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water wells working? by rwpNagain dayz

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 1 point2 points  (0 children)

same here. I have to drink found bottles and eat a lot of fruit to stay hydrated. This needs to be fixed.

edit; they know about it

Battle of Waterloo, 1815. by I_kill_ch1ldrenin gifs

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This was so sweet that I am now diabetic. Thanks.

Men of reddit, what's the most girly thing you frequently do? by roguetrollin AskReddit

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thats girly? In that case I am a super queen with two cunts.

NO MEANS NO!!! by yoitsdmcin videos

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Reportero de Cancha. Hey, is it too late to change my superhero name?

Kungfu Frog by smithlikin pics

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You should submit this to photoshopbattles.

TIL in Sweden, where 4 out of 5 transactions do not use cash anymore, some homeless people started to carry debit card readers by magicsebiin todayilearned

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Did not read the article but I saw the picture of the newspaper "Situation stockholm".

This is a newspaper about, well the situation of stockholm. And its only homeless people that sell it. They can apply for the job and get most/all of the profit. The creditcard reader is most probably provided by the publisher, and its for buying the newspaper. Not because its hard to beg for money in a creditcard nation.

Pole dancing is an art form by GallowBoobin gifs

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So I was just watched poledancing at work. Do you guys not work?

Ketamine causes temporary yet total remission of anhedonia (lack of ability to derive pleasure from life) in depressed patients in a double blind trial by [deleted]in science

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Ive seen a few of these threads lately and I am with you. Ferocious shit that syphons life out of you. And by the time you realize what you lost, its already to late. These articles are about the intresting affect it has on people with depression. They dont gloryfie the drug and neither should reddit.

VG Cats - Sense of Community by Sir5000in gaming

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Is this not the exact joke Ben Croshaw made?

"How was school today?" "Pretty cool, we learned how to summon a demon in chemistry today." by Ghost_Animatorin pics

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Rift to small for demon to enter, thats only Cthulhus pubes peeking out.

Zero Punctuation - Alien: Isolation by Megadelphiain Games

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Styx is a great game in theory. Mechanics are solid and theres a good flow but theres no sense of accomplishment because of the quicksave system.

There you are in the ceiling looking down at a flask of amber inside a room with 2 armed dudes. After asserting the situation I conclude that I will have to use amber to steal it, is it worth it? Maybe I would've risk it, maybe I wont. Maybe theres other riches inside, maybe I have to use more amber to get out of there once I am in, and how will that affect the rest of the map.

Nope, quicksave -> run in and do a 360° and base your desicion accordingly.

One could argue that "then dont abuse it" and I did not. But still the system give it sort of a "trial and error" approach. Even if I plan my moves thoroughly, fucking up should force you to be careful, not to reload.

Edit; and knowing yathzee, this will bug him as well.

Made from old tyres. Awesome by [deleted]in pics

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 36 points37 points  (0 children)

He didn't even change the title.

For shame, op.

Paper plane by JM2845in Unexpected

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Thats a motherfucking paper Star Destroyer.

What's your useless talent? by JoeSeppeyin AskReddit

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I can shoot saliva from under my tounge like a spitting cobra.

Reddit, what did you eat for breakfast? by PM_ME_UR_PANTY_COLORin AskReddit

[–]I_am_having_a_stroke 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Bacon, white beans in tomatoesauce, fried egg and half an avocado.