
Those who haven't caught Covid yet, how have you managed to avoid it? by freezerwpg in AskReddit

[–]robertsjj 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I genuinely have no idea. I’ve taken the test basically every time i felt sick since covid sprouted out. Negative every time.

Condoms during booty calls - do you wear one? by grooveinthegrove in TooAfraidToAsk

[–]robertsjj 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My experience has kinda been the opposite. As a male i feel like i am always the one to insist on wearing condoms. If its your first time hooking up then yeah definitely wear a condom. You don’t know wear homeboys been, and if he’s not wearing condoms with you he doin it elsewhere too

I'm so FREAKING ANGRY that my brain decided I have this fetish now. by Purple_Egg_7988 in TrueOffMyChest

[–]robertsjj 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It’s not too crazy of a fetish tbh.

My ex loved the smell of my armpits. Anytime i would say i had b.o and apologized she wanted to shove her face in there and get the whole experience. At first i thought it was weird but as a few months passed I actually thought it was the cutest thing. Like “this girl loves me so much she even loves my bad scent”. Im sure your wife will be flattered.

Host offering place while out? by [deleted] in couchsurfing

[–]robertsjj 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I had a host leave for a week the next day of getting there and asked me if i could feed his cat (Bondy, rip) while he was gone so i did. I thought it was more funny in the moment than anything as he made the trip last minute the night i got there. Some people are trusting and know a trustworthy person. Although it might bite them in the ass trusting the wrong person, atleast you can feel comfortable you aren’t someone who would. (Unless you are. Then shame on you)

I absolutely love the VCS and LLL so far by Whommas in leagueoflegends

[–]robertsjj 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Tbh its a waste of time for better regions, so I understand.

You don’t get better by playing worse teams. You play worse teams, you typically play to their level.

Fun fact about the LEC winner by Orizirguy in leagueoflegends

[–]robertsjj 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Odo predicted this post before he stole power from all electronics to evolve and win

Why rogue gotta always be chokers. Sometimes better team just wins.

WHO'S THE REAL LCS GOAT - Bjergsen vs Doublelift | IWD by BaconBaconBacon24 in leagueoflegends

[–]robertsjj 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I would say the majority of people support the GOAT; Doublelift

WHO'S THE REAL LCS GOAT - Bjergsen vs Doublelift | IWD by BaconBaconBacon24 in leagueoflegends

[–]robertsjj 270 points271 points  (0 children)

Not enough people talk about this. Homeboy literally had his entire family life changed and still played. Even not being a TL fan i still wanted them to win, simply because “Holy Shit.”

Horrible trade, could’ve got some draft picks too by jeffers0n_steelflex in JoeRogan

[–]robertsjj 17 points18 points  (0 children)

They’re simply taking her back so our prison systems can make money off her and not those darn russians

Best seat in a cinema by makaros622 in interestingasfuck

[–]robertsjj 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Whenever i would go to the theater with my grandpa he would always make sure to get these spots, he always said this so I inherently have done this all my life & its good this isn’t one of those things where you learn it was always a lie.

Live Music Recommendations! by Alternative-Deer-916 in Kitsap

[–]robertsjj 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The Charleston (The chuck) is a great place to start! There’s lots of artists like “Yeah Maybe” and “The Chameