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[–][deleted] 2384 points2385 points  (91 children)

There was a time when she was quirky funny, now she’s just coming across like a massive dick.

[–]kpop_stan 770 points771 points  (29 children)

This is how I felt… it started off jokey jokey then she just got mean. But even then I overlooked it bc I like her music but this (the allegations against the bf) is the last straw. I’m done. Hope she burns her career to the ground since she hates fame and her fans so much! 🤷‍♀️

ETA: she liked my reply LITERALLY THE DAY BEFORE the Cyrus stuff came out. Didn’t even get to enjoy that shit for a whole 24 hours 😭

[–]nyx_moonlight_pineapplewrecker 126 points127 points  (28 children)

[–]loversalibiim sorry fofty 105 points106 points  (8 children)

wait i’m sorry WHAT doja cat is dating fuckin j cyrus????? huh??????

[–]recognisingmyworth 62 points63 points  (7 children)

Is this J Cyrus fella popular in the US? I'd never heard of him before the Doja dating news

[–]loversalibiim sorry fofty 41 points42 points  (6 children)

he was popular on vine. so that makes him pretty much C/D list. if you asked your mom if she knew who he was, the odds she would have no clue are basically 98%.

[–]pomskeet 41 points42 points  (4 children)

I don’t know who he is and I’m 23. Am I officially a boomer now?

[–]CatStealingYourGirl 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I know who he is because of Jenna Marbles (they were friends and he was on her podcast). He had two albums out when I found out about him. Added them to my phone. So, that’s why I remember his name lol. Otherwise I wouldn’t have remembered his name. I thought he was a deep cut. So, Idt your a boomer or out of the loop lol.

[–]Complete-Basis1081 157 points158 points  (7 children)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but I don't see how that tweet is racist. It seems like he's saying his white friends are dumb for telling his black friend to "watch out for those cops" as if his black friend doesn't already know that cops are dangerous since he's been a black man in America his whole life. If that's what he's saying then it's a stretch to call that racist; it seems more like he's calling out other white people for being tone-deaf or thinking that black people being murdered by cops only became a thing when they started paying attention to it.

[–]Kind_Alternative_You’re doing amazing, sweetie! 👏👏📸 46 points47 points  (0 children)

I agree with this take and was confused, thinking maybe I do agree with some of his sentiments... But then he posted a whole SLEW of disgusting tweets that made me change my mind right quick 🥴

[–]Kind_Alternative_You’re doing amazing, sweetie! 👏👏📸 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'm sorry this should not be funny at all but the line

"Cyrus, who identifies himself as a comedian," 😩💀💀

[–]daertistic_blabla 367 points368 points  (46 children)

she‘s super mean ): i started disliking her after she was rude to lory hill and i never thought she could ever go lower than that

[–]darksoulsfanUwU 114 points115 points  (0 children)

also calling her own music a money grab and then saying people are stupid for liking it as if making music you hate for money and then getting all pissed off that it worked doesn't make her a bigger dumbass

[–]catsandnaps1028 135 points136 points  (1 child)

Or when she was as rude to the entire country of Paraguay 😒

[–]sinannriver 287 points288 points  (33 children)

I think the lowest she’s ever gone was mocking Amber Heard’s testimony on an IG live. Just sick.

[–]turnchilla 226 points227 points  (1 child)

one of her biggest defenders actually dropped her for that I was really surprised. I was mutuals with the girl and no lie she put in more work than 99% of the fanbase. she completely changed her account around to defending victims of domestic violence after that. stans may be wild but a number of them do have principles still.

[–]sinannriver 63 points64 points  (0 children)

That’s really cool! I’m glad to hear. I think more of this will happen. She hasn’t been around very long and so hasn’t cultivated a ride or die fanbase. I think her fans are going to get let down and exhausted and they’ll have breaking points. Especially since it’s her own fans she’s taking aim at, and calling them stupid for liking her music. They’ll move onto another artist. There’s always, always someone else.

[–]Aechie 92 points93 points  (1 child)

Incel behavior

[–]artistictesticle 64 points65 points  (0 children)

Could say this about so much of the shit she's done in the last 3 years.

