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WHO | What we know about transmission of the Ebola virus among humans by coeruleumbluein science

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases clearly states that the Ebola virus was detected in saliva, stool, semen, breast milk, tears, nasal blood, and a skin swab.

WHO | What we know about transmission of the Ebola virus among humans by coeruleumbluein science

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I disagree, it's not that big a leap. Even if it can spread only after showing symptoms, there are plenty of studies that say that the virus can survive in liquid or dried material for a number of days, while infectivity is found to be stable at room temperature or at 4°C for several days, and indefinitely stable at -70°C. We're in September in Europe, this isn't Africa...

To confirm what is stated above, there's evidence that the cop in Dallas that has symptoms of Ebola was infected just by going into the man's apartment without protective gear. He had no physical contact with the first victim of Ebola in the US. If he's diagnosed with Ebola, then it's added empirical proof of what I said before.

But I really really hope you're the one who's right. Because unfortunately, if I'm right, it's disaster for Europe and the US.

WHO | What we know about transmission of the Ebola virus among humans by coeruleumbluein science

[–]partido 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The last time I came here people in this sub were all claiming that it is impossible for an Ebola epidemic to ever happen in the US because of the superior health care system the US has in comparison to the third world. This was corroborated by nurses and healthcare workers that confirmed that they thought Ebola would never spread in the US.

Today, a Spanish nurse was found having Ebola because she touched her face while taking her equipment off. Having unknowingly become infected, she could have spread Ebola to everyone she had come in contact with in the next days.

Contrary to what /r/science thinks, Ebola is not a Third World country problem. If Ebola starts infecting people in Europe and the US, with mass transit and the way we connect with people everyday, we could have a massive epidemic in a few months.

The catcher's mitt may have been a bit much. by ReckoningGothamin AdviceAnimals

[–]partido 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I wait a minute or so before picking it up, yes.

Wenger pushing back Mourinho by IamLeCutInsideManin soccer

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That doesn't even make sense. Come on, try again.

The catcher's mitt may have been a bit much. by ReckoningGothamin AdviceAnimals

[–]partido 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Hot poop is not the same as cold poop. Probably the same reasoning behind a hot seat and a cold seat. It's the temperature I find disgusting.

Wenger pushing back Mourinho by IamLeCutInsideManin soccer

[–]partido -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

Ah, the expected serious answer from the classy masochist Gunner fan.

Wenger pushing back Mourinho by IamLeCutInsideManin soccer

[–]partido -18 points-17 points  (0 children)

Serious question: why do Arsenal fans still support Wenger?

Finished my first set of cards! by faye4815in theXeffect

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Meditation takes time to work. You should talk to someone who has meditated for a while to understand what you can do to better meditate.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Funny you mentioned nicotine and melatonin as there are quite a few studies that state that melatonin helps ease nicotine effects on the human body.

Here are a few:

I think we're just finding out all that melatonin can do for the human body.

Karl Pilkington doing Polyphonic Overtone Singing by grayworksin videos

[–]partido 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Thing is he was just as funny before he understood he was saying funny things. Being aware of his genius humor did not change his genius humor.

That's what I think is being said when people say he hasn't changed a bit.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It works ok for everyday life - it calms you down - but it's not great when you're going into stressful situations like job interviews or speaking in public. I find it only makes things worse in those situations as the heightened anxiety mixed with the lower blood pressure makes you become literally too cold and out of your game.

What I found out that really helps with anxiety is melatonin, which is OTC here in Europe. Been taking it for quite some time and it really helps me to sleep but also I found out it helps in calming me down for the whole day. Don't know if anxiety fucked up my circadian rhythms or not, but what I know is that with my circadian rhythm back to normal and having regular good nights of sleep, my anxiety faded a bit.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 3 points4 points  (0 children)

My 10+ years experience with drugs (all of the above and then some) is that almost all drugs start out making you feel great but then, with time, they drain you out. Paranoia, anxiety and psychotic feelings start rushing in.

And what started out as a fun experience becomes this dark, lonely hole that is very difficult to come out from. When that happens is a mystery to me. But it does eventually happen to almost anyone. And that is true for marijuana as well.

