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[–]a_dog_says_woof 1882 points1883 points  (56 children)

what is in air these days, everyone is breaking up!

[–]avokumaoat milk chugging bisexual 2510 points2511 points  (12 children)

Venus is drinking Gatorade

[–]lawschoolredux 288 points289 points  (1 child)

Pinkus leased an Escalade

[–]babushkalauncher 70 points71 points  (0 children)

Poor Pinkus, poor little Pinkus

[–]flacaGT3 80 points81 points  (1 child)

Who put their penis in the Gatorade?!

[–]shades0fcoolbill hader witch 🪄 19 points20 points  (2 children)

Blue or red gatorade?

[–]storminthedark 415 points416 points  (10 children)

It’s the fallout of the pandemic altering couples for better and for worse. There’s a spectrum of couples breaking up because lockdown and restrictions were the better conditions for them to remain together (because of busy schedules, living apart, distance etc otherwise) so can’t deal now that’s over, and then couples who struggled through covid finally realising nothing changed once restrictions ended and breaking up.

[–]AccountRemote3270 104 points105 points  (0 children)

And the poor children impacted by this entitled nonsense is horrific.

Speaking from experience with my own post COVID romcom

[–]No_Dragonfly_1894 96 points97 points  (5 children)

Very true. My late husband and I were separated in November of 2021 due to long-term issues but covid was the reason it all came to a head. He was a musician so he stopped working immediately, whereas I was an "essential" worker and had to work long hours from home. We were both home 24/7 and the issues boiled over.

[–]honeyimsorrybroken little pop culture rat brain 81 points82 points  (1 child)

This happened to me. It was really rough but I think my cat understood and she looked pretty cute with her stick and bindle.

[–]Inside-Audience2025 24 points25 points  (0 children)

“Did you shed in my pasta?!? Again?!? … No, don’t take that tone with me. Either pay rent or get out…”

[–]lorlbar 259 points260 points  (7 children)

Ariana is probably involved, we just can’t prove it

[–]wewerelegends 99 points100 points  (3 children)

“I think she did it but I just can’t prove it.” ♪ ♫

[–]GoldIsCold987 48 points49 points  (0 children)

Me, in J. Jonah Jameson Era but instead of Spider-Man it's Ariana Grande: I know she's behind it! I just need proof!!

[–]throwaway9au 140 points141 points  (1 child)

People don't want be Ariana's next target

[–]Poonurse13 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Seriously. I personally know about 3 separations, 2 of which will be divorces by then end of the year

[–]Little_Rain223 46 points47 points  (5 children)

Well my husband announced last Thursday that he is moving out and wants to separate, so it is affecting us normies too

[–]False_Ad3429 31 points32 points  (0 children)

It's a year after lockdown ended in LA

[–]JohnCenaJunior 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Climate change cause marriage bane

[–]flexipol 15 points16 points  (0 children)

It’s summer….

[–]Real_Tennis_2520 1435 points1436 points  (39 children)

I swear if Ashton Kutcher is without his wedding ring soon,there’s something a foot

[–]moxieremon 199 points200 points  (8 children)

Why? Did anyone else from the cast got separated too?

[–]knives4eyesPlease Abraham, I’m not that man 672 points673 points  (7 children)

I think they’re making a joke because Mila was in Black Swan, which is where Natalie and Benjamin met while he was in a prior relationship which he stepped out on to pursue her

[–]Jasminewindsong2it wasn’t even comped 366 points367 points  (6 children)

Ashton and Natalie were also in the romcom “No Strings Attached” together. Mila was in a similar movie with Justin Timberlake called “Friends with Benefits”.

If I were a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist I’d be suspicious lol and say something’s afoot. 😂 (but of course I’m not)

[–]Money-Entrance-6336 77 points78 points  (27 children)

Please no they seem so cute.

[–]turnip0 186 points187 points  (25 children)

I used to like them. But their association with that rapey Scientology guy gives me an ICK!

[–]NukaColaLola 31 points32 points  (17 children)

Wait what association??

[–]turnip0 142 points143 points  (13 children)

He still friends with that Masterson guy. He was also in Ranch which was produced by Kutcher's product iirc.


[–]NukaColaLola 143 points144 points  (9 children)

Bro tf that guy was so abusive which contradicts Ashton's work with RAINN

[–]turnip0 105 points106 points  (7 children)

Yep...math ain't mathing. I always see a person having outstanding public personna , I always feel somewhere a rotten painting exist. Not always...but most times.

[–]NukaColaLola 128 points129 points  (6 children)


FUCK ASHTON KUTCHER. As someone who has been raped that is NOT ok. You can't support a rapist and say you support rape survivors.

[–]Real_Tennis_2520 92 points93 points  (1 child)

When Joe Paterno got fired. Ashton Kutcher said on Twitter. Aw man why they gotta fire him. Demi Moore broke up with him a week later

[–]turnip0 39 points40 points  (3 children)

I'm sorry if I triggered you. There's no grey area when it comes to things like these. Seriously can't stand him or his wife who won't bathe their kids for clout weirdos.

[–]I_Crush_Your_Head 37 points38 points  (2 children)

Well, there goes my respect for Ashton Kutcher.

[–]xlxcxbut if you disagree with me, you really should seek help 22 points23 points  (5 children)

Are they associated? I thought he dumped Danny from their show the second the accusations came out. Genuinely asking, I don't keep up with them much

[–]missthugisolation 60 points61 points  (1 child)

Netflix dumped Danny from the show and they remained friends after the allegations

[–]MythOrHumanHis pap walks have been very blatant 1126 points1127 points  (8 children)

Gee, who would have seen this coming? They seemed like such a loving, loyal couple that valued fidelity. So unexpected

[–]coraIinejones 147 points148 points  (0 children)


[–]GeorgeEBHastings 49 points50 points  (3 children)

Help I'm out of the loop

[–]DimbyTime 160 points161 points  (1 child)

He got with Natalie when he was still with his ex girlfriend

[–]greee_p 612 points613 points  (17 children)

But seriously, affairs really suck and I hope she and the kids will be well.

[–]CategorySad6121it feels like a movie 472 points473 points  (15 children)

their relationship started as an affair

[–]greee_p 377 points378 points  (14 children)

well... then she probably should have seen this coming.

[–]waitthissucks 239 points240 points  (13 children)

Well she's Natalie Portman and is treated like the world's most beautiful goddess so she probably thought she was special

[–]FrostyCloudberry 220 points221 points  (10 children)

Halle Berry, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Elizabeth Hurley are just a few names I can think of “goddesses” who were cheated on. It’s always the cheater’s fault, no matter how hot you are it’s irrelevant

[–]waitthissucks 34 points35 points  (4 children)

Yeah... didn't say it was her fault. Just that she didn't expect it when she started dating him that the same thing would happen to her. She didn't do anything wrong from what we know. He sucks.

[–]TerminatorReborn 56 points57 points  (2 children)

Dating someone that is already in a relationship is already starting out wrong, but I know what you mean. They still were married for like 12 years after that

[–]graymillennial 549 points550 points  (14 children)

She should get with Dalton cause they’ve both been cheated on and they look like twins


[–]Key_Inevitable_2104 261 points262 points  (9 children)

Would be even more ironic if she and Hayden get together.

[–]orangurus 131 points132 points  (4 children)

Manifesting this, that would honestly be super cute

[–]DoctorRieux 57 points58 points  (0 children)

My Anakin/Padme shipper heart would explode if this came true

[–]Wooden-Limit1989[🍰] 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Oh shit they do look alike.

[–]Prestigious_Fun_3495 548 points549 points  (112 children)

I sometimes wonder how my grandparents have remained committed to each other after 60 years of marriage.

[–]smolperson 562 points563 points  (23 children)

Perhaps they didn’t cheat on their partners when they first started dating!

[–]cfsed_98 429 points430 points  (12 children)

a lot of people’s grandparents and parents with decades long relationships had infidelity in there somewhere 💀TRUST

especially given how (1) divorce had not been an option for most women until very recently (at least societally) and (2) cheating was “expected” from generations and generations of men and lots of women wouldn’t leave based on infidelity alone

but yeahhhhh yours and other people’s grandparents who seemingly have perfect committed relationships might have some skeletons in the closet that you’ll never find out about

[–]WillBrakeForBrakes 239 points240 points  (5 children)

The attitude back then was that a good woman puts up with shit because the man brings home money and lol what are you going to about it, wifey, with that $0 to your name?

[–]theredwoman95 107 points108 points  (1 child)

And even now, there are plenty of older women who got married in that period, had any chance of independent financial stability absolutely destroyed, and are still stuck in those marriages to this day. It's why legal aid for divorce cases and a strong welfare state are so important, yet so utterly neglected in many countries.

[–]blueboot09 23 points24 points  (0 children)

And even if you had $$$ you couldn't buy a house in your name, or car. It truly was "a man's world", as they say.

[–]HunkyDorky1800 98 points99 points  (3 children)

My grandfather found out his dad had a whole other family on the side. Those DNA kits be unraveling dead people’s shenanigans left and right.

[–]anna-nomally12 97 points98 points  (7 children)

Or….. maybe they did ?

[–]AccountRemote3270 17 points18 points  (6 children)

Or maybe they just value the flock over the individual black sheep with blue balls

[–]abhipsiren 58 points59 points  (5 children)

That was a wild set of words I just read. You better explain your comment to me before I short circuit

[–]pizzapotprincess 15 points16 points  (3 children)

I think they mean their grandparents value putting in the work instead of immidiately cheating when one is horny.

[–]TammieBrowne 311 points312 points  (23 children)

In the case of my grandparents, it's having been raised and spent a few decades of their adulthood and married years in a society that deeply, deeply stigmatized divorce (and for some of those years/decades, it was illegal), and divorced women, particularly with kids, couldn't have a stable life because the world around them wasn't made for single parents.

[–]biscuitboi967 195 points196 points  (0 children)

Yeah, my grandma tried to leave her alcoholic husband…and then her sister told him where she was. And then shamed her into taking him back. because kids needed their fathers. So she stayed. And then my uncle told her (as an adult) that she ruined his childhood and she should have left. So, you couldn’t fucking win in the 40s-60s.

But my parents stayed together, and it was because of mutual respect, communication, and all that…

[–]twizzwhizz11 127 points128 points  (7 children)

I think about this often as I see some of my more religious/conservative friends idolize and romanticize these couples that have been together for 50+ years. I don’t doubt that some of them do love one another, but it was impossible or awfully hard for women to work or raise kids on their own. Sometimes staying together was just the best option, even if it didn’t make them the happiest.

[–]No_Day9527 88 points89 points  (2 children)

There’s a ton of unhappy marriages in my family and all of them have been together for like 30-60 years. But I’d rather die alone than be in any of those marriages. Bc I think it’s really important for me to like my spouse and for my spouse to like me lol.

[–]wildflowerstargazerwomen’s wrongs activist 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Many women couldn’t get their own bank account 🫠

[–]CharlotteLucasOP 80 points81 points  (6 children)

Yeah, my grandfathers were…not easy men to live with, but one of my grandmas was a deeply religious immigrant with a shakey grasp of English, an 8th grade level education in her country of origin, and five children to look after. There was no chance of her even thinking of leaving. My other grandma got LEFT for a couple of years and then grandpa came back to her and he was a functioning alcoholic for almost all his adult life, but again, four kids together, and her only work experience was as a waitress. What was she supposed to do?

Till death did they part, but it was not a gloriously happy, loving road that got them there.

We have a family friend whose mother got a divorce in the 1960s from her very abusive husband and the community absolutely reviled her and her kids.

Like, divorced woman’s kids rang the doorbell for trick or treating or a school fundraiser or whatever? They’d get the door slammed in their faces. The kids. It’s not even about what stigma the parents could or would face…people would be terrible to the children who had nothing to do with it.

