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Finally happy with my setup! (Ask for info if you want) by Duskexin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex[S] 0 points1 point ago

It is exactly that, live battery indicator from modmyi source. You should be able to find it. If not re update the source.

Finally happy with my setup! (Ask for info if you want) by Duskexin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex[S] 1 point2 points ago

Yeah It works so well with jellylock.

Finally happy with my setup! (Ask for info if you want) by Duskexin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex[S] 0 points1 point ago

Look in my comment history and you'll find where I asked for it. I'm on mobile right now so I can't provide it.

Finally happy with my setup! (Ask for info if you want) by Duskexin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex[S] 1 point2 points ago

it's in the album :) second last pic

Is there a way to move the date and time on LS up a bit? by NiklasKjaerin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex -1 points0 points ago

what application did you use to put it in there?

edit: i found an application to use to put the files into the folder. but they do nothing? :/

Is there a way to move the date and time on LS up a bit? by NiklasKjaerin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex 0 points1 point ago

how'd you get that little padlock as your slider logo?

I mean, it IS a possibility by slit27in RotMG

[–]Duskex 1 point2 points ago

shat ahp

What puts you to sleep the fastest? by cotu89in AskReddit

[–]Duskex 0 points1 point ago

Baths are usually good for relaxing muscles and making it easy for a comfortable position to sleep in. If you do this make sure to go to bed right after your bath.

[Help] How to move media controls down on lockscreen? by VoicesSoftAsThunderin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex 0 points1 point ago

what is this cydget?

how to get rid if lockscreen shadow/gradient by 47kin iOSthemes

[–]Duskex 1 point2 points ago

Wallpaper? :0

Was looking through my dropbox and found these old screenshots, over 100 white bags. by CptLeonin RotMG

[–]Duskex 0 points1 point ago

man everytime i browse this subreddit these picturs of a ton of white bags makes me wanna play but i never get any lol

Reporter gives fan an Eye Five by deathdragon1987in gifs

[–]Duskex 1 point2 points ago

I love youuuuuuuuuuuuu

[PICTURE] I believe I'm currently the youngest Glass Explorer in the world. by imhotteronlinein teenagers

[–]Duskex 1 point2 points ago

See? Fuck people and their assumptions.

[PICTURE] I believe I'm currently the youngest Glass Explorer in the world. by imhotteronlinein teenagers

[–]Duskex 24 points25 points ago

or he could have maybe worked his whole summer for it? more likely spoiled but let's not jump to conclusions.

Firecracker Jinx (Lunar Revel skin idea) by Anti-Pioneerin leagueoflegends

[–]Duskex -5 points-4 points ago

Probably because unless she's wearing something bra or bikini looking, it's hard to tell that she's a girl without exaggerated breasts.

What's something you did as a kid or teenager that still embarrasses you to this day? by Purplesummer22in AskReddit

[–]Duskex 4 points5 points ago

My friends hate me for it but I'm always the one laughing at inappropriate situations. When someone's telling a story and lying for emphasis it just cracks me up.

[Picture] Drunk texts suck by qubiin teenagers

[–]Duskex 1 point2 points ago

I dodged a sweet party last night to go skiing with some buddies who weren't able to go to the party. Lately I've been enjoying small get togethers with beer pong and other drinking games. A lot less to worry about and you can still get sloshed.

[Picture] From my Facebook feed by esberin teenagers

[Picture] Drunk texts suck by qubiin teenagers

[–]Duskex 7 points8 points ago

Honestly. Not everyone loves parties. But not everyone loves what you do so stop being such an elitist about other social events you prefer over parties. I like parties. When you tell me you went on a dinner date instead of a party I don't congratulate you on being lame. I just say, damn you missed out on a good party. I feel you, RamenPood1es. Diners or Breakfast stops are the SHIT.

Reddit, what is a must-see movie that will blow my mind? by Bookwormy13in AskReddit

[–]Duskex 0 points1 point ago

Not really gently, lol.

What’s something you’ve tried, that you’ll never, ever try again? by afrocanadianin AskReddit

[–]Duskex 4 points5 points ago

Ahaha rebuilt for eternity. Fucking salvia.