[–]epk921 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I’m sorry WHAT?! That’s just fucking abhorrent

[–]The_Crystal_Thestral 42 points43 points  (0 children)

She’s never been quirky or funny. A try hard and cringe AF.

[–]jjeenniiffeerr 28 points29 points  (2 children)

It’s giving Elon Musk

[–]anb7120 632 points633 points  (1 child)

“You won’t like me in person”

Girl, we don’t like you online either

[–]cherry_72[S] 97 points98 points  (0 children)

LMAOO get ha!!!!😭😭

[–]leaanneeee 3519 points3520 points  (45 children)

“We’re the only reason you aren’t working in a grocery store miss high school dropout” I choked.

[–]shades0fcoolCan I live? 543 points544 points  (1 child)

[–]MedicalPersimmon001 981 points982 points  (31 children)

Gotta remember that a lot of these fan accounts are probably students too so Ms Doja Cat, a whole ass 27 year old, is out here bullying kids and teens who are fans of her music because she’s a massive loser who can’t rap.

Edit: Must be some kind of karmic justice that she wanted to be taken seriously as a rapper, but Attention only highlighted how squarely mediocre she is and underperformed.

[–]sendmeaplaylist 283 points284 points  (10 children)

The bullying kids thing is a really great point I haven't seen or thought of. That just makes her behavior so much worse...

[–]Lettuce_Silent 175 points176 points  (5 children)

I mean look what she did to Noah Schnapp. She’s a bitch and a coward.

[–]tworighteyes4892charlie day is my bird lawyer 46 points47 points  (0 children)

bitch is exactly the type of girl to run her mouth online but can’t even fight irl

[–]WinkAlcoholSugest 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Maybe it's because I didn't follow her too closely but I noticed after that incident she started to spiral

[–]CatStealingYourGirl 34 points35 points  (2 children)

She even said go help your parents with the house… aka chores… so she knows she’s dissing kids? 😭

[–]etchuchoter 52 points53 points  (0 children)

Only time I’ve heard it is as a tiktok sound

[–]nyx_moonlight_pineapplewrecker 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Underperformed as we knew it would!!

[–]gojo_blindfolded 140 points141 points  (1 child)

She needs to be humbled like that. I'm so tired of her.

[–]CaddieGal1123 28 points29 points  (0 children)

My face when I read that: 😮

[–]Right_Leg_7483In my quiet girl era 😌 1152 points1153 points  (13 children)

"you need to get off your phone and get a job," she says as she's chronically online and replying to every of her fan's tweets, I can't 💀

Girlie needs to self-introspect for real.

[–]ItsMinnieYall 360 points361 points  (5 children)

Remember last week when she said she was tweeting while her sex pest bf was fucking her? Can't even put the phone down to have gross sex.

[–]Efficient_Coffee5040 284 points285 points  (2 children)

Nah, clearly the sex wasn't good enough if shes able to read and respond to fucking tweets. She obviously got some trash ass dick and tryna make it everyone else's problem bc she cant get her nut off without being called the N word.

[–]justrainalreadyI don’t know her 💅 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Eww 🤮

[–]pomskeet 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Yea that wasn’t the serve she thought it was

[–]cartwheel_socks 1239 points1240 points  (8 children)

Never been a more appropriate time to use this meme…


[–]Capricious_Critic 441 points442 points  (3 children)

Doja vs her kittenz. No one knows which pane is which

[–]shadow-pop🎶I’ve changed my behavior and took accountability🎶 130 points131 points  (1 child)

I think doja is both tbh

[–]maxime0299 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Doja vs Cat

[–]theunkindpanda 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Omg 😂😂😂

[–]Global_Perspective_3 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Lol 😆

[–]Plane_Repairthat’s hot 🥵 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Omg! 😭😭😭 literally!!!

[–]keanureevesbasement 1504 points1505 points  (32 children)

she’s such a mean person. i feel bad for her fans because i forgot the last time i saw an artist hating their fans this much

[–]Cuteloop 406 points407 points  (9 children)

It’s really depressing. She was my Spotify wrapped top artist 2 years in a row when her first albums dropped. Now I can’t even listen to her much any more, I try not to let an artist’s personality affect my perception of their music too much but it’s inescapable sometimes.