[–]averagetulip 38 points39 points  (3 children)

I had a prof who was born in the 50s in California, his parents divorced in the 60s, and he and his brother were absolute pariahs the rest of their childhoods. None of the other neighborhood parents let their kids play with them, they were utterly shunned and mocked behind their backs at school, etc. As if it was some kind of moral failing on the children’s part or they would transmit divorced parents disease to the other kids or something

[–]wildflowerstargazerwomen’s wrongs activist 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Godddd that is so fucking sad and backwards

[–]Prestigious_Fun_3495 53 points54 points  (2 children)

My Grandma was a literal single mother for 5-6 years after the Vietnam War, because the new government in Vietnam decided to hunt down all the " reactionary Pro Western " people aka my grandpa, and send to camps, to be " reeducated ". She literally did not see him for 6 years. Only being allowed to visit him once.

And she had to take care of 6 children. I hope that kind of situation will never happen in the US.

[–]pufxx 24 points25 points  (1 child)

It was illegal in my country until 1981 due to a Catholic dictatorship, so I don’t think my grandparents generation even contemplated the option.

[–]rose_colored_boy 147 points148 points  (3 children)

My grandparents were miserably unhappy for their entire marriage, but they sure did stay together until the end.

[–]theReaders 65 points66 points  (1 child)

my grandmother spent her final year trying to get divorced, she died last august

[–]wildflowerstargazerwomen’s wrongs activist 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Holy shit your poor grandmother, I truly hope she has found peace on another plane

[–]im_not_bovvered 118 points119 points  (4 children)

My grandparents are both dead now, but they just stayed together until they died in their 80s. It was just what you did... I know when my grandfather was a lot younger, he cheated on my grandmother all the time, and they found letters she kept after he died telling her to go get tested, etc., while he was in the Navy and away.

I'm not saying your grandparents were dysfunctional, but I think people our grandparent's age just got married because that's what you did, and then they put up with bad behavior from spouses because, again, that's just what you did.

[–]StardustStuffing 98 points99 points  (2 children)

My parents were married for 41 years before they thankfully divorced. Now both are much happier with their new spouses.

Duration of marriage ≠ healthy

[–]sonofsochi 64 points65 points  (1 child)

A.) It was MUCH more difficult to leave your partner back then due to social, fiscal, and legal restrictions as opposed to today.

B.) Your grandparents did their dirt more discretely or the limitations of technology and mobility made it harder to catch someone cheating.

[–]shegotofftheplanespotted joe biden in dc 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Because there was no other option. Divorce was highly stigmatized, women were basically property and couldn’t work or have money on their own so they were forced to put up with their man’s cheating, alcoholism, abuse, etc. I wouldn’t really see it as a win. Sure, there’s a lot of great relationships from back in the day but I also don’t think most were perfect.

[–]Distinct_Mess560 36 points37 points  (2 children)

Well I don’t know your grandparents but in a lot of cases you first have to ask yourself: were they (and specially her) in a position where they could just divorce and walk away if they wanted to?

It’s so romantic to think about how couples used to be together forever until you realise that in a lot of cases divorce was not socially accepted (or it was illegal), women didn’t have any money or rights, etc

[–]Stinkycheese8001 36 points37 points  (1 child)

My grandparents stayed married but never seemed that happy. That said, of my parents generation, while there were some divorces there are plenty of couples in the family at 40+ years, and the answer is actually pretty simple: marry someone that you like and respect.

[–]IAM_THE_LIZARD_QUEEN 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I think there was definitely a bit of a generational thing of "this is the lot you chose in life"

My parents are still married for close to 50 years now, but they have been miserable for as long as I can remember.

[–]L_Bo 28 points29 points  (8 children)

I know it’s likely a lot of peoples grandparents were stuck in unhappy marriages, but my grandparents were genuinely in love after 60 years together. My G’ma is still around and brags about how no one ever had a better husband and says she so looks forward to seeing him again. Sure it’s possible they had infidelity issues, I doubt she’d tell me - but I don’t think that’s the case. They had a couple kids, traveled together a ton, and grew old together until he died. I hope I’m that lucky with my husband!

[–]readytostart1234 19 points20 points  (2 children)

Same for my grandparents! They were married for nearly 65 years, and were still as in love as when they first met. They laughed, hugged and kissed each other every day until the last one. They died 6 months apart, and their love is what will forever make me believe that true love exists. I miss them very much.

[–]ohnoyoudee-en 16 points17 points  (0 children)

You should never use celebrity marriage as a barometer. They live in a completely different world and industry that doesn't favor healthy relationships or marriages.

[–]Catsandcoffee480 361 points362 points  (18 children)

The way 2023 celebrity drama is going I expect a headline or pap shot linking Natalie Portman and Jonathan Safran Foer any day now

[–]baker1310 222 points223 points  (7 children)

It’s gonna be Pete

[–]FutureQueenOfTheMoon 108 points109 points  (0 children)

The idea of Vegan Pete is making me giggle

[–]Rocketyank 80 points81 points  (2 children)

I heard this as “it’s gonna be may (me)” from that boy band song.

[–]Itwasdewey 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Thank god I wasn't the only one.

[–]ChrisReagan13 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Please let it be Pete. I think it would count as his biggest rebound catch to date.

[–]8989throwaway7777Nancy Jo, this is Alexis Neiers calling 102 points103 points  (2 children)


JSF right now

[–]Similar_Bell8962 343 points344 points  (5 children)

Didn't their relationship start off as an affair while they were working on Black Swan together? Very much "how you get them is how you lose them" going on.

[–]Aprikoosi_flex 172 points173 points  (4 children)

Yes and his gf** was working on the film with them. She’s a ballerina in New York and thriving without these people in her life 😅

**Edit to correct: it was her colleague, but still. What a nasty thing to do imo!

[–]Slow-Living6299 93 points94 points  (1 child)

Was about to say, the true winner here is Isabella Boylston. Unbothered queen 🩰👑

[–]Littleloula 47 points48 points  (1 child)

The gf didn't work on the film, her colleague Sarah Lane from the same ballet company did though

[–][deleted] 326 points327 points  (8 children)

Live footage of Isabella Boylston.

[–]michaelbchnn24 85 points86 points  (3 children)

Lol, Isabella follows not only Natalie's main Instagram account but her Nats Book account as well. She likes a lot of her posts as well.

[–]kohin000r 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Her dancing is incredible. ❤

[–]laria5501 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Also Isabella

[–]Far_Smell3058 234 points235 points  (10 children)

Venus Retrograde is real people. I am going to be taking astrology lessons now 😶

[–]iliketoomanysingers🕯Cillian Murphy will win an Oscar🕯 68 points69 points  (4 children)

No same these past few weeks have me reevaluating my prior astrology-dismissing eye rolls, like something's up

[–]Emmylou76 49 points50 points  (0 children)

*Venus in gatorade

[–]eaemilia 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I'm definitely a believer now, and I've got some people I hope she comes for!

[–]Wit-wat-4 209 points210 points  (21 children)

I do know some people irl who’ve “moved past” affairs or relationships based on affairs that are still strong 20+ years later but idk man, I don’t get it. Even IF they really didn’t cheat again, and neither partner saw cheating as OK so it never even was a problem later, how do you… how do you get over the trust part?

[–]Luna_Soma 165 points166 points  (7 children)

I think it's really hard to decide what you'll do until you're in it. I was cheated on and I thought for sure I'd nope the fuck out. Instead, I spent years trying to work it out and would've stayed if he was willing. I'm a pretty take no shit person, but that's how I reacted.

Millepied still sucks for being a cheater though and Im glad he lost his wife as a result of his actions

[–]No_Day9527 100 points101 points  (2 children)

I was listening to a podcast about infidelity and they said a surprising percentage of people do choose to stay and work it out; they just don’t talk about it due to the stigma. They said in some occasions couples can truly move on if they tackle the root issues and really build a new relationship. So in some instances couples can absolutely survive infidelity and even become stronger for it.

I also tried staying after it happened, and I get why. I really loved this guy. I wanted to give my best shot and say I tried with all my heart.

