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What's the worst thing that you have done to a customer at work?

[–]oneofyou 3 points4 points ago

I'm going to use this, or a variation of it, at some poitn in the near future.

Possibly again, at a later time too, if I can work it in well. Thank you, this is genius.

Reddit, where are you right now?

[–]oneofyou 0 points1 point ago

I lost my hair on a baseball game.

My skin is also tender, and bright bright red, and painful. :)

Reddit, where are you right now?

[–]oneofyou 1 point2 points ago

Sittin on a bed, in a CHU on COB Adder Iraq. Laughing at all you nubs bitching about it feeling like it's 110F. It -is- 128 here but it feels like... Well, it feels like 128, which is terrible.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

Wish I did it on purpose.

And that I knew what juxtaposition is. :)

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

I was happy about halfway through.

Then you switched it up on me, well done.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

It would definitely be a moral thing. Have you ever seen something, that at the time you thought insanely odd, and uncomfortable, but it wasn't until like 8 years later when you were typing a story on reddit that it occured to you it might be the signs of terrible crimes commited?

Since i'm sure i've piqued your interest, he showed me a bunch of pictures of naked girls, young ones, (but I was young, maybe 20ish) photographed on a poloroid camera, them little instant picture deals. And a bag full of panties, like a gallon ziplock bag. He opened it, sniffed, and told me to try. Of course I declined.

I didn't look closely at any of the pictures, after I glanced and the first few he had fanned out like a deck of cards were of young naked girls, but. I dunno, what it.

It disturbs me.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 1 point2 points ago

good call... Still, shitty story. Had an anti-climax, almost literally.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

Oh, no. It's just the mere fact that my moral compass differs from that of the law, I can't begin to presume that mine is correct. Therefore, I just give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Who am I to say that my way is correct.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

You weren't offended they lied?

I might have tipped too, good job, sir.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 0 points1 point ago

Great delivery, sir.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 7 points8 points ago

What a waste.

I am disappoint.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 2 points3 points ago

Isn't that yer mom's delivery story?

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 3 points4 points ago

I've been in a situation where I was thinking to myself. "I'm just about to have to fight for my life" while installing satellites at this dude's house. I don't envy you.

He kept showing me ... I don't want to say it on the internet. I don't even want to admit to myself having seen it.

I've been in a spot like that, and it bothers me thinking about it again.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 3 points4 points ago

I just cringed so hard my stomach hurts now.

I'm glad you lived, miss.

Would you fly an airline that didn't allow children?

[–]oneofyou 19 points20 points ago

And no matter how little I've gotta take a shit. I'll be sure to squeeze something out. Even if it's just my pride.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 19 points20 points ago

Hmm, I kinda thought about him as an old man who drank too much.

That's the thing about tattoos. They're forever, ya know.

Then again, he coulda been a full-fledged sheet-wearin cross-burnin klansman for all I know. I'm not really one to judge one way or the other. I smoke pot, getting high is illegal. He hates, hating is not illegal.

What's your best delivery story? (Pizza, or otherwise)

[–]oneofyou[S] 1 point2 points ago

I always worried that I'd get shot, or stabbed, or assaulted in some way over someone wanting my money. Dude, it's fuckin dominos money. Ask me for it in an even slightly threatening tone, and I promise, it's yours.

Work Girls

[–]oneofyou -1 points0 points ago

We? Is this the proverbial we? The royal we?

In my iraq, "we" are trained to go to work at 6:30, and work on generators, trucks, and airconditioners. "We" don't like being accused of some bullshit like that. "We" believe that a woman has the exact same chance of being raped in the military as they do in the civilian sector. "We" also figure there are about the same number of drug dealers in the military, as well as thieves, scam artists, and any other seedy type as there is in the civilian sector.

I think you should possibly view more than one side of any situation before callously tossing accusations as vile as "if you're in the military you're trained to dehumanize, and have a tendency to fucking rape people"


What's the biggest 'Dick Move' you've witnessed?

[–]oneofyou 2 points3 points ago

Karma will eat you alive for that, asshole.

Work Girls

[–]oneofyou 0 points1 point ago

I don't understand, do you not agree with me, or just trying to steer the topic in a different direction?

Whynne, creator of "trollface," calls for it to be removed from reddit for distasteful use.

[–]oneofyou 0 points1 point ago

Top two comments were exactly what was in my head.

With a trollface at the end.

Work Girls

[–]oneofyou 31 points32 points ago

In Iraq it's kind of the same, except I just accept that they're all hot, until I get home.

Any other grown-ups not know what they want to be when they grow up?

[–]oneofyou 0 points1 point ago

I'm like some of the other guys on here. Do something for a few years and move on. Joined the military at 18, did the enlistment, then got a job in a coal mine, then on a line boat pushing barges up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers... Then, what'd I do. Did satellite installation in new orleans after katrina, moved to colorado and worked in a coffee bar and skied all winter, when summer came back around I moved to texas and sold pot. Did that for a while, got bored, took a job in iraq as a civilian contractor. This one ends in 4 months, think i'm going to move to oregon and go to some vocational school that'll get me a job up in alaska in the oil fields. figure i'll do that for a couple years and move somewhere warm, to get a job teaching how to scuba (after I learn, of course)

When I was younger I wanted to be a jet pilot. When I got older I realized I didn't have to limit myself to one career.

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