avatar

To be fair, one of them was Lone Ranger co-starring a wife-beating, coked out fake Native American. At that time, this dude who said women should never have ambition and that he can slap his wife all he wants was bringing down lots of projects.

The Rita Ora of Hollywood.

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I think everyone was secretly relieved when that was off the table. We are punished enough with the omnipresence of Chris Pratt and Ryan Reynolds from the "bland af but white and tall" section


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u/marxo7waso7right avatar

Hell no. He's too young. Someone born in 1997 can't be Bond! Unless it would be a really young Bond, but I don't think that would work outside of those YA novels. The Bond movie franchise just doesn't seem like something that would work as a coming of age story.

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I'm not sure if people will accept another Aussie Bond lol

I mean a cannibal would really be switching things up for once

I'm glad you said that. And I'm glad you didn't get downvoted to hell or demonized for it. I'm not a fan of Pratt, and Reynolds is okay from what I know. I also don't have an issue with white actors. I do have an issue with Hollywood's blatant racism. There are other issue's too. Like ageism and sexisim. We already know that media representation is important and conducive to a cohesive society. This industry has been at the for front of dividing and demonizing people. The industry itself cannibalizes those it can take advantage of. Hopefully companies like Amazon and Netflix can put an end to that.

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u/crabraverepeat avatar

I think his family is having financial problems. His dad had bought/sold counterfeit artwork, from what I remember.

u/Ohhh_boi-howdy avatar

The cutoff cousin who spilled the beans in the Vanity Fair article on the Hammer family is a kitchen designer at a California Home Depot, which is fine work! It just doesn’t scream “my family is rich AF”

At least the cutoff cousin doesn’t have to sell their soul working at Home Depot, that they would have sold to be kept in the families gold graces. Just their dignity.

Source: Was a former Home Depot employee

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But he must have had a trust fund already right?

He wasn't getting on with his family before, he was so broke the girls he was dating all had to pay for cross country trips by gas to his parent's house because he couldn't afford plane tickets.

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He has always claimed that he doesn’t take their money.. who knows lol

u/eatingclass avatar

hollywood wanted people to eat him up

too bad he ate them first


As if timeshares weren't predatory enough

Lmao my thoughts exactly!

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u/katmili avatar

I’ll never understand why everyone loved him so much when Lee Pace was right there..

I still think about Lee Pace in The Fall. That vest / red mask look...


That movie ♥️ ❤️ ♥️

u/gible_bites avatar

Unapologetically my favorite movie of all time. I love every frame of that overindulgent masterpiece.

u/BarracudaImpossible4 avatar

Mine as well! I think you could take almost any random shot and frame it. The fact that it didn't get nominated for a single Oscar, but especially cinematography and costume design, still makes me mad.

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Mine too! That little girl was heartbreaking.

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What a movie! The rare film that I like more with each subsequent watch.

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u/gorgossia avatar

His acting is incredible in that film too. When he rages out and tells the other patient they’ve been giving him sugar, his pain and frustration is so palpable.

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Omg. The Fall.

Oh my God he was such a beaut in that movie

the smokey eyeliner? i die

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Not enough people watched Pushing Daisies imo

u/katmili avatar

The grip The Piemaker had on me in my teens was truly unreal!! There will never be enough people watching Pushing Daisies. It was such good show!

It really was. And it stands up, I just watched the dvds the other day!

u/katmili avatar

It really does. I’ll always just pop on a random episode if I can’t find anything new! Have you watched Dead Like Me?

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u/Laorighe avatar

Yes! I rewatched it last year and it definitely still holds up. Lee as the older brother in Wonderfalls did a lot for teen me.

u/katmili avatar

Wonderfalls!!! I know one other person who has watched that show. I had such a crush on him in that one too

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I'm still heartbroken it only got 2 seasons

Right? I wanted to know about Ned’s dad!!

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Same with Halt and Catch Fire!!

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u/cealchylle avatar

I will NEVER be over Pushing Daisies! It was everything to me

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u/thefilmer avatar

Lee Pace is gay tho can't have that in our leading men

u/marxo7waso7right avatar

I have always wondered if homophobia plays a part in him getting cast in "artier" projects rather than more traditional leading man roles.

u/poor_yorick avatar

Honestly, probably. It's fine to be a gay/queer leading man in Hollywood so long as you never openly talk about it.

It's actually a bit funny that many American conservatives think Hollywood is this bastion of extreme leftist thought when in many ways it is super conservative.


Remember when Colton Haynes published that essay about coming out in Hollywood? IIRC he wrote something like “I was told that I could be gay in my personal life, especially if I flirted with the gay producers/studio heads/etc but I could not come out publicly because no one would cast me, saying that they needed to sell the fantasy that I was a straight man to attract female viewers.”

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u/FutureRealHousewife avatar

I bet that is a huge part of it. One of the biggest components of constructing a leading man is that women are expected to sexually fantasize about them.

Honestly tho it's not a problem w/ Lee dude is hot af

u/FutureRealHousewife avatar

Yes he is, but Hollywood is trying to market to basic types. That's why they keep pushing Chris Pratt in 2022

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Sincerely don’t know why Hollywood never really pushed Lee Pace as a leading man - tall, square-jawed, Julliard, charismatic on screen, etc just truly the whole package

Honestly I think he’s so attractive, masculine and charismatic that he emasculates the Harvey Weinstein’s of the world. Hollywood producers are all super gross looking. That’s why they love pushing stories where beautiful women pair up with average looking men lol. Plus he’s like, an ethical person which I’m sure is not a valued trait in that industry

u/QueenPeachie avatar

That's why he played an elf

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u/AtleastIhaveakitty avatar

Lee Pace is the only reason The Hobbit is worth watching.

u/gorgossia avatar

Because he played a transwoman early in his career—Soldier’s Boy. Blacklisted from hunk roles because toxic masculinity.

u/FutureRealHousewife avatar

Cillian Murphy and Jared Leto both played trans women and both of them went on to continue playing super masculine roles so I don't think that's it.

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And has such a deep sexy voice!

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u/kronkswronglever avatar

Lee Pace is everythingggg

He should have been in the original LOTR over Hugo Weaving IMO, he looked great in the hobbit

Love Lee but Hugo as Elrond was still hot AF

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god i fucking love lee pace. he’s massively underrated.


Lee Pace is severely underrated. 🥵🔥

u/BarracudaImpossible4 avatar

Lee Pace should be MUCH more famous (if he wants it). I recently watched Soldier's Girl, based on the true story of a soldier who was murdered when his relationship with a trans woman is discovered. Some aspects of the movie don't hold up well, and they probably wouldn't do this casting now, but Lee Pace plays the trans woman and he's incredible.

The Fall is my favorite movie of all time and it should have been nominated for everything ever. The scene near the end where he's talking to the little girl after a certain incident (trying to be as vague as possible so I don't spoil it) makes me sob.

u/gible_bites avatar

I honestly don’t understand how the Fall has just been completely snubbed by everything. The movie has everything: a unique story, fantastic acting, the most gorgeous cinematography and costuming. It should’ve been a huge fucking deal.

You can’t even legally watch it anywhere, and the last time I checked, the blu-ray was over $200 (and I’m super grateful I snagged a copy years ago).

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Pushing Daisies was everything

The hottest actor in Hollywood by faaaaar


I love that Evan Ross Katz always captions any post about him as “6’5 actor Lee Pace”

u/guayaba_and_cheese avatar

Lee Pace supremacy

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I thought it was a prank

The tour guide flyer was


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Well considering there’s actual tangible evidence of this one?

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u/Kissmyasthma007 avatar

I think we already established Armie hammer is as rich as Bruce Wayne.

u/AC10021 avatar

The Hammer estate was literally used as “Wayne Mansion” for the Batman movie. It was destroyed by fire in 2005 and his father, Michael Hammer, was interviewed as the owner. It was estimated as a loss of 15M then, so now would be a home worth north of 20M.


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Armies parents came around to the acting thing, but his mom is a super religious trump supporter and that caused more rifts eventually. Armies girlfriend post divorce said his mom called him the devil and prayed over his body after dinner once.

u/throwaway9au avatar

Tbf her son also prays over a body for dinner too

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u/ForgetfulLucy28 avatar

Was she wrong? HahHa

u/JJulie avatar

They came around when he started getting press. Wonder how they felt about the whole cannibal, abuse thing?

Wonder if she's into the whole Qanon thing as well.

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u/babyreborndope avatar

Being that rich he probably has his own money, properties and stocks (given by his family obviously) since he was a kid, cutting him off wouldn’t make him poor. I think he is probably just bored? Like he has been in the Caymans since it all went down and probably lost a lot of friends, having a job is a way to socialize and would definitely be something useful if he is still seeking treatment for addiction. I bet he knows like the owner of the timeshare company and only goes when he wants.

His great grandfather was worth over 1.5 billion when he died in the 90’s, was unmarried and he only had one kid (Armie’s grandfather) who died a couple of years later…

Nobody is "I'm selling timeshares" bored

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u/AC10021 avatar

Point of clarification: Armand Hammer had one legitimate child. He had an illegitimate daughter (by a mistress) who contested his will. His one legitimate child, Julian (Arnie’s grandfather), was the one who murdered a guy and whose daughter Casey said he molested her. Julian’s son Michael (Casey’s brother) is the one who became a lunatic evangelical and funneled money into Jews for Jesus.

The Hammer family is WILD. Like, Armie having a cannibalism fetish is small beans for these people. Armand was an illegal abortionist who extorted desperate women, and the CIA believed was also a spy for the Soviet Union and that’s where all his money came from.

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He (Armie) said they've since come around and are fine with him now (at least, pre scandal)

Oh I bet he’s cut off now, considering he has to sell timeshares. I mean good for him, work is work.

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u/that_basic_witch avatar

He is probably cut off now. Old money families are all about prestige and their names and Armie threw the family name in the mud.

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Lol “we can’t let our good little Arnie go into Hollywood! He’ll get caught up in Satan’s clutches!”

“Honey that stuff isn’t real”

ten years later…

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u/plantbay1428 avatar

Whoa, I totally remember that house too. And that architect had an amazing life.

u/Kissmyasthma007 avatar

Thats crazy. I had no idea when I compared them.

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Omg, never bothered looking at wiki! Why is he selling timeshares then?

u/velsor avatar

Why is he selling timeshares then?

Because neither he nor his family are remotely as rich as people claim they are. They are wealthy, but they are far from being billionaires as some people claim.


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u/velsor avatar

I mean Forbes estimate Armie's father net worth to be 200 million

Do you have a source for this? The only thing I can find is that Forbes estimated the estate of Armand Hammer to be worth $200 million in 1992. That was several generations ago though, and families like this have a tendency to squander their wealth over time.

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I think he’s living at the resort and working at the front desk as a sober living job.

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They absolutely are wealthy; being in the 1% is definitely beyond him needing a timeshare job. These people aren’t sitting on or just spending money. They have more money in their investments accounts than their bank account. They’re making millions in investments. It’s not as though they’re lottery winners. They’re old money. The thing you said about these types of family squandering money is simply not true precisely because of investments. Most of the richest people in the world come from generational wealth.

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wasn't he also going to play Batman in that cancelled Justice League movie from the late 00s?

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u/Dangerous-Hawk16 avatar

Truthfully I enjoyed him in man from uncle. But it’s crazy that he was once supposed to be Batman in the early 2000s

u/that_basic_witch avatar

At least Warner/DC dodged that bullet.

u/FrankieBennedetto avatar

Lol who would win in a fight Armie Hammer Batman or Ezra Miller Flash

u/that_basic_witch avatar

We all would lose tbh.

If a fight to the death we all win.

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u/theTunkMan avatar

The literal cannibal is normie crazy?

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Hammer v Miller: Dawn of Justice

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u/Dangerous-Hawk16 avatar

A huge bullet, because they tried to put him in the running again against Robert Pattinson

u/unluckyleo avatar

Did they really? Surely he was too old for the role at that point

Robert and Armie are the same age

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u/Dangerous-Hawk16 avatar

He was a runner up

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I really did like ‘The Man from UNCLE’ but cannot stand him in most other movies. I think his acting was good b/c he was supposed to be a cold Russian with no personality. The character helped to hide his awful acting. Elizabeth Debicki from that movie actually lived in my apt building when she was shooting a movie in Chicago. I think she is pretty in movies but that woman in real life is drop dead gorgeous.

u/Dangerous-Hawk16 avatar

Really enjoyed it especially Cavil wished we got a sequel.

I can’t wait for her as Princess Diana

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u/Miele-Man avatar

I loved him in The Man From U.N.C.L.E! I actually find him really good in Mirror, Mirror as well

I did, too. Bummed we never got a sequel to that movie.

u/Dangerous-Hawk16 avatar

I wanted it soo bad

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Would’ve been better as Killer Croc IMO

Same, I thought his Russian accent was actually really good. Bummer.