So I disagree with you as I don't really think that marijuana is a safe drug devoid of consequences. It's just like every other drug, it has it's benefits and it's consequences. Personal experience has made me see that some friends (not all of them) that only use marijuana do suffer from the same paranoia, anxiety combos that MDMA users suffer from, for instance.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I use propanolol for mild anxiety so I agree with you.

When I thought about heart medicine, I was thinking more of copidrogel or simvastatin.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I had the same experiences as you did - fun, fullfilling, amazing trips. But I also know friends who started off with fun trips but, out of the blue, began having terrible, paranoid filled, psychotic trips that changed the way they functioned forever. And in a very bad way.

So yes, LSD can be great for some, and I don't question that. But it can also be pretty scary for others. The fact that it seems a bit random scares me a bit and I have a huge respect for LSD because of it.

Tomorrow's front page of The Independent on Sunday (UK newspaper) in response to the murder of Alan Henning by marauding_forwardin pics

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it's an acknowledgment from the media that the way they are portraying the news makes them in part guilty of what is happening in the world.

And that is a very humble and brave thing to do.

TIL LSD cured a holocaust survivor from Auschwitz's PTSD and allowed him to sleep for the first time in 30 years without nightmares. by garglemymarblesin todayilearned

[–]partido 7 points8 points  (0 children)

This is exactly why I hate posts like this one - and I've done my fair share of drugs. It makes people think that drugs are great and will work for everyone. "Look! It cured him! It can't be that bad!". It's not at all like that.

People should think of LSD or MDMA or marijuana as drugs that can, indeed, save you if you suffer from conditions like PTSD, cancer, glaucoma and are doing this while being surveilled by a doctor or a psychologist. But if you don't, then it's like taking heart medicine when your heart doesn't need it. It's not going to help you at all.

From HBO last night-Ben Affleck and Bill Maher in heated debate about radical Islam by sing111in television

[–]partido 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I didn't hear him say that at all. He said that there are three concentric circles:

  • the extremists (the jihadists),
  • the fundamentalists, that want to impose Islam in the whole world but through peaceful methods
  • the conservative muslims, which don't like ISIS but, and I quote, "hold views about human rights, about women, about homossexuals that are deeply troubling".

He said that the first two circles account for 20% of all the muslims. And used the 78% of British muslims (he clearly states British muslims) poll to say that that 20% number, that represents not only the extremists but also the fundamentalists is a very conservative one. He does not say anywhere that 78% of all muslims felt this way.

Where I think he fails in his analysis is not recognizing the existence of a thinner outer circe of reformist muslims, who not only feel extremist muslim views doesn't represent them, they also go against some of the traditional conservative muslim views, accepting homossexuals and women as equals.

But his analysis is, in many ways, correct.

From HBO last night-Ben Affleck and Bill Maher in heated debate about radical Islam by sing111in television

[–]partido 2 points3 points  (0 children)

There's a new TV series in the US called Black Jesus which parodies the second coming of Christ as a black man that lives in Compton and smokes pot.

You can do a poll on Christians and I'm pretty sure the results would be the other way around: 78% of them would not ask for any punishment (in whatever form it may present itself) for those responsible for the series.

Not claiming Christians are superior to Muslims at all (I would not be a Christian if I did that), just stating differences in the way we both generally interpret the Scriptures. Which is, I believe, the reasoning behind Harris' argument.

In our western society, a less strict approach of the Scriptures is favoured while in the Muslim world, the Scriptures are to be followed without question. And it is this fundamental difference that currently contributes towards some unfavourable opinions in people in both religions. Understanding this important fact is the key to understanding each other better.

From HBO last night-Ben Affleck and Bill Maher in heated debate about radical Islam by sing111in television

[–]partido 11 points12 points  (0 children)

The number Harris stated (that 78% of Muslims in the UK wanted the Danish cartoonist prosecuted) was, actually, fact. To call him "pulling numbers out of his arse" is an unfair opinion not based on fact.

source: quoting a NOP Research poll, which it calls "the most comprehensive survey to date of Muslim opinion in Britain".