[–]Wit-wat-4 31 points32 points  (3 children)

I’m glad to be honest because even if it didn’t work out I feel like the fact that you wanted to means you at least healed from the cheating/betrayal itself?

And for sure agreed I have no clue what I’d do, and there’s examples of success (and failure). It’s just hard to imagine from where I am.

[–]Luna_Soma 67 points68 points  (2 children)

I like that perspective. I am glad I tried because I have no regrets about my actions. He ended up marrying the woman he cheated with and we're all good friends now. I also found my person after we split up. But I know I did everything I could and while I have plenty of regrets about how I acted during our relationship, I don't regret trying to work it out and I don't regret that my attempts failed.

I think putting in the work made me a better partner in the longterm as well, since I know more of how I want to act in a relationship.

[–]avocadosmashing 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Thanks for sharing your story! I think there's all sorts of ways to have relationships and it makes me feel warm and hopeful that you are all friends now. I always value staying friends with exes and their new partners, who I often find I have a lot in common with.

I admire the strength and bravery it took to pursue reconciliation!

[–]singledxout 71 points72 points  (8 children)

This does not apply to Natalie, but I think power imbalances, especially financially, play a huge role. My cousin is a stay-at-home mom, and it's an open secret that her husband cheated/cheats on her. She has evidence and can divorce him. However, she realized that divorcing him means having to work again and leave her somewhat luxurious lifestyle behind. So yeah. She rather stay in a bad marriage and go on shopping sprees than get divorced and go back to work. I don't understand how she can sleep at night with the trust thing, but whatever. It's her life.

[–]ebh3531 92 points93 points  (2 children)

I'm a sahm and just found out my husband has been unfaithful to me multiple times throughout our relationship. I'm leaving him, but I'm not going to lie- having to find a job and figure out how to completely build a new life with very little help sometimes leaves me feeling so defeated. Sometimes, I do want to just throw up my hands and continue living as I used to. My mom even suggested I stay with him and let him continue to cheat because she didn't want me to uproot my kids. I have too much pride to do it but I can understand why someone might make that choice.

[–]ClockworkLemon9 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Not everyone thinks cheating is an unforgivable crime. Not everyone puts the same value on that kind of thing, or has the same views regarding monogamy (even if you don’t have an open relationship).

[–]Long_Difference_2520is this chicken what I have or is this fish? 179 points180 points  (2 children)

I can never take a man with an insect name seriously

[–]JustHereForCookies17Miss Ishtar’s Irrigation Class 66 points67 points  (1 child)

His last name means thousand feet - if that's not an example of nominative determinism, I don't know what is.

[–]MuffinsElwizard 99 points100 points  (7 children)

She wanted to save her marriage because she didn't want her kids to grow up in a broken home? BULLSHIT. Im sick and tired of people saying they forgave an affair to save their marriage for their kids. The truth is that person is so blinded with love for the cheater. Your kids are gonna be the first to blame you when you are living an unhappy life years from now. Believe or not, when a marriage lasted its course, then it fucking did. Time to be amicable divorcees and move on for the sake of your child. That's how you think about them, not using them as an excuse. Natalie is so stupidly blinded by this asshole.

[–]frizzletizzle 76 points77 points  (0 children)

Also, it’s not always the worst thing for parents to have separate homes. I grew up with parents who had growing resentment towards each other. I remember they were arguing about divorcing in the car and all I did was look out the window and pray that it would happen, as if I was wishing for a trip to Disneyland. They stayed together though….for the kids.

Adults don’t realize that no matter how buttoned up they think they are keeping it, they aren’t. It can be tone, it can be a comment under the breath, it can be body language. Kids are more intuitive than we give them credit for.

[–]singledxout 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Growing up, I was friends with children of divorced parents. People felt bad for them. However, my friends would have to tell actual adults to not feel bad for them at all. They said that they, even as children, were thankful for their parents being divorced. They were tired of their parents fighting all the time. My friends also said that they learned from their moms not to take shit from people, especially men. Even their families struggled financially, their home life was happier and overall better.

[–]FresasOpia 103 points104 points  (3 children)

is venus in the microwave or something?

