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Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Jel predsjednička kandidatkinja Aurora Weiss agent strane sile ili samo luđakinja?


Odličan posao, nema kaj, siguran sam da budu te s indexa prenjeli, možda im je to taktika, prvo pričekaju par dana pa daju nekom zadatak ak se netko na redditu ne raspizdi i odradi posao umjesto njih.

U svakom slučaju, dosta loš javni profil, loš pseudonim i još gori sponzor ovog svega.

Hvala ti na trudu, samo da je više takvih kao ti i za jedno 20-30 godina budemo možda normalna država.

Flux, the open source model that latest image enabled Grok is based on is pretty good at text, especially big, bold letters that are specified on what they should say, the smaller text it likely had to improvise since the prompt didn't contain anything for it.

Random example from the sub:

From Hitler’s love of young adult fiction to Saddam Hussein's shameful romance novels, this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist at Bellingcat, a former editor at and author of the books 'A Brief History of Vice' and 'After the Revolution'. BtB is one of the shows within the 'Cool Zone Media' podcast network. You can contact the Cool Zone Media team with tips and suggestions at

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From Hitler’s love of young adult fiction to Saddam Hussein's shameful romance novels, this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist at Bellingcat, a former editor at and author of the books 'A Brief History of Vice' and 'After the Revolution'. BtB is one of the shows within the 'Cool Zone Media' podcast network. You can contact the Cool Zone Media team with tips and suggestions at

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Bastard suggestion of the hour: Dana White, UFC founder and spouse abuser

I noped out over Khadirov and Chimayev bullshit, can't justify paying attention to that shit, also a lot of guys I admired turned out to be into Trump, training with Khadirov, fucking Adesanya saying he's a Jordan Peterson fan, it's just assholes all around.

I know there are still great guys and gals around, but it felt more like exceptions that prove the rule so I stopped paying attention to the sport.

From Hitler’s love of young adult fiction to Saddam Hussein's shameful romance novels, this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist at Bellingcat, a former editor at and author of the books 'A Brief History of Vice' and 'After the Revolution'. BtB is one of the shows within the 'Cool Zone Media' podcast network. You can contact the Cool Zone Media team with tips and suggestions at

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From Hitler’s love of young adult fiction to Saddam Hussein's shameful romance novels, this podcast sheds new, weird light on history's monsters. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist at Bellingcat, a former editor at and author of the books 'A Brief History of Vice' and 'After the Revolution'. BtB is one of the shows within the 'Cool Zone Media' podcast network. You can contact the Cool Zone Media team with tips and suggestions at

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Bastard suggestion of the hour: Dana White, UFC founder and spouse abuser

replied to Mojo_Jensen

Oh, he's fucking aweful, he's been opening for Trump at RNC for a while now, he's in bed with the Saudis since late 90-es, he called Justine Cyborg a man in a dress and said a bunch of terrible shit to a whole lot of people.

He fucked numerous fighters over in many different and fucked up ways, he played favourites for decades and straight up burried figthers jus because he didn't like them.

He moved whole events to cover for Jones's drug tests, he fucked Stitch over for some laughable amounts of money.

He's a fan of Russia, he's tried to make a guy who is buddies with Ramzhad Khadirov into a star despite the fucker having live instagram videos the night before the fight with the guy. He also facilitates a lot of guys going to Chechnia and training with that POS.

He would be a great episode or two worth of red tomato bastardry, just like Vince, he's also a meme of a person so if the guest was someone familiar with the topic it would be awesome.

Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Gotovo cijeli razred ispisao se iz škole zbog jednog nasilnog učenika

replied to mar1_jj

Ukoliko se nasilnilničko ponašanje da kvalificirati do te mjere gdje je to opravdano, postoje popravni domovi.

Ne znam dal imaš problem s čitanjem?

Ako se opet smatra da je izvor ovakvog ponašanja nasilničko ponašanje roditelja, tu stvari rješava socijalna služba.

Dva riješenja koja očito nisu bila pokrenuta, tak da ajde probaj sljedeći puta pročitati kaj ti se napiše umjesto da se praviš lud.

Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Gotovo cijeli razred ispisao se iz škole zbog jednog nasilnog učenika

I zato, po tvojoj genijalnoj logici trenutno 7 atomskih sila vlada cijelim svijetom i osvojili su sve druge države...

Amerikanci su pokorili svijet s McDonaldsima i Coca Colom ne atomskim bombama, jedino primitivcima to još nije jasno...

Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Welcome to r/croatia, the Croatian national subreddit for discussion about Croats and Croatia.

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Gotovo cijeli razred ispisao se iz škole zbog jednog nasilnog učenika

replied to mar1_jj

Nasilničko ponašanje se riješava u školama po jako uvriježenim pravilima, počne se od razrednika, pa se ide psihologu i određuju se disciplinske mjere kao opomene, ukori i sve do isključenja iz škole.

Ukoliko se nasilnilničko ponašanje da kvalificirati do te mjere gdje je to opravdano, postoje popravni domovi.

Ako se opet smatra da je izvor ovakvog ponašanja nasilničko ponašanje roditelja, tu stvari rješava socijalna služba.

To kaj neke od tih stvari u ovom slučaju nisu funkcionirale (a znam da u drugim funkcioniraju jer sam bio među maltertiranima u svojoj osnovnoj od strane baš jednog ovakvog) ne znači da je to da djete prebiju vršnjaci riješenje, dapaće, takva "riješenja" obično dovode do toga da se djete pojavi s nožem ili još gorim pizdarijama u školi, a u nekim i do toga da dođe tata s kalašnjikovom i tak dalje.

To da se sve ovo mora objašnjavati je tragedija.

Očito se ovdje nije tako postupalo, iz kojih razloga ne znam i mislim da je apsurdno nagađati.