[–]epk921 166 points167 points  (0 children)

Well, when they go out of their way to attack someone just for being a fan, it’s pretty hard not to. I’m sorry that one of your favorite artists turned out to be such a bully, it sucks

[–][deleted] 54 points55 points  (0 children)

Me too. I’m not one to drop an artist for behaving questionably but her war with her fans is unprecedented. We loved her. Like she could attack anyone else but she chooses her fans? What.

[–]Necessary-Low9377 47 points48 points  (1 child)

Same. She’s one of my top played artists and I just added her to the “do not play” list.

I can’t listen to or financially support someone who apparently thinks I’m an idiot for enjoying the music she created lol

[–]tokiisaurThe legislative act of my pussy 25 points26 points  (0 children)

For a while all I played was her music but it’s so hard to separate her music from her genuine lack of respect for her fans.

[–]Optimal_Goal9102 1003 points1004 points  (13 children)

It’s pretty funny to see Doja Cat, the most chronically online singer, telling her fans to get off their phones lol

[–]annehuda 236 points237 points  (6 children)

Why is this kettle calling the pots black lol

[–]jewdiful 100 points101 points  (5 children)

The things we dislike the most about others are also the things we most dislike about ourselves.

Instead of accepting (let alone even acknowledging!) those painful inner feelings we have toward ourselves, we instead project them onto others, often cruelly condemning and rejecting the people we believe are portraying them.

It’s really destructive and damaging, both for the perpetrator as well as the victims of such distorted, maladaptive thinking and behavior. Psychological defense mechanisms are a damn trip. And we all engage in at least some of them, at least some of the time. Not one person is immune throughout our lives. Most of the time it’s not as extreme as this example though.

[–]np8875 1516 points1517 points  (14 children)

Damn, that last slide!

[–]NoZookeepergame453 544 points545 points  (11 children)

Miss Highschool dropout

[–]usernamesnamesnames 402 points403 points  (10 children)

I'm not into blaming or shaming people about dropping out of hs but I have to admit I laughed

[–]Aechie 129 points130 points  (1 child)

I dropped out of highschool and find this hilarious

[–]usernamesnamesnames 39 points40 points  (0 children)

I didn't drop out of high-school (but college) and find this hil too

[–]turtleshellshocked 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I dropped out of high school and approve

[–]OffbeatChaos 191 points192 points  (1 child)

They freaking ate with that comment lol. They said what we’ve all been thinking for weeks now

[–]glittertheraveYou sit on a throne of lies. 245 points246 points  (2 children)


Girl, take your own advice.

[–]cherry_72[S] 98 points99 points  (0 children)

right like the call is coming from inside the house😭😭

[–]Objective_Error9226 645 points646 points  (10 children)

I love how she’s telling her fans to get a life, meanwhile she’s the one sitting on her phone or computer responding to them and saying unnecessarily mean things. Like what other celebrities spend this much time responding to people on the internet?

[–]cherry_72[S] 368 points369 points  (1 child)

no cuz i saw on twitter that she was blocking fans on insta who were LIKING critical comments about her under her posts??? like damn thats a whole lotta free time you got on your hands ms cat lady!

[–]Objective_Error9226 109 points110 points  (0 children)

I don’t understand why someone would purposely subject themselves to this much negativity. She should take her own advice and just delete the whole account. Hope she moves on from this phase of her life, it seems unhealthy:/

[–]epk921 102 points103 points  (0 children)

If I were a millionaire, the last thing I’d be doing is picking fights on twitter. Like, girl go sit on a private island for a month

[–]c0mpromisedStream SLAY by Bonnie Mckee 🔥 90 points91 points  (0 children)

I don’t think Amala even has a life outside of her music career cuz she sure as hell didn’t have one before the mainstream success so that “get off your phone” comment is real rich.

[–]Alarming_Emergency32 35 points36 points  (1 child)

I have a theory that her brain development has been affected by being terminally online so young and consuming all of the horrendous petty insecurity-causing shit on the internet. and now it’s impossible for her to stop bc it’s key to her self identity to be a cynical troll online (since she didn’t build an identity grounded in her actual life) (and if ur cynical about everything you can’t get hurt)

[–]Visible-Relation5318 882 points883 points  (15 children)

Last slide gagged her 👀

[–]cherry_72[S] 445 points446 points  (0 children)

fr😭all the kittens sticking out their claws right now and im here for it

[–]somegirlontheinteryou shoulda never called me a fat ass kelly price[🍰] 321 points322 points  (6 children)

she done burned too many bridges….ain’t nun we can do fa ha now


[–]pierreor 154 points155 points  (0 children)

people from war-torn regions learning that all they had to do was put their finger on the enemy's gun and lower it gently

[–]OffbeatChaos 135 points136 points  (1 child)

This meme never fails to make me laugh

[–]BotGirlFall 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Me too. I have no context for it but the guys "oh duh, why didnt I think of that!" reaction kills me every time

[–]PomegranateSmooth424 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Can't believe Michael Jackson Ended War🥺

[–]youtubehistorian 123 points124 points  (5 children)

i literally gasped they got her

[–]WowThisIsAwkward_Part-time misanthrope 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I saw the top comment only after reading the first slide and I still wasn’t ready to read the last one. Oh Lord…

[–]Difficult_Deer6902 1170 points1171 points  (34 children)

I’ve literally never seen an artist despise their fans so much. I get she didn’t like her little mainstream pop music phase…but like damn girl

[–]foxscribbles 602 points603 points  (16 children)

Honestly, it'd be a horrible career move for anyone to start attacking their fans like this.

But especially for DojaCat - she does NOT have the fanbase to start alienating people.

All of her top charted songs are collabs. The highest she's ever climbed on the billboard chart without another artist's fame and fanbase to help her is number 7.

That's not bad. But that's not "Fuck you, got mine. I can do what I want," levels of fame where she can piss off loyal listeners and still expect hit records just off random people.

[–]Zylonnaire 210 points211 points  (6 children)

This girl is acting like she got a Nicki, Beyoncé, and Rihanna type fan base. Those three artist wouldn’t disrespect their fans this much in the first place but if they did a lot of those fans would still support regardless. Do you think the barbz would stop listening to Nicki if she called them stupid?

[–]seragreyInvented post-its 58 points59 points  (1 child)

rihanna constantly disrespects her fans, just saying lol

[–][deleted] 77 points78 points  (4 children)

Oh yeah good point. She’d be nothing without the collabs especially SZA

[–]DameOClock 170 points171 points  (3 children)

What I don’t get is if she doesn’t like the fame and fans why keep making music that sounds mainstream and is very poppy? Unless she’s locked into an extremely shitty contract, why not transition into more artistic, niche, and avant-garde music. Even if she can’t because of her contract, why take it out on her fans? It’s so confusing.

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (0 children)

I’m pretty sure her contract is fucked but she still doesn’t gaf. Whatever girl, other people want it and will fight for it more.

[–]heavengrl 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Because she's not talented enough to go avant garde.

[–]kimmiecla 531 points532 points  (24 children)

I feel like she’s doubling down on this whole “I don’t want to be famous/I hate my fans” act in anticipation for her album not doing well.

Attention underperformed and I think she wants to get ahead of any ridicule her new project will get if it does poorly by saying she prefers it and doesn’t want to be a big artist anyways.

[–]NoZookeepergame453 306 points307 points  (4 children)

She is just sabotaging her own career

[–]Sea_Bonus_351 17 points18 points  (0 children)

She is just sabotaging her own career

Oh yes. She is on a spree!

[–]RevealActive4557 170 points171 points  (10 children)

She has an arena tour coming and I do not know if it will sell well but I have even more doubts that she will complete it. I think she will pull a Justin Bieber and bail with some mental health excuse (which in her case may actually be true)

She is just super unreliable and when she self-destructed and bailed on The Weeknd tour at the last minute I was through with her as a fan. She can live on her incel threads forever and go back to being a nobody. I think that may make her happier in the end

[–]sunmi_siren 137 points138 points  (2 children)

I thought about getting tickets for her tour, bowl tickets during presale were $200! I was like girl for someone who hates being mainstream she sure does love those mainstream pop girl ticket prices

[–]MarsupialPristine677 66 points67 points  (0 children)

She does seem to have some kind of mental health problem(s) and I do genuinely hope she gets some kind of help for it, this cannot be a pleasant way to exist (for her and everyone else lmao) but like, holy shit, why does she have the most virulently awful presence 😔 I really liked some of her songs but now I can’t even listen to them without thinking about her endless bullshit

[–]owningmyokayniss 45 points46 points  (2 children)

The difference is Doja can’t afford to cancel 🤭 Justin had put in his time before pulling out of tours like that. I loved her music, and it’s crazy how her self-hatred has formed her into this

[–]samuelpalermo 175 points176 points  (6 children)

Remember if you're a doja cat fan she literally hates you

[–]hehehehehbe 41 points42 points  (1 child)

Some people get off on that kind of thing

[–]samuelpalermo 47 points48 points  (0 children)

This world needs to end

[–]okrasnake 492 points493 points  (12 children)

I can’t wait until we never have to hear about this self absorbed asshole again.

[–]Traditional-Soup7883 161 points162 points  (10 children)

Yep I’m so done. Removed from my Spotify and I believe I was in the top percentage of fans. I hope others go the same way rather than continuing to be hurt by someone they were a fan of

[–]HiddnVallyofthedolls 46 points47 points  (8 children)

Is there a way to remove an entire artist and their songs from every saved playlist or did you have to do it one by one?

[–]hollyjacobson 66 points67 points  (2 children)

If you’re using Spotify, you can go to her music page by searching for her name, clicking the three dots/ellipses, and selecting “Don’t Play Artist”.

Unsure on Apple Music or YouTube though sorry!

[–]megliu1212 25 points26 points  (1 child)

You can block the artist on Spotify, none of their music will play. It’ll skip over any song of the blocked artist, any playlist

[–]venite_et_videte 304 points305 points  (15 children)

shes trying to get a "Controversies" section on her wikipedia

[–]tarc0917 114 points115 points  (14 children)

[–]venite_et_videte 107 points108 points  (1 child)

that section is so incomplete 💀

[–]Nasus_13 44 points45 points  (4 children)

She dug up and cooked her cat?!?

[–]turnchilla 32 points33 points  (2 children)

yeah she actually did it on IG live lmao it was creepy as shit

[–]OffbeatChaos 133 points134 points  (2 children)

At least Azealia is witty

[–]WowThisIsAwkward_Part-time misanthrope 30 points31 points  (1 child)

I remember reading Russell Crowe’s and damn, that dude has had a lot of beef with people.

[–]radishez 19 points20 points  (0 children)

“she will ‘never ever ever ever ever’ come back to Israel” … very eloquently put Azealia

[–]Global_Perspective_3 147 points148 points  (5 children)

I understand wanting to move away from the image that made you popular as though you feel it was too limiting and not necessarily what you truly wanted to make, but attacking your fans like this and so consistently is really dumb

[–]starwars1018 79 points80 points  (1 child)

It’s not even like the Steve lacy situation where a lot of the people coming to his concerts only knew the songs big off of tiktok so he got frustrated. Doja’s stans genuinely love her music and would probably support her if she made a change without shaming them.

[–]Global_Perspective_3 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Right! Like if they only knew say so or woman, then I’d get it. But they genuinely seem to ride for her music and she’s just shunning them.

[–]cherry_72[S] 55 points56 points  (1 child)

right!! just do whatever you want artistically. whoever wants to stick around to support you will and vice versa. theres no need for all of this

[–]kommsussertod1 240 points241 points  (2 children)

Doja cat reminds me when I was on tumblr and sent myself anonymous hate mail just so I could reply something funny and get followers… except I was 15.

[–]chilloutpal 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Slow clap for this resp 👏

[–]mimivuvuvu 198 points199 points  (0 children)

She’s becoming more unlikeable and unbearable every minute that passes

[–]wallowsworld 185 points186 points  (1 child)

“Miss high school dropout”


[–]coconut-dreams 84 points85 points  (4 children)

All this just for her new album to flop omg

[–]cherry_72[S] 66 points67 points  (2 children)

so ready to see her getting humbled


[–]kilsubi 8 points9 points  (1 child)

OP you have been cracking me tf up all up and down this thread LMAO

[–]abhipsirenOh, the gaze 👀, not the gays 💅 347 points348 points  (1 child)

[–]Emotionswhere 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Damn this is so true right now. 😬

[–]xlunafae 156 points157 points  (7 children)

I used to like her until now. She's a huge jerk to her own fans and I'm surprised she still has any supporters. I won't feel sorry if she ends up jobless and broke in 5 years

[–]cherry_72[S] 96 points97 points  (5 children)

watch her becoming lana del reys coworker at waffle house😭😭

[–][deleted] 201 points202 points  (8 children)

If her “kittenz” still stream her after this I’ll be so embarrassed for them.

[–]OffbeatChaos 16 points17 points  (1 child)

I’m sure they will, when Doja insulted them a few months ago they were all in her replies stanning her and “she’s such a troll lol”. Can’t imagine stanning a bully

[–]graypumpkinsyou stalked my whole life on the boardwalk 66 points67 points  (0 children)

God, what a nasty person.

[–]Global_Perspective_3 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Oof that last slide! Drag her

[–]FoxCharacter5108 55 points56 points  (0 children)

how fucking ungrateful can someone possibly be

[–]leodicapriohoe 58 points59 points  (3 children)

She’s genuinely so vile and obnoxious and passes it off as “unfiltered” or quirky. Owning the “troll” personality is so contrived and not an excuse to be an asshole online. Why did we move past her asking a minor to set her up with his costar via dms so quickly? She’s such a weirdo

[–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (0 children)

People were swearing that wasn’t weird and called the actor immature. Of course he’s immature; he’s literally yet to mature!

[–]cherry_72[S] 203 points204 points  (6 children)

the 'lorddd a doja notice' made me laugh though ngl😭😭worms for brain

[–]TokioJamWho gon' check me boo? 103 points104 points  (0 children)

Her fans are eating her

[–][deleted] 105 points106 points  (0 children)

Ugh, I fought this long and hard tooth and nail because I was obsessed with her talent, but she's just a total jerk. Which is a comment she will love. Bye Doja, it's been sad.

[–]YouNeedCheeses 51 points52 points  (1 child)

How many times does she need to embarrass and insult her fans for them to stop being fans? Jesus Christ this woman needs to get a fuckin life and learn how to be grateful. What a bitter mess.

[–]cherry_72[S] 38 points39 points  (0 children)

shes actually a genius because a good chunk of her fandom unironically thinks shes just a mega troll and that nobody gets them like her. ive also seen a lot of kittens being convinced that her predator bf is being abusive towards her and HES actually the one tweeting all of this out because they think hes got a hold of her social media. it would be insanely funny if it wasnt so sad. just a bunch of gullible kids and airheads

[–]omfilwy 45 points46 points  (0 children)

That fan on last slide CLEARED her 😭

[–]paisleybubbles 44 points45 points  (3 children)

Doja fans and Ari fans are really going through it right now huh

[–]cherry_72[S] 36 points37 points  (0 children)

theyre in the trenches fighting for their lives😭

[–]pikle_rickle 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Well she read her to absolute filth.

[–]stillwitme 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Omg can we all literally stop supporting the stuff this woman releases? She sucks. Let her run back to the incel chat rooms where she belongs lol

[–]tiinymermaid 43 points44 points  (0 children)

last slide had me like. it's pure poetry

[–]greenonion6 33 points34 points  (0 children)

the doja notice one 💀

[–]winkynoodles 28 points29 points  (0 children)

user planetshadee omg ... gagged her

[–]stillcantsee 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Doja is such a loser pick me and the millions of dollars and fame will never wash that stink off of her

[–]sirensxgorgonsBe smart, Robert. 72 points73 points  (4 children)

She does not seem well mentally. It’s a little concerning

[–]ClockworkOctopodesill argue with a cat idgaf 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Definitely. She seems to have been in a long mental spiral downwards for a while now. Hence the major self-sabotage and lashing out at people who support her.

Her hostility feels kind of…intense? And obsessive? Above and beyond just resenting old fans and her old music. Something feels wrong and I hope she’s still got people around her who care.

[–]ishouldbeabird 102 points103 points  (4 children)

I know fame can really fuck someone up mentally so maybe she’s going through something that I hope she overcomes eventually, but damn, someday she is going to regret alienating her fans like that.

[–]gottabekittensme 12 points13 points  (1 child)

Didn't she get signed to the same manager that abused Ke$ha right before she started acting like this, or something like that? Or was that rumor?

[–]turnchilla 16 points17 points  (0 children)

she signed with him when she was a minor. that’s a big reason why he has so many producer credits on her songs - I believe it was a stipulation in the contract. before Say So really popped off she was liking tweets basically saying she didn’t have a choice to work with him.

she used to play this game called hotel hideaway with her fans where she would spill a bit more stuff since it was mostly just fans and she reiterated that and also said she didn’t like him. I don’t have any screenies for either bc this was a while ago. I was a stan during the first one but never expected her to blow up so I never thought to screenshot it.

doesn’t matter now tho I guess considering she’s literally dating an abuser lmao

[–]zerouselXOXO gossip girl 💋 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I saw another post about “where do you see Doja in 5 years” and now I have my answer… she’s Azelia Banks 2

[–]masterpewpewpew 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Her music isn't good enough for her to get away with this behavior lol

[–]layla_jones_ 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Planet shade destroyed her

[–]cherry_72[S] 18 points19 points  (2 children)

this is taking me the fuck out omg they really are done with her


[–]Fluffy_Mood5781 18 points19 points  (0 children)

That’s a freshly exploded Chernobyl level of toxicity, right there. Like dang she seems to actively hold personal grudges to a bunch of strangers who adore(d) her.

[–]Sleepybat7 18 points19 points  (0 children)

She sounds absolutely miserable inside.

[–]kithemall 18 points19 points  (0 children)

"you won't like me in person"

Girl, we don't have to meet you in person to know that you're extremely unlikable.

[–]shadowyxlady 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Girl is spiraling deeper and deeper with every single post she puts out

[–]origamicyclone 15 points16 points  (0 children)

She's got to be the least likable person on the planet

[–]CallieTayl0r 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Making sure to delete her music from my library. She’s so nasty and mean that it just ruins the songs for me.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

She’s such an insufferable edge lord. We get it; you’re not like the other famous girls. Planetshadee clocked her tea fr. She loves being famous and she’s not convincing anyone else otherwise.

[–]QueenG123456 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Damn Doja, what are you doing? What do her contracts say? Why doesn’t she just walk away for a year or two and then return to whatever art she feels good about.

This is just spewing nastiness at the people who’ve supported her and given her the audience to reach those goals she has smashed.

And I thought I self sabotaged when things were going good. Geeeez

[–]seventeenkatie 41 points42 points  (3 children)

Embarrassing. I almost feel bad for her. Hope she heals whatever troubling her. She’s got the largest stick up her ass and for what

[–]c0wboytuxedo 11 points12 points  (0 children)

She’s pretty unbearable

[–]iliketoomanysingers🕯Cillian Murphy Will Win an Oscar🕯 10 points11 points  (0 children)

As someone who's a former angry online bastard (but was never near Doja's level, christ almighty) I can say that she's 100% just choosing this. Nothing is stopping her from muting words or logging off for the day. Nothing is stopping her from setting up a time out app on her phone, or deleting the apps off of it, or changing the password to something complicated and then forgetting it on purpose. Internet addiction and the rush of being angry or righteous go hand in hand but you can gain awareness and help yourself. She just doesn't want to. Although she sure does enjoy blocking people who talk about her awful boyfriend, how interesting.

If she's a good artist and doesn't alienate her entire fanbase, her music won't need a heavy social media presence. But running her mouth with this disdain for them is not going to help, certainly not along with all of her other garbage antics.

[–]Necessary-Low9377 10 points11 points  (3 children)

I just added her to my “do not play” list on Spotify. If she hates her music and her fans so much, she shouldn’t be getting any $$$ from streams

[–]LostMyRightAirpods 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah, she won’t last. I never hear about her outside of the internet anyway. Even Azealia doesn’t attack her fans like this.

[–]mandymiggzIs no longer managed by Scooter Braun 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Y’all ever been to that Dick’s Last Resort restaurant where the staff is mean and insults you?

I feel like eating there every single meal voluntarily must be what it’s like to be a Doja stan. How exhausting…