
Diablo 4 is down due to a DDoS attack by Turbostrider27 in PS5

[–]Merlord 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Diablo I online mode was hosted entirely on some dude's computer. Maybe they just never got the hang of it

Meirl by Unfair-Beach-4906 in meirl

[–]Merlord 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Then you're probably using them wrong

Average income in Australia vs New Zealand, 1950-2022 by RockyHorror02 in newzealand

[–]Merlord -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Having a country full of minerals is governing on easy mode

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They are legal, therefore any given party has to engage with them in order to compete because every other party does it too. That's what I mean by being necessary. Do I need to explain it again in even simpler terms for you?

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What? That doesn't make any sense. I said they are necessary because they are legal, if they weren't legal they wouldn't be necessary because no other party would have the advantage either.

You guys are trying very very hard to not understand this simple concept

To cook by RoutineVermicelli6 in therewasanattempt

[–]Merlord 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Is this an American thing like how you have to refrigerate your eggs? I've never peeled a carrot, I didn't even realise they had a discernable "skin" to peel. I just wash them like any other vegetable

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You're opposed so political donations, so you attack the one party who actually has a policy trying to address them, because they engage in the system they are trying to change, which they have to because it's a requirement to have any chance of success.

This is always the way when people try to fix the system, they get attacked for not shooting themselves in the foot "on principle". I don't believe you are serious about wanting reform in this area, it's just a convenient excuse to criticize a party you don't like.

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Go ahead and vote for a party that doesn't accept political donations then. Like... um...

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Oh so you agree that political donations are a bad thing? You'd better vote for the greens then!

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Because under the current system, where every party accepts whatever donations they can and where donations are critical for competing in the election, refusing donations would lose them the very political capital they need to introduce laws limiting those donations. Please let me know if you're still confused

Green supporters by Hairy_ReputationZ in newzealand

[–]Merlord 7 points8 points  (0 children)

They are necessary, because they are legal. The greens have to accept them to have any hope of getting enough political power to make them illegal. It's not hypocrisy, it's just reality

Villeneuve’s DUNE | A Revolution Against Modern Hollywood CGI by ARandomTopHat in dune

[–]Merlord 24 points25 points  (0 children)

And yet... Hollywood movie budgets have exploded while the effects look worse. Rings of Power cost way more to make than Lord of the Rings, and looks like absolute dogshit.

doNotDespairEverythingIsAhead by sunrise_apps in ProgrammerHumor

[–]Merlord 10 points11 points  (0 children)

You added two strings and got a concetenated string

We're on the back nine now... by Forsaken_Ad_4992 in distressingmemes

[–]Merlord 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah it was hugely popular news before any of the reporting even mentioned how rich they were. That only came out after a day or so.

FAFO... by Spalding4u in LeopardsAteMyFace

[–]Merlord 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah people are so god damn callous. We don't know anything about the other passengers apart from the fact that they have money, and that's enough for people to completely dehumanize them.

Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump by Sleaze_Guy in politics

[–]Merlord 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The GOP pulled an amazing trick. A Republican started a Russia investigation, a Republican ran the Russia investigation, under a Republican lead Department of Justice. Then the Republicans complained about the investigation, making Dems jump in to support it, only for the GoP to act like it was a Democrat lead "witch hunt" all along.

ACT unveils contract worker policy, proposes amending law so 'gig economy' staff can't challenge employment status by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Merlord 10 points11 points  (0 children)

People always say this as if its so easy to "fix" crime. The harshest penalties in the world won't stop crime if the underlying economic conditions that push people into crime aren't fixed. Hundreds of years of history has proven that. "Tough on crime" policies are simple, easy, popular, and don't work. Perfect for an opposition party to win an election with.

ACT unveils contract worker policy, proposes amending law so 'gig economy' staff can't challenge employment status by Invictusplc in newzealand

[–]Merlord 40 points41 points  (0 children)

It's called the Tragedy of the Commons. Each individual acts in their best personal interests, even if collectively we are worse off than if we all sacrificed a little to achieve a better outcome. This is why environmental action needs to be driven from the top. We need government incentives, policies, and international agreements to hold each other to account. Any other option is doomed to fail.

Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest by gabestonewall in technology

[–]Merlord 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah it's definitely a problem, I just wonder if it's a deliberate attempt to set up minorities to fail or if the pre-existing biases disappear when shit hits the fan