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His family is rich but he seems to be broke. One of his exes post divorce said that she paid for everything! Sounds crazy but lots of these old money kids don’t have real money of their own.. everything is usually tied up in trusts and investments so it’s difficult for them to be cash rich and able to just draw out funds whenever they want. Also old money can be cheap AF and want other people to treat them to things 🙄


It’s funny you say that. Reminds me of Ivanka/Jared taking commercial flights and vacationing at tourist resorts (Marriott in Hawaii) like common folks, while Instagram influencers are off to private resorts in bora bora on private jets.

Edit: typo

Those rich kids take what they can get! Lol Also probably has to do with family dynamics and culture. Some parents are really generous with their kids and some parents are not. In middle eastern and Asian cultures rich families seem to spoil their kids more like buying them super luxury cars etc. but they’re not necessarily old money though. American old money seems to whisper a lot more and the kids are more on a tight leash when it comes to money

The campus where I teach there are undergrads from China in $90k cars, and those are their “tootling around campus/ school car for now” type automobiles, and others can barely afford a bike. I really wonder if the two groups of students are free to mix in a way they don’t at home but I don’t have a way to find out.

I went to the University of Kansas and graduated in 2012. I have never seen so many lambos and other ridiculous cars parked outside of an engineering department. I feel bad for the asian students because their opulent wealth does breed tension.

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u/EmotionAOTY avatar

My best friend is wealthy enough to where every single time we go out shopping, she spends hundreds of dollars on fun things like sunglasses and makeup through her dad's card. I found that interesting because growing up my friends and I went to the mall just to have fun, but for her going to the mall is pointless if you're not spending money. I think this has to do with how my friends and I were too poor to go to the movies, arcade, karaoke every month so we usually spent time together at the mall roaming around free of cost.

Race plays a factor because I'm brown and my non-white friends and I fight over the bill every single time. But I still insist on paying for her when we eat out because (idk why this is) it makes me feel good when I do! Even though she's better off. So it definitely takes some work, I think my friendship is a rather mild example. I don't resent her for being wealthy! Even though I wrote a comment on deuxmoi about it lol but it makes things awkward. I'd rather just go to the mall, restaurants with my other friends for that reason.

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yeah and it’s not just rich Asian people that spoil their kids, working class/middle class does to. people are always surprised when I them my parents pay for most of my things and cost of living while I’m in med school and they’re just normal working class people ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You’re lucky to have such supportive parents! But you being in med school is probably fulfilling their goals and wishes for you to have a better life and to help them too when they’re old. They are investing in you! 😁

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Yep. Definitely, I think family dynamics are at play in the javanka example.

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he’s selling timeshares now??? man, that sounds like a punishment more than anything else lmao.

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he and his lawyer both say that he is not so what is the truth.gif

That article is about a rumor that he was a hotel concierge. That is a different thing that happened earlier this week. The tmz post is about him selling timeshares

Evidently I turn my reading comprehension off on Saturday mornings 😂

Jesus Christ I didn't realize it was Saturday till I read your comment. Fuck

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I still genuinely don’t know how to feel about that Armie Hammer situation. Like I read the Vanity Fair piece and everything and it’s just so incredibly messy from top to bottom.


“Surviving my birthright” by Casey Hammer is an interesting read from Armies Aunt (his dads sister) really gives an over view of how messed up this whole family is.

if that’s too much I recommend listening to a podcast episode she was on

Edit: fixed my post because the link to Caseys book wasn’t working.

Thank you for this. I’m interested in what all happened so I’ll take a listen!

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u/RequirementRare5014 avatar

You know, maybe this a therapy thing - helping people instead of helping himself to people

u/LowObjective avatar

If that was the case he wouldn’t be selling timeshares

There may not be many jobs he's qualified to do. He doesn't have a degree and seems kind of hyper/high energy. If this is part of his addiction treatment it would make sense--working, earning his own money, maintaining a schedule. It may also have something to do with the custodial stuff going on, proving that he's more settled.

u/LowObjective avatar

I just meant that timeshares are often a scam so he’s not really helping people lol

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Sucking people's lifeblood metaphorically instead of... you know... literally.

u/polesloth avatar

I cackled.

u/DMike82 avatar

Or having a helping of people. Certainly no second helpings. That would be tacky.

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This man and his family are filthy rich. There’s no way this is anything more than a publicity stunt. Or maybe he’s one of those stupid rich people that likes to cosplay as a regular normal person just for fun.

