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relightit commented on
•Posted by
-1 points · 56 minutes ago

judging by the gif that i saw Pereira was on the brink of winning was closing the deal when an unlucky punch connected and stop all that... in that context asking for hard yards is a bit hypocrite but i probably got all that wrong

relightit commented on
•Posted by
3 points · 6 hours ago

I would be interested. Can you share more about how would be this co-op journey ?

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3 points · 5 hours ago

i would like to create a project inspired by a "bottom-up" approach to participatory economy. the main concept is

i think a key part is automatize a lot of tedious stuff like reunions about planification, scheduling etc and an app could do well for this. would be great to facilitate communication between various groups too, to pool ressources, talents, make exchanges. It don't have to be a full time job , could be done part time or integrate and min/max hobbies that people are already doing; i know a lot of locals who are into food self-sufficiency who are wasting time and ressources, i think this idea could interest them.

1 point · 5 hours ago

Would like to understand deeper , what it is that you want to build ... 🤔 Kind of a TimeRepublik/Fiverr but based on this concept ?

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1 point · 5 hours ago

something like a management app for a work cooperative. maybe i could use something that already exist. i am not familiar with timerepublik , will have to check but i want to avoid currency if possible. i have to address various issues that are not obvious because i expect participants to have different situations. some have land some don't. some have little time because full time work and many children. some people would like to use the collective workforce and ressources for the benefit of their private enterprise. I'll have to formulate a clear proposition that is fair for every situations, and up to a point , if possible, offer some "basic guaranteed share" of what is produced in common... while respecting that some people will invest more time and efforts than others...

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relightit commented on
•Posted by
3 points · 7 hours ago

if tictoc is to get banned maybe twitter should get banned too if they do the same thing

relightit commented on
•Posted by
1 point · 11 hours ago

never liked rt. now i feel vindicated.

relightit commented on •
•Posted by
45 points · 2 days ago

Related: The question "Where is a comprehensive, well-argued explanation of Eliezer's arguments for AI risk, explaining all lingo, spelling out each step, referencing each claim, and open to open peer review" apparently has no answer? Cause a lot of people have been asking. They see the podcast, and are concerned, but unconvinced, and want to read a solid paper or book chapter, or the equivalent in website form. Something you can read over the course of a few hours, and actually have the questions answered. Something you can cite and criticise, and have Eliezer accept that this is a good version to attack. No handwaving, or vaguely referencing online texts without links, or concepts that are mentioned everywhere and never properly explained with hindsight, no pretending a step is trivial or obvious when it simply is not. But all the arguments in it. All the data in it.

Wait, fuck, they don't even have that? What do they have? Disjointed blabberings?

Tell me you're a personality cult without telling me you're a personality cult.

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4 points · 1 day ago

one would think the "most important problem of the world" would be met with a minimum of rigor.

relightit commented on
•Posted by
67 points · 1 day ago

Twitter already lost a huge number of sponsors, that's why they're bleeding money like crazy and why Musk has been massacring the workforce.

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17 points · 1 day ago

is it legal for him to use twitter to "indirectly" promote a crypto currency like he did recently. its high school age weasel level pump n dumb tactic...

relightit commented on
•Posted by
6.6k points · 3 days ago

Idk why I was expecting the husband to have huge muscles for wings and be like a foot larger than the intruder.

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relightit commented on
•Posted by
5 points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

so, big yud is in the market for being a useful idiot tool for war hawks , huh.

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