
No time to talk! by Cashasfc in Overwatch

[–]maxgarzo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Where can I get some of these teammates that actually rush to the point in OT? Do I pay separately for shipping and handling?

100 Tons of Ammunition being disposed of. by DeletedFor in interestingasfuck

[–]maxgarzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Recommendations for someone seeking to make a few lifestyle changes? I've found a lot of peace in something not entirely Buddhist in origin via the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, and journals of Seneca, more like this please?

The Real Reason The Patriots Won SB LI by [deleted] in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Atlanta should have signed Bernard Pollard to a one game deal, shot him full of ALL the PEDs and unleashed him on Brady on every play, and offered to pay the drug fines if they win.

If he dies he dies.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

it's the fact that he directly caused the loss with his own bad decisions.

I'll hear you out, what were the exact decisions he made that caused the loss that you're pinning squarely on Shanahan?

edit: Context, I'm a wee bit biased in all this as a Georgia Tech grad, so the Falcons are my #2 team behind Indy, I should have mentioned that earlier, sorry.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It shows more patience and I'm haply about that. Now if Chuck still under achieves then we should definitely find another guy.

What does? What is "it" here? We would have had to wait regardless and even then, Shanahan delivered 99% of the season, made it to the super bowl, and delivered an excellently called game 99% of the way through that.

This whole attitude reeks of the whole "nothing matters if you don't win the big one" which IMO leaves an awful lot on the cutting room floor. It's my biggest gripe with how we evaluate players and coaches in the NFL, they can call brilliant and play brilliant games up until the exact moment where one loses the Super Bowl, and it might be a complete freak moment of a play that results in losing and suddenly they're irrelevant, terrible and disposable as an asset to an NFL team that could otherwise benefit.

David Tyree made a complete freak play to win a Super Bowl, Malcolm Butler made a last minute play to do the same, the immaculate reception, the miracle in the meadowlands, Santonio Homes vs. Arizona, St. Louis vs. Tennessee, John Elway hurdling his old ass into the end-zone, freak plays happen all the ever loving time in the NFL that turn games, but "nope, didn't win a Lombardi" is how we're gonna react to Shanahan putting together the highest scoring offense in 2016? Okay.

Sooooo...Shanahan huh by bantha_poodoo in Colts

[–]maxgarzo -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Wouldn't have been any better, NE had by that point figured out their rushes, Coleman was on the sidelines, you can only ask Devonta Freeman to do so much before the guy's legs turn to jelly and Matt Ryan up until halfway through the third quarter had a perfect passer rating of 158.3.

I mean....

Sooooo...Shanahan huh by bantha_poodoo in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Running the ball with no timeouts, 48 seconds remaining in a tie game starting from your own 17 yard line. That was literally Atlanta's last possession before OT, and you wanted them to run the ball?

Bold strategy, cotton.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 10 points11 points  (0 children)

You got me. It's (the constant "sky is falling" attitude completely oblivious of what actually happened on the damn field) kind of why I'm spending less and less time here though tbh. I don't think Pagano is as terrible as people here like to say, I also don't think he's a great coach either, it's like new GM Ballard said in his press conference, the dude has won a lot of games for someone under 6 years in his role. The first year with cancer? Yeah that was Bruce making a lot of calls, sure.

We just gonna ignore what he did after that? Or we gonna look at two back to back 8-8 seasons, and then ignore the fact that they were two mediocre seasons with a thoroughly decimated team? Am I the only one who remembers we went into week four of the regular season this year with 80% of our starting secondary on IR? We had fourth stringers out there, man. We played more than half the season with fourth stringers on defense trying to cover first string offensive players. What's with blatantly ignoring reality up in this sub?

Putting three wasted time outs on Dan Quinn when we saw on live fucking TV Matt Ryan call one of those timeouts. I watched him walk up to the ref, bleed the play clock and call a time out at :01. That. happened. But nope "Dan Quinn wasted three timeouts".

c'mon, /r/colts we used to be a pretty fun and decent place once upon a time. Member? Maybe I'm just an old fogie who remembers what it was like when this team always sucked so I'm not as ready and willing to be in a perpetual state of panic.

/orders another round

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It was as simple as


It's apparent you have more knowledge on calling plays, creating playbook packages and player alignments than I am, so I'll gladly back off this one and defer to your expertise on winning professional football games.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

I would be too.

Except that isn't what I said, my argument here is that their playbook probably isn't optimized as well as it could be for their player packages to have the two minute offense they needed to win this game. I also said I might be wrong because I don't know their playbook.

Look, I said it right here

And I've already said as much that their playbook PROBABLY (because I haven't read it myself) isn't equipped for 2 minute offense,

Does that in your mind read the same as "The Falcons don't prepare at all for 2 minute drills"?

That game is going to go down as the worst choke in any sport ever.

According to you maybe. They definitely choked. Worst ever? There's a team from San Francisco and a team from Cleveland that'd like to have a word from you.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He proved he could for 90% of the game. And I've already said as much that their playbook PROBABLY (because I haven't read it myself) isn't equipped for 2 minute offense, or maybe it's just an area of gameplay the team needs more practice in considering they spent most of the entire season playing with leads.

I mean, you're saying

Kyle Shanahan currently doesn't know shit about calling plays in the overall context of what's going on in the game

You have any plays you can point to that would convince me of your side of this? Cause so far I'm not convinced this is the case at all.