I think this is it. He’s lived in Cayman a long time and it’s a small island community. He’s probably just working at a friends office or something for the hell of it.


I think this is it too. Before he got cancelled he was helping his friends build a hotel in Palm Springs. He’s probably helping out another friend

u/Visible_Fox3108 avatar

I completely agree. He's wealthy enough to be living in a 5 star hotel for the past year but he needs to get a job selling time shares? Lol okay. He's doing it because it's something to do or because he's helping out a friend. He's mentioned in the past doing odd jobs to help friends and I doubt this is any different.

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I believe it’s part of his rehab to have a sober living job but I’m just speculating

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u/pastelera16 avatar

I wish I could chose to cosplay as a regular person, too

Yeah, I was thinking this is him doing method acting for some role.

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“Bored rich person on an island” job would be like, owning a boutique or restaurant, or a very sporadically scheduled “life coach” type. Or even a high value real estate agent to trade in on knowing other rich people.

No one with access to millions hawks time shares to the sunburned masses lol. His family either cut him off, or isn’t as wealthy as they claim. Perhaps both.


Surely he still has lots of money and residuals from his acting career.

Eh, he never had a leading role in a big box office success. I’m sure he took home a nice chunk of change, but was it “maintain a luxurious lifestyle while indulging an outsized drug/sex worker habit and going through a divorce with kids in the picture” money? He doesn’t seem like the sort that invested wisely lol


Yeah I guess you're right. I think he and his wife also had some pretty serious lifestyle inflation as he became a bigger star, and were banking on him making even more money. I wouldn't be surprised if they were in a lot of debt when they divorced.

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Hey, a man's

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I personally am NOT satisfied with the conclusion we reached on this foul man. WHY is nobody talking about it i watched like 400+ stories of reciepts just for everyone to never bring up the fact he branded some lady like a cow and BIT OFF a chunk of her shoulder among much much more???

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I think Armie is broke and was cutoff years ago.

I think the same thing, his mom is INSANE and has called him the devil before

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u/Huge_Discount7984 avatar

DM acting like she broke this story when she got all of the info from a Twitter page is annoying

Why? He’s rich AF and never has to work again. He’s got insane family money and acting money.

Probably to keep himself busy I guess?

If he’s bored he should do something philanthropic which might help for his inevitable comeback to films

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Prepping for a new role perhaps? Or just bored

Not to defend him in literally any way but...he worked for a friend doing construction during the early days of covid. So maybe just bored? Helping another friend?

yeah maybe he just likes to work/keep busy?

He probably has to to stay sober

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u/elaineseinfeld avatar

Lol he was also someone’s airport chauffeur. The comeuppance is real.

i’m dying to hear more about his airport chauffeur career now

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Is this so people will feel bad for him and he can make a comeback? I’m so confused 😳

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I heard he left one property so fast, that they left a bunch of stuff behind, including movie memorabilia. This whole thing is nuts.

I guess Robert Palmer had it right when he said, "A pretty face, don't make a pretty heart". Shame.

Also, old money is full of these types of weirdos. I can't wait for that Discovery+ Doc on him & his family is good.

This is supposed to imply his career is over, but just this year he was one of the lead characters in the movie Death on the Nile…I’m confused.

u/CrispyAnakin16180 avatar

But that movie was filmed years ago. He dropped out of other high profile roles and hasn't booked anything since.

Okay, that makes sense.

When I saw him in it I was like, "what?!"

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That was filmed way before the scandal.

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u/Vegetable_Burrito avatar

That blurry pic is supposed to be him?

Wtf is this timeline?

this is seriously so funny idk

but in all seriousness, this does sorta feel like a sobriety thing. like, work is really good for keeping on track. i really hope he keeps his shit together and doesn’t mess up anything more for his family.

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I still don’t underhand this. Yeah his career his over, but he comes from an insanely wealthy family. Like INSANELY wealthy!

His father is rich. Not him. And apparently also very greedy (his father). Armie's auntie and Michael's sister Casey is working as a shop assistant in Home Deport. So why are we surprised?

I used to work for a non-profit for the Hammer Family. Worth hundreds of millions. I’m just so surprised they are working “normal” jobs.

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Damn, I was just in Grand Cayman… wish I had seen this!

This can't be for real -- he comes from the extremely wealthy Hammer family/legacy in LA. His children were born rich.

However, timeshares are extremely predatory so I could see someone like him doing this for shits and giggles. So icky