[–]JustHereForCookies17Miss Ishtar’s Irrigation Class 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Pressure cooker, I think.

[–]Rocketyank 98 points99 points  (19 children)

I’m sorry, but good. Natalie Portman can do way better than his big foreheaded, cheating, Dr. Bradley Meego looking ass.

[–]thegirlintheglasses 84 points85 points  (13 children)

I mean their relationships started as an affair so is she really too good for him? Seems she learned the lesson you lose ‘em how you get ‘em.

[–]fikafikafika 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Dr Bradley Meego is sending me 😂😂😂

[–]Sa1lor23 75 points76 points  (0 children)

more evidence that you'll lose them how you got them....

[–]littleliongirless 54 points55 points  (5 children)

Natalie has been my sorta "Audrey Hepburn" forever but that's completely on me expecting my childhood to teenage to adulthood idols to fulfill some role.

[–]nizaad 102 points103 points  (2 children)

I hate to burst your bubble (I adore her too), but Audrey Hepburn also had affairs. 😭

[–]Bitter_Sense_5689 51 points52 points  (0 children)

With married men (I.e. William Holden)

[–]littleliongirless 27 points28 points  (0 children)

TIL and it hurts 😭🤕

[–]Bitter_Sense_5689 67 points68 points  (1 child)

Audrey Hepburn’s husbands cheated on her too

[–]pinkinibottom 55 points56 points  (1 child)

Not on my bingo card, that’s for sure - everyone check on Pete Davidson’s whereabouts, please.

[–]ThreAAAt 44 points45 points  (3 children)

Her PR worked so hard to cover up their affair during her Oscar run, and it looks like it worked because people still don't know. Also, where are all the "some people have open relationships in Hollywood, chill" crowd now?

[–]legendofdirtfoot 38 points39 points  (14 children)

Imagine landing Natalie Portman for a wife and screwing it up. What a loser.

[–]TypeOnPaper 79 points80 points  (12 children)

She's not exactly great either. One of the most self absorbed and entitled actors in Hollywood. Was rude AF at work events back in the day as well. Don't know if she's mellowed now.

[–]throw__me___away1086 16 points17 points  (3 children)

sorry to piggyback but are there any other unexpectedly rude celebs you know of? surprised that she is one

[–]Naive_Act2515 39 points40 points  (0 children)

  • jonathan safran foer has entered the chat*

[–]FuckCazadors 36 points37 points  (0 children)

I heard it was because he took so long putting his shoes on.

[–]upperstephside 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I feel bad for their kids. I don’t feel bad for her.

[–]Chaoticgood790 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Karma always works eventually

[–][deleted] 34 points35 points  (2 children)

Isabella Boylston gets the last laugh!

[–]imaginary_developer 34 points35 points  (1 child)

Tom Cruise gonna try shooting his shot ig

[–]HorrorAvatar 46 points47 points  (0 children)

Don’t put that evil on her.

[–]tokyospain__ 30 points31 points  (2 children)

Am I in before she gets called a homewrecker 20 times while no one still has any smoke for him — a grown ass man who wrecked his home (with actual proof) and maybe another one (though those who just learned about it two seconds ago from a tiktok are acting like they were literal flies on the wall of that relationship)

[–]Ok_Scholar4192 26 points27 points  (2 children)

All these breakups it’s a great time for perpetually single people like me! Our time to shine lol

[–]coldtoequeen 18 points19 points  (0 children)

mr. millipede asked if she would love him if he was a worm

[–]SneauxSostan 18 points19 points  (3 children)

Mistress is reportedly with child

[–]teaformama 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I can’t say I feel sorry for them. It was irritating that the people and the press were celebrating when they got married, ‘cause it was shortly after Natalie won the Academy Award. The cheating was swept under the rug just because she won something 😒

[–]ObscureObjective 14 points15 points  (2 children)

His name literally means "centipede" in French and this is hilarious to me

[–]Littleloula 16 points17 points  (0 children)

It means millipede in both languages, millipedes are similar to centipedes. Millipedes have more legs, hence the name (hundredfeet, thousandfeet)