
I’ll book that one in for next sprint, UAT next Monday sound good? by XTremeEd in ProgrammerHumor

[–]KmlSlmk64 2 points3 points  (0 children)

You probbably forgot to disable ray tracing collision of air in your engine.

I made an interactive map that lets you center numerous projections on any country and see how projections distort other parts of the world [OC] by EngagingData in dataisbeautiful

[–]KmlSlmk64 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just tried putting china the most south it could go. Let's say, it got confused... (The shape got inverted and covered whole map except the part where it should, sooo china > world landmass?)

There are 22 sticks, and 14 of them are on the lines. by 12_Semitones in mathmemes

[–]KmlSlmk64 12 points13 points  (0 children)

I mean, the thing you did works no problem, but trying to calculate my formula doesn't work (the calculate e using iπ root)

There are 22 sticks, and 14 of them are on the lines. by 12_Semitones in mathmemes

[–]KmlSlmk64 123 points124 points  (0 children)

I see that you did it from eπi = -1, but when I tried to put in geogebra πi √ -1, it said error and wolfram alpha has yet to solve it... (Took 5 minutes and still no result, looks like it is calculating)

Never new the g was that big... by ParzivaltheWalrus in unexpectedfactorial

[–]KmlSlmk64 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Gonna guess you would need to use the gamma function definition to calculate the factorial with decimals.

Kam se hrabou Dany by ondra00 in czech

[–]KmlSlmk64 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Proboha! Vždyť to tý Rusi nepřežijí, to bude řádný masakr!

kuik mafs by AmineAB1156 in mathmemes

[–]KmlSlmk64 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I think, that this is the only positive that would actually come out of it (temporary), but then, the price of everything would go up, without the wages going up, so after a while, everyone would spend more than they gain (banks would have no products active, because everyone would return all loans probbably) causing many more people go under the poverty line (poverty line going up, but they not) and causing only whealth people get richer and poor people getting poorer. (Because everyones money would go down, so everyone would spend more on stuff, which causes only rich people getting richer)

Essentialy rich people giving poor people a lot of monry would cause more harm to the poor people than the rich.

That's my point of view.

Uhhhh no? by Nickstargaming in softwaregore

[–]KmlSlmk64 5 points6 points  (0 children)

We made a patch for that, but is so minor, we didn't even change the version/patch number bigger.

Edit: awhy have I said make instead of change?

Potion Mixer datapack I'm currently working on by DaathNahonn in MinecraftCommands

[–]KmlSlmk64 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Maybe you could make a recipe for custom item (I think generally it is done with a recipe book witch custom tag recipe, which is then instantly replaced with something different), which would spawn the brewer (use a renamed/retextured spawn egg) to spawn a brewing station (you could place a minecart (with some locked slots) there to be the gui, idk, just an idea

Map Prototype: fourth dimension. You are supposed to travel between 3 similar places to solve puzzles. by juanmaderito in MinecraftCommands

[–]KmlSlmk64 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Maybe, if you don't you use items, you could select which dimension to go to, by whitch slot is being selected (like, if you select slot 1, go to dimension 1, etc.) Maybe a bit different, but I think it should be possible)

Lyft driver cancels ride on racist bar owner and her husband by PlenitudeOpulence in worldnewsvideo

[–]KmlSlmk64 44 points45 points  (0 children)

I would say raised left, because I don't remember conservatives being principally against racism. :D

Motion to submit that dry handkerchief as evidence your honor by [deleted] in PublicFreakout

[–]KmlSlmk64 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I've originally read it as "…this is how far depp you have to go,…"

Based on true story by Shumpignun in linuxmemes

[–]KmlSlmk64 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Legally? Maybe. That Apple would like you to? No. Does Apple try to prevent you to do so? Yes. Do people do it? Yes.

Úloha z letošních maturit: O kolik stupňů Miloš otočil? by Candid_Competition40 in czech

[–]KmlSlmk64 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Ak definujeme 100% ako celok - čiže 1 (väčšinou sa to takto používa v MATike) a povieme, že ak tam explicitne nieje povedané, že sú to stupne, tak sú to radiány (zasa bežné použitie, ale bežne sa nestretnete s % a °/rad. na jednom mieste), tak sa Miloš otočil o 3,60 radiánu. Keďže π ≈ 3,14 radiánov je 180°, tak sa otočil trochu viac ako o pol kruhu. (Presne: 206,264806°)

Sorry, ale proste som musel dať svoj názor na konverziu 360% na ° stupne.