
Earlier this year I made carrot hot dogs and the percentage of people who hate me with every fibre of their body drastically increased by DetailedBackla in StupidFood

[–]dasmashhit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

this looks like some gas, love some vegan substitutes bc who really wants to eat the weird intestine sleeves of pigs and meat of other various animals

| Guns I want in the game next season or later | by Artistic-Eggplant-45 in ModernWarfareII

[–]dasmashhit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah it’s in its own weapon platform too not related to the .50 GS

This back claiming natty 19 yo by targaryenofvalyria in nattyorjuice

[–]dasmashhit 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah this is closer to the truth, it’s really just presence of oil that can obviously go crazy from hormone disrupters and whatever an aromatase inhibitor is, combined with trapping bacteria beneath dead skin & oil, this bacteria is commonly p. acnes, thus the common name of pimples & zits, acne

The difference between how different colored T-shirts absorb heat. by yasukemudkip in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]dasmashhit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It does lol. Aluminum kills your good pit bacteria and makes it so your sweat smells even worse in the future. Fact check it, you can’t just say “it doesn’t” and then log into like 10 different accounts to give us an even & inversely proportional amt of votes, that’s pure nonsense

“Research has found that the salts in antiperspirants can cause an imbalance of bacteria. The aluminum compounds kill off the less smelly bacteria, giving the smellier bacteria more opportunity to thrive, causing more body odour.”

You’re a smelly old willy

Things you didn’t know about the game and once you found out it was a game changer. by TheSplicerGuy in ModernWarfareII

[–]dasmashhit 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean legit though like if you’re right where a bouncing betty is you can avoid it by crouching? It just seems like trolling lol

I would need to know more about how a bouncing betty explodes in real life and in game to understand more.

Is it just a semi circular explosion you can duck under?

This just seems like this would be bigger news if this works cause I’m just gonna start drop shotting through prox mines

My gf needs legal advice by dasmashhit in antiwork

[–]dasmashhit[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Maine has this:

“lunch break laws are not applicable if collective bargaining or other written employer-employee agreement provides other meal arrangements.”

but having a boss coerce you into saying in written notice you choose to not take a lunch doesn’t sound like it solves the problem of you legally needing other meal arrangements. You can’t just not eat or not have that time to yourself.

She’s a manager too, and works alone with a seizure disorder, closing, where regular non-managerial employees in the morning make more than her hourly lol.

I thought I’ve worked some shitty jobs.

My gf needs legal advice by dasmashhit in antiwork

[–]dasmashhit[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maine, she says they had her sign a form to state “I agree not to take my 30 minutes” how is that even legal lmao

Please never use oil diffusers near your pets. by BurgooKing in CrestedGecko

[–]dasmashhit 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Even us, parfum/perfume is vague, doesn’t have to tell you exactly what artificial ingredients are in there, and is harmful and a sensitizer to everyone living and everything.

Look up sensitizers if you wanna go down an internet rabbit hole. think poison ivy but for toxic industrial chemicals that make their way into food.

Now imagine how confused our body can get when these sensitizers are around us and mixed with natural oils.. Seems silly and not a good gamble for the government or science (at least in the US) to make to test the immune system like that.

People wonder why peanut allergies and soy and tree nuts are on the rise.

Things you didn’t know about the game and once you found out it was a game changer. by TheSplicerGuy in ModernWarfareII

[–]dasmashhit 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Damn!! I removed this at the beginning of the game/beta bc it was glitchy and existing during cutscenes but I’ll have to try

Things you didn’t know about the game and once you found out it was a game changer. by TheSplicerGuy in ModernWarfareII

[–]dasmashhit 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That you can dolphin dive, switch guns and reload during- but can’t shoot.

I just want to be Max Payne with double deagles mid-air. please. i know it would be ridiculous but this game doesn’t have the best track record for realism anyway dolphin diving off cliffs and buildings in warzone and surviving so it might just be a fun little change!

Like just pull the trigger, reloading mid air superman flying must be way more difficult