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Things that will make others say "What the F*ck".

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Things that will make others say "What the F*ck".

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A guy comes back from work to find this in his living room

The insurance company isn't looking for sinkholes to protect the homeowner, they're looking for sinkholes to protect the insurance company. Such as somebody having an active sinkhole on their property, realizing they're fucked, taking out a sinkhole insurance policy, and immediately turning around and making a claim against it because they have a sinkhole on their property. So the insurance company sends out an investigator to protect themselves from fraud, not to predict when a sinkhole might happen.

A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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Racist karen doesnt let soldier leave IHOP.


If only the right applied that logic about police departments

Except that antifa isn't an organization, it's an idea. You can't hire or fire somebody from it. Unlike, a police department

A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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Racist karen doesnt let soldier leave IHOP.

replied to eeckbabbadurkle

You're at best describing the actions of like a dozen people at most. Yes, when you watch biased news stations who only report one biased view, you're also going to come out of it with biased views. You will find out that "beating old people for existing" is not an antifa goal of any sort.

e.g. how about I dump this on you, it's probably an even more accurate description than yours:

"Trump supporters haven't made a good name for themselves when they stormed the capitol building to destroy democracy and murdered police officers for doing their job"

Post FUNNY scenes from: the workplace (not from your own home) .gifs and pics from safety training videos .gifs and pics from instructional videos Although this subreddit is named /r/OSHA, submissions do not have to be from the US. Safety violations from all countries are welcome. -Mods may allow or remove any post at their discretion- -No one on this subreddit, nor its moderators have any connection or experience with safety or regulatory issues.-

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Post FUNNY scenes from: the workplace (not from your own home) .gifs and pics from safety training videos .gifs and pics from instructional videos Although this subreddit is named /r/OSHA, submissions do not have to be from the US. Safety violations from all countries are welcome. -Mods may allow or remove any post at their discretion- -No one on this subreddit, nor its moderators have any connection or experience with safety or regulatory issues.-

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Look, a reporter is here. Quick, crawl under this object that requires a crane to hoist.

replied to cbelt3

"The invisible hand of the free market will do all the things that it never did when it had the chance, and the government had to make regulation to force companies to do it, but if we remove the regulation, next time will be different! Because reasons, just trust us"

This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait.

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This subreddit is dedicated to Team Fortress 2, created by Valve Corporation in 2007. After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait.

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it's true


Those achievements were how you unlocked the new weapons in the class updates. A large portion of the playerbase was typically interested in unlocking the weapons as they were released, and were very interested in getting every class achievement they could to do so.

A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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NYPD using Robot Dog [DIGIDOG]

replied to Bazrum

If you hadn't heard of it before, there's also that time in the 80s when police dropped a bomb out of a helicopter onto Philadelphia, blowing up 61 houses.

I mean, the answer to the question "should police have killer robots", the answer should be no. Killing is a last resort, ostensibly to protect officers. Execution is not a form of justice or law enforcement. So, since robots aren't officers, the 'killing in self-defense' argument no longer applies, and there should be no situation where a human life (even a criminal) is valued less than a robot, and robots should exclusively employ non-lethal tactics. Catch people in nets, tase them, shoot bean bag rounds, disable weapons/guns, serve as distractions, sure, have them do all those things, but a killer robot is not serving the purpose of law enforcement.

A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.

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NYPD using Robot Dog [DIGIDOG]

replied to smoothiegangsta

If they had the ability to make an electronic drug sniffer, it would have been made already. It's not like making a robot in the shape of a dog makes it have any advantage in smelling drugs. If such a device existed it could also just be a handheld device like a breathalyzer.

Welcome to Canada’s official subreddit! This is the place to engage on all things Canada. Nous parlons en anglais et en français. Please be respectful of each other when posting, and note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. Do not hesitate to message the mods if you experience any issues!

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Welcome to Canada’s official subreddit! This is the place to engage on all things Canada. Nous parlons en anglais et en français. Please be respectful of each other when posting, and note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. Do not hesitate to message the mods if you experience any issues!

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Alberta predicting no more masks or COVID-19 isolation by mid-September

replied to SaltConnoiseur

The precedent has been around likely longer than you have been alive... There were mask mandates during the 1918 flu pandemic as well.

You can be wary of the government, but it's a piece of cloth over your face. Get a grip, it's not going to mind control you or take your freedom.