
Who is an AFL player that had their career end too soon? by MidnightIsland212 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Johnson definitely hurt the most, but can take solace in the fact he got what a lot of players never get, a premiership. Gotta mention Naismith too, seriously talented ruckman (might get another chance elsewhere who knoiws), and PMac now too most likely...

Which team has surprised you the most this season so far? by hereforthememes2023 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Even Chad's not playing anywhere near his best lately. It does seem like the team's mentality is shot atm, been a real hard 2 months for the team. Never needed the bye as much as this.

Which team has surprised you the most this season so far? by hereforthememes2023 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Even if we'd just managed to kick a little further against Port and man up on Greene against GWS then we'd have won 2 more and be solidly in the 8 even with the horrible losses. Been a real frustrating year since we did look great at the start of the year with our mostly fit team. All good though, trying to stay positive (at least 1 new injury every week really fucks with positivity though), we're blooding youth again who would have had no chance to break in to the team yet and we've got the age profile to be absolutely heading to another genuine premiership window.

Which team has surprised you the most this season so far? by hereforthememes2023 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Don't think we'll make finals, most of our key players come back too late and we've already lost too many, we'd have to be perfect for the 2nd half of the year and even with our full team we'd struggle to beat Bris/Melb/Port/Pies imo. But we'll certainly upset a few top teams in the 2nd half of the year and earn back some respect. But yea a lot of people who aren't familiar with the team are really downplaying how impactful our injuries are because we just don't have as many as WCE have. We've lost 7-9 of our best 22 for 2 months now plus depth in key positions, and most of the injuries have been to players that are super important to our structure and gameplan that we've built over the last few years.

Jack Viney deserves suspension for this, hunter doesn’t for his action. by HardYakkadakka in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 17 points18 points  (0 children)

That exact action is what Thomas (I think) did to cause Rohan's horror leg break years ago which was one of the big incidents that lead to the rule being brought in. Should absolutely be cause for a suspension. It's a completely unnecessary action, whereas a player that keeps his feet going for the ball then turning his body to safely contest the ball and accidentally getting a player high that didn't turn their body correctly is a footy act and doesn't merit a suspension imo.

Wednesday Team Selection Thread - R11 vs Carlton by Maximumlnsanity in sydneyswans

[–]Skwisgaars 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Out: Ladhams, Gould, Stephens

In: Hall-Kahan, Melican, Hickey

Hopeful on Hickey but who knows. Gould and Stephens have both had enough chances imo. Sheldrick isn't great so far but I'd rather we give him another chance. If Hickey doesn't make it then keep Gould because we need all the help down back we can get even if he's too slow.

Injury Update: Ladhams out for several weeks by Skwisgaars in sydneyswans

[–]Skwisgaars[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Good to know, thanks. Means he must be feeling good, just gotta see if there's any concussion symptoms that pop up after that training which is fair enough.

Injury Update: Ladhams out for several weeks by Skwisgaars in sydneyswans

[–]Skwisgaars[S] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

It's been the same paragraph forever, no point repeating it. He was never coming back anyway, dude's already in for seriously affected quality of life as he gets older, he needs to protect his health as much as possible now.

Injury Update: Ladhams out for several weeks by Skwisgaars in sydneyswans

[–]Skwisgaars[S] 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Ladhams out for "several weeks" hurts. No mention of Hickey should mean he comes back in right?? I really hope either way we keep Stretch, we need the height and he looked great, playing 2 rucks seemed to work well til Ladhams went down.

Don't have much hope though, still none of T/Pmac (Pmac likely gone for good now as he probs should) or Rampe back means our backline will be as bad as it has been for ages now. Fox is doing his best and killing it, but we clearly can't hold up to any sort of pressure, and Carlton's forward will dominate more than North's. Any time it goes down there we look like conceding imo. Gonna be a tough week I reckon.

Ucomms polling of nearly 1100 Tasmanians commissioned by My Place, the promoters of an alternative vision for Macquarie Point, was released on Tuesday. by superegz in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Man, so we're gonna get a Tasmanian team and what's looking like a reason for a lot of people to vote out the last of the libs in Australia?! What a time to be alive.

Could Boromir have taken Lurtz in a fight? by WanderingCantaloupe in lotr

[–]Skwisgaars -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I mean... https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/%C3%86lfwine

If you look at it a certain way you could consider all of Tolkien's legendarium irl.

What’s the best and worst AFL stadium you’ve been to? by iamthemetricsystem in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Damn that's awesome, didn't know that was a plan. Thanks mate.

What’s the best and worst AFL stadium you’ve been to? by iamthemetricsystem in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Brisbane PT is just trash in general, not much they can do there when they rebuild the stadium I don't think.

Is this rare? And where does it fall In terms of lore compared to Silmarillion/Fall of Gondolin etc etc? by oddpiecedesigns in lotr

[–]Skwisgaars 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I'm getting through it now after reading the Silmarillion. It's not a linear story or anything, just a collection of stories and historical texts that JRR's son edited together. Very much worth a read as it expands on characters and stories across all the ages, super interesting imo. I'd read the Silmarillion first if you haven't already though.

Footy Trivia by CrymsonKnight in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 10 points11 points  (0 children)

some great example questions here

My boss called "Daybreak" yacht rock by SuperClassyKind in community

[–]Skwisgaars 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's definitely Yacht Rock, that's not an insult. Spotify's Yacht Rock playlist is an absolute banger - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXb3m918yXHxA?si=fcf8d5d687644252

Round 10 Free kick ladder by Jackomillard15 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And we're supposed to be bottom 4, where am I supposed to direct my irrational complaints now!?

I... I am beer! I am drunk! I am GAIA!!!! by kayny20 in KGATLW

[–]Skwisgaars 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Looks like a pretty clear for an IPA, how was it? Looks crisp and refreshing.

There's a one game gap between 7th and 13th? Call it now, who are the two that will finish in those spots? by Dazzling1998 in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I think we'll get the bulk of our team back too late, we'll upset some top teams but will have too many losses already to make the 8 by the end of the year imo. If we somehow manage to beat Carlton I might start to believe again.

Post Round 10 r/AFL Power Rankings by PowerRankingsCentral in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Wouldn't put us above any of the teams above them here anyway. Might be a bit harsh given we led for 90 minutes and Ladhams going down directly affected their comeback, but top of the bottom 4 is right for us until we get some of our key players back.

Picked 8/9 so far this round, cashed out at half time based off the stats GWS had. by [deleted] in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Deleting posts doesn't completely get rid of it, you can always go back to them if you have the link. The picture is gone though.

Picked 8/9 so far this round, cashed out at half time based off the stats GWS had. by [deleted] in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Happy you got a win, just letting you know the post will probably get downvoted, don't take it personally.

Match Thread: GWS Giants vs St Kilda (Round 10) by AFLMatchThreads in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Does Sinclair have the worst haircut in the history of the game? I love a mullet as much as the next guy, but with the way the side of the head is trimmed that thing is an abomination.

Picked 8/9 so far this round, cashed out at half time based off the stats GWS had. by [deleted] in AFL

[–]Skwisgaars 10 points11 points  (0 children)

People here (myself included) generally don't give a fuck about your betting wins mate. See enough betting bs on the broadcasts, don't need it here.