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storysironmn commented on
Comment deleted by user16 minutes ago

The vast majority of people do not smoke for medicinal purposes.


I’m scared that I’m losing a part of my personality.

I’m scared that who I am as a person is going to change.

I’m scared at the fact that I now have to do something with my time instead of playing video games and watching tv.

I’m scared that I’m going to lose my friends.

I’m scared that my new girlfriend isn’t going to want me anymore.

Most of all I’m scared for the future. I’m scared by my own thoughts.

Weed was what kept me calm, and friendly. I already feel alienated. I feel like a spastic freak. Weed kept my self disgust at bay.

I’m scared at the fact that I can’t simply push all the stress out of my brain with the spark of a lighter.

I can’t calm down. I can’t relax. Im on edge.

I wish I could smoke for the rest of my life.

storysironmn commented on
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I believe the current cap is 35, although I am only on 28 so I’m not 100% sure. The spreadsheets for the episodes are the exact same as the greasy money ones.

Original Poster2 points · 10 days ago

Thank you for the info. :) Let me make sure I understand, so you are saying that the spreadsheet for tpb:greasy money episode 31 should be the same as Bud Farm 31?

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That’s correct :)

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storysironmn commented on

It’s 4am here on the west coast. Ketamine makes my tinnitus flare up so I’m not sleeping tonight lmao

There are things that make tinnitus 'flare up'?

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Most drugs seem to make my tinnitus flare up. Ketamine, nitrous, lsd, shrooms, etc.. I’m not sure if it’s actually worse, or if I just notice it more

storysironmn commented on

Fam 5/4/5, Curtis 6, baked goods 7, sitting at 7V... in second place on my leaderboard and still missing the last 2 prizes.

storysironmn commented on

I won't be focusing on this too much so I won't be terribly upset if I don't finish. Canada Day celebrations and all today.

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Yeah I suppose I’ll be out all day as well.

You a fellow Canuck? If so, happy Canada Day, brother!

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Indeed! I’m from B.C, happy Canada day!

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storysironmn commented on

Is this shit dangerous, like sniffing glue?

Isn't it just oxygen deprivation?

Does it make you stupid and kill braincells?

Or is it harmless?

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No, no, no, but also no. Nitrous oxide in large doses can deplete vitamin b-12, causing nerve damage, tinnitus, and in rare cases paralysis. That being said, using nitrous responsible has not been shown to have any ill side affects.

storysironmn commented on
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September 4, 2016

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