
Tales of Tribute just needs better atmosphere. by Scylax_Vitarrn in elderscrollsonline

[–]bdiddlediddles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Honestly I think I would be more into the game if the timer was shorter.

I've never actually seen someone get to the end of the timer without intentionally just wasting time.

Tales of Tribute just needs better atmosphere. by Scylax_Vitarrn in elderscrollsonline

[–]bdiddlediddles 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Imagine if they made the NPCs have dialog every single time a turn was finished. The same lines repeating over and over again.

How to remote control work pc? by araque615 in WFH

[–]bdiddlediddles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, you should be able to. Having said that it'll probably be slower and you might notice that the audio jitters a bit. The reason is that it would introduce two more bounces that communication would need to go through.

Overseas PC > Teamviewer > Work PC > Communicate app (Teams, Skype) > Client

As opposed to

Work PC > Communicate app > Client

Is there any particular reason that you can't just download the app directly onto your computer and talk to your client that way? Cut out the work PC entirely.

Japanese in CBD by Apothecary66 in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 2 points3 points  (0 children)

+1 for Shujinko, it tastes almost exactly like ramen from Japan.

I dunno how other ramen places get it tasting so different from it's source material. Is it the broth?

How to remote control work pc? by araque615 in WFH

[–]bdiddlediddles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Teamviewer QuickSupport will install without admin privileges but it's super temperamental. I would strongly recommend talking to IT or your manager about getting Teamviewer Host on your work machine. Then just download Teamviewer onto your out-of-country computer, put in the ID and password that Teamviewer shows on your work machine. It should connect you.

[TOMT][KIDS BOOK][90S] Kids puzzle book with multiple choices by bdiddlediddles in tipofmytongue

[–]bdiddlediddles[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A bit different. This was a whole 2 page illustration that centered around one scenario. The multiple choice things would be self contained problems on the page.

[TOMT][KIDS BOOK][90S] Kids puzzle book with multiple choices by bdiddlediddles in tipofmytongue

[–]bdiddlediddles[S] 0 points1 point locked comment (0 children)

Sorry for the vagueness, I have no idea what its called either.

no fucking way that's not jerma by Slowinski_ in jerma985

[–]bdiddlediddles 34 points35 points  (0 children)

I saw the exact same thing and thought it was a Jerma video. It's actually about a woman who poisoned her work colleagues with poison donuts.

That sounds exactly like something Jerma would do...

Legitimate Theory: GTA San Andreas was so ahead of its time that until this day Rockstar are still struggling to play catch up. by While-Even in GTA

[–]bdiddlediddles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nah, it's not though. It just comes across as a pretentious attempt to be deep and meaningful. Kinda like when I used to put emo bands lyrics on my myspace page.

What's the top 5-10 Weirdest Things Youve Seen in public? by Kelly_1976 in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I was taking the midnight train home a good 5-10 years ago after having a few drinks, as is per tradition everyone in the carriage looked like they had a few as well.

This woman gets up and starts running around the carriage yelling about how we shouldn't be all so down and should start singing. She and her friend then proceed to start singing some pop song (think it was fireworks by Katy Perry, It was a while ago). She then points at one particularly grouchy dude who was scowling at her and tells him to start singing and that he shouldn't be such a grumpy gus. He proceeds to flip her the bird which sets her right off, she walks up to him and starts lecturing him about being more upbeat.

As this is happening we pull into the station, he comes back at her with "I don't feel like singing and you shouldn't be trying to force other people to sing either. You're just being a nuisance and I don't really give a shit anyway because this is my stop!" He proceeds to press the open door button only for nothing to happen. The train beeps and slowly starts taking off and he starts hammering on the door open button.

Everyone on the train is watching this by this point and everyone starts to laugh their asses off when they realize what just happened. It takes this woman a little bit of time before she catches on that she's got him trapped, she then proceeds to lecture him until the next station. I swear everyone on the train was crying with laughter.

A tale of two servos by thrashmanzac in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Franchises are usually an awful way to go, I hear that Groove Train franchisee's get absolutely dicked in fees and hidden costs.

Shame that they're food is so awful as well, who in the world eats at Groove Train and thinks "Man, this substandard food is what I want to sink some money into."

It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Friday 10/06/2022] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I swear that healthcare workers are a different breed. Thanks for all you've done.

It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Friday 10/06/2022] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I swear I've had it before and the RAT test just didn't show anything. What's the hit rate on these things?

It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Friday 10/06/2022] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Fuck, refusing to eat Nonna's spaghetti? They were lucky to get the cat back at all. My Nonna would've skinned me.

Pick up Preston. by ellesliemanto in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It really highlights the separation between society and nature doesn't it? Who is really the cunt? Is it nature? Is it society?

I work at Bunnings AMA by [deleted] in melbourne

[–]bdiddlediddles 130 points131 points  (0 children)

Do they get regular staff members to be in those Bunnings ads or are they just actors? Have you ever been in one of those ads? What's your favorite ad in general?