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Wasted all 3 timeouts

Except the first timeout came early in the second half when New England went to a sudden hurry up play and the defense couldn't align quickly enough, probably called by the DC, the second one Matt Ryan himself called when the secondary changed their formation like 80 times before he could even get under center, and the third was lost on a completely reasonable challenge on a ridiculous play that even I'll give Edelman credit for catching.

Is it even fair to put this on Dan Quinn?

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 1 point2 points  (0 children)

but again these mistakes say a lot imo.

In your opinion, what specifically do they say? I'm curious for your take. It's easy to say "these mistakes say a lot" but that statement itself is hollow, so what are you putting up here?

Can soundly say I'm pretty glad Shanahan is not going to be the Colts' coach now. by CanlStillBeGarth in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm with you on this, I think Shanahan called a brilliant game, but obviously their playbook has deficiencies when it comes to a hurry up, 2 minute offense; and let's not act like New England doesn't have some seriously dangerous weapons on offense. If anything, I think it was Atlanta for some odd reason switching to a zone defense in certain plays in the last quarter and a half that let NE get back in the game and ultimately win.

You can't play Zone D against Tom fucking Brady and not have a bad time. At the same time, it was frustrating as hell with 40 seconds left in the 4th watching Matty Ice throw it over the middle again and again. Is that Shanahan's fault? Is it Matt's fault? Maybe. Or maybe it was the defense shutting down outside routes forcing Matt to checkdown reads to at least get positive yardage at all costs? Can anybody sit here in this thread and provide an informed answer on that, because I suspect the answer is going to be a painful-as-fuck "No".

Putting this all on Shanahan is fucking stupid considering everything else he and his team has done this season and especially the way they straight-up balled out in the first half. Everybody knows the Patriots are legendary for second half adjustments, and if you don't you're deluded and not paying attention to the game. They wreck teams with this time and time again, they've done it to us time and time again. The reactionary hyperbole in this thread is fucking retarded, but also kinda par for the course of what this sub is turning into and the short attention span feeding into that hyperbole is getting annoying from the perspective of "let's talk x's and o's" combined with the instantaneous reversals of attitude here makes it kind of a hard place to come to sometimes when you want to talk football with people.

Austin giving pedestrians, cyclists a piece of traffic light time by afterumagellan in Austin

[–]maxgarzo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh my ever loving fucking god

At those intersections, after the lights facing South Congress traffic go red, the “walk” signals for pedestrians flash for seven seconds while the cross street light remains red on weekdays from 9 a.m. to midnight. Outside those hours, and on weekends, pedestrians will get the seven-second head start only if they press a button at the intersection.

THANK YOU. As a someone who lives downtown, and only periodically gets in his car to leave the city core (like when I have to go refill groceries at Cotsco meaning taking the bus is out of the question), I've burned up so much sanity and gas sitting through endless stop light cycles because both the green light and pedestrian signal went green and had to wait behind cars waiting for pedestrians walking like snails through the crosswalk.

I will gladly defer right-of-way to a pedestrian without a single, honk, rev or yell but goddamn is it annoying waiting to turn right because of a group of people taking a year to cross the street.

Someone sent me a screen saying the Colts jet was in Bay Area this AM. San Jose I believe. Anyone confirm this? by bantha_poodoo in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

if only for the reason that I feel like they're overrated when they have a good record.

I get where you're coming from, because yeah most of the time that's definitely the case, but man last year it's not like they were playing BAD football, the whole AFC North (aside from the Browns because it's the Browns) was on fire in 2015.

Ricky Williams recounts to the Dudley & Bob with Matt Show the time he was stopped and frisked by Tyler PD for strolling while black. by throwaguey_ in Austin

[–]maxgarzo 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Black. Got pulled over once. Cop doesn't even bother asking for my license or insurance, straight outta nowhere he asks where I stole the car from.

Another moment, pulled over for a broken tail light that had apparently gone out on the same drive (I knew this because someone flagged me at a stop light to roll my window down and went "hey your back light just went out). Cop asks for a search, I say no, drug dog comes and they utterly rip my car apart practically. Took apart my shift cover, parking break cover, unloaded my spare tire (which in my hatchback means pulling up carpet, undoing this whole bolt down mechanism), emptied my laundry basket and left everything on the side of the road for me to put back in when they didn't find anything but cigarettes and recently cleaned work clothes. Which were now soaking wet from drom rain earlier in the day.

I thought about doing a complaint but figured there wasn't anything to gain from it.

DWB, y'all.

Edit: oh then there's the time I was walking back to my apartment from the Hyde park flag store, watched a cop drive past me, flip a bitch (u-turn), come back and ask me where I was "supposed to be". I said I didn't understand the question. He ran my ID and let me go after "Oh I thought you were someone else".

TIL Muhammad Ali saved 15 American lives from Iraq hostage by negotiating with Saddam Hussein all by himself by turrtle13 in todayilearned

[–]maxgarzo 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think the racism might have had something to do with the disenfranchisement that led to him converting to Islam and changing his name from his "slave name" to Mohammed Ali.

"No Vietcong ever called me Nigger" he once said.

So it's a safe bet.

Surviving Black Monday Doesn't Make Pagano and Grigson Safe by Mikiflyr in Colts

[–]maxgarzo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe. Part of the whole idea of a bet like that is it could go either way. We don't know. But I'll hedge.