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TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
618 points · 1 day ago

I opt for “Smithers, release the hounds!”

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47 points · 20 hours ago

Works especially well if you warlock eat the grenade, then cast a rift and send 8 of those little buggers around a corner in crucible and watch the enemy panic lol

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
50 points · 3 days ago

Season of Chosen for the overall best season, story, activity and exotic mission wise.

My personal favourite would be Haunted for the story though, I love Zavala as a character through and through and Haunted finally gave him the love he needed.

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4 points · 3 days ago

Chosen was so good. Engaging story with multiple moving parts and character interactions, weapons that slap, Battlegrounds, and a damn healthy way to generate focusing energy compared to the later seasons.

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
80 points · 7 days ago

I wouldn't say I disagree with that statement. It's just that I don't care. I literally do not care that more people completed a contest raid this time around. And I don't care if this raid is easier than past raids.

I just don't see any reason why it matters. The reward is an emblem. An emblem that the hardcore raiders will use for a week and then change back to something that means more to them. It feels like when people complain about easy triumph seals. Okay, you know Flamekeeper is easier than Conqueror or Flawless. If you want to silently judge them for having the easy title, then I guess that's your right. But I don't see why it matters.

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6 points · 7 days ago

It's the same reason people compete in sports most of the time. Sure, there's a pick up game with your friends of basketball down by the community center. But sometimes people want to compete with high stakes for the challenge of testing their skills against other skilled people. Sometimes the spirit of competition involves challanges that some people simple will fail it. It would be like if the NBA finals decided to lessen the requirements to qualify.

1 point · 7 days ago

It would be like if the NBA finals decided to lessen the requirements to qualify

I'm trying to figure out this analogy, but I just don't get it. How do you lower the requirements to get into the Finals? It requires one team beating another. Do they make it to where the losing team can now get in?

I suppose people might say, "They had an easier road to win the Finals because their opponents had injured players." But it doesn't mean the players will be frustrated because the challenge wasn't great enough. They still worked to get there, accomplished something, and they still get a trophy.

Imagine a player winning a championship, and he's frustrated at the award ceremony because it felt too easy. That's what this is. lol.

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1 point · 7 days ago

Okay the NBA finals might have been a bad analogy on my part (side effect of redditing before work lol)

Let me try again. Imagine there's a marathon. This marathon has a pretty low bar to enter, and only comes around once, maybe twice a year. During this marathon, thousands of people compete. The person that wins the marathon gets an exclusive prize belt to showcase they best everyone else. For all the other participants who finish, they get a smaller award for participating.

Now, there are wide variety of people who run marathons. Some people just run them for fun. Some just run to finish for the satisfaction of completing it. And some want to be the first ones done to win that exclusive prize. For these people that are trying to win, they practice and plan ahead for months at a time to get ready for the marathon. It's their one time to showcase their talant, and to put their skills to the test against other racers. They don't get to run this marathon a lot and for those that love the race to the first it's a big deal to them because they care about it.

Now imagine you show up to the starting point of the marathon, the starting gun goes off, and you realize once you start moving that this isn't a marathon. It's a 100 yard dash. It's a sprint, not a marathon. But you trained for a marathon, your body comp is completely different to that of a sprinter, your tactics are different, your gear, etc. That's essentially what Elitist Datto is saying. They prepared for a marathon, only to be met with a sprint. And by the time they realized it, the winner was already crowned

Imagine a player winning a championship, and he's frustrated at the award ceremony because it felt too easy. That's what this is. lol.

It sounds silly but yes, that is essentially what is happaneing with the hardcore raiders. They wanted a challange, they wanted a grueling test of builds, tactics, and teamwork. Instead, they got what's basically one mechanic and a sprint to the finish. For them, they wanted it to be hard because that's where their enjoyment comes from. Not saying they're right or the casuals are wrong. Just pointing out theres two different view points with this raid.

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
-4 points · 11 days ago

Why even stream if you're going to be muted.

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5 points · 11 days ago

Beause people still want to watch

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
1 point · 22 days ago

Metroid Prime Remaster. Gotta get that scifi fix somehow!

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
343 points · 25 days ago

Are you President GW Bush?

NSFW language

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11 points · 24 days ago

"Look at the range Stat this thing can barely vote." lmao

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
435 points · 26 days ago

Did... Did the Traveler just fire a big ass laser? It can do that?!

TheAllMightySlothKin commented on
Posted by
9 points · 28 days ago

Ehh bing bong, you're doing a bad job

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3 points · 28 days ago

Ayyyyyyyyy it's meeeeeeeeee

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