
When did Schulz become the villain? by GreenMariosBurner in Flagrant2

[–]PicopicoEMD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I think its just an inevitable part of Reddit. It just turns everything into negative and cynical. I’ve been on Reddit for 11 years and have seen Reddit turn on absolutely everyone they once liked, it happens every single time.

I’ve been using Reddit less and less cause I can’t unsee how little kindness there is in this platform. Its just millions of peoples constantly throwing stones.

I will die on this hill by Cpt_James_Holden in AdviceAnimals

[–]PicopicoEMD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tesla was a shell company with a “blueprint” and no employees before he got there.

Reason #73348 not to make a Harry Potter remake by the_ricktacular_mort in harrypotter

[–]PicopicoEMD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Its just way too early. A series in 10-15 years could work.

I need to STOP LYING by Prestigious-Pop-8988 in selfimprovement

[–]PicopicoEMD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Read the book Lying by Sam Harris (or listen to the audiobook)

You Can Get Fluvoxamine by applieddivinity in slatestarcodex

[–]PicopicoEMD 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Presumably the protocol here is to just take them for 5-10days after a positive test, which I think is too brief for any of that to apply.

How to talk about death and dying - Teaching new more positive ways to address these difficult conversations is the focus of a new paper in PLOS ONE journal by bischofff in longevity

[–]PicopicoEMD 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Our risk tolerance to accidents is relative to our lifespan. We are fine with a couple percentage points chance of dying in an accident in an 80 year period.

If our lifespans were of 1000 years, our risk tolerance on an individual level and at a society level would change accordingly.

Where's Today's Beethoven? by michaelmf in slatestarcodex

[–]PicopicoEMD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can you recommend some of those Rachmaninoff pieces? I’d like to listen.

Where's Today's Beethoven? by michaelmf in slatestarcodex

[–]PicopicoEMD 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I’ve gotten really into Beethoven recently, and have been trying to learn to understand the language as much as possible.

My take after hundreds of hours of listening and reading is that it’s awesome music, but it doesn’t make me feel “more” than listening to an album from a modern artist that I love. I’m coming to think that the idea that its more nuanced and complex than great modern artists is dogmatic nonsense. It’s putting 18th century musical theory on a pedestal, and claiming that music is only complex if it’s doing creative things within that form.

I don’t see it. Yeah, listening intently to his 3rd Symphony is “sublime” and I love it, but I just am not seeing how I’m getting more out of that than out of listening to a Tame Impala album or my favourite Kanye West album. And I fail to see how the music is more complex and takes you on more of an emotional journey either. For example, why doesn’t the immense palate of sounds and textures that modern production allows for not counting towards “complexity”? How are albums that go from sounding fully analog to very electronic to garagey to minimal to maximal not count towards nuance and complexity?

Beethoven’s music is just one more thing I like. Happy to call it great. But even if I accept Scott’s idea that art is getting worse because it’s less ornamental and more basic/minimal, I just don’t accept that when it comes to great music from today. There’s plenty of artists, popular and not, that make music as nuanced and detailed as Beethoven.

Sam Harris on Race Realism "Honest Discussion is not Racism" by nottherealprotege in samharris

[–]PicopicoEMD 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s irrelevant. The title makes it sound like he is talking about “Race Realism” and naming it. Even if you think Harris has views that fit with it that’s not an accurate picture.

An analogous example would be the following title: “Biden on Critical Race Theory: ‘Of course we should teach this at primary schools’”, when in fact Biden was just referring to teaching about the history of racism. Even if there was an overlap between wanting to teach CRT vs wanting to teach about racism, CRT comes with its own specific connotations and it’s not fair to put that on Biden.

Sam Harris on Race Realism "Honest Discussion is not Racism" by nottherealprotege in samharris

[–]PicopicoEMD 22 points23 points  (0 children)

The title is editorialized. Harris doesn’t use that term and I’m sure would object to be lumped in with “race realists”.

These are Survivors of 1972 of Infamous Andes plane crash. They resorted to cannibalism to survive 72 days in the snow. by Kronyzx in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]PicopicoEMD 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Meh to be honest I don’t even think it’s morally complex. Your friends are dead, they are not in their body anymore. You know that they would want you to do anything to survive and you know that if the situation was reversed you’d want the same. So morally it seems really clear cut.

Obviously your instincts will find it repugnant and getting yourself to doing it will be very hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to do it.

Anyway I might be biased cause I’m from the same neighbourhood as them, and learned the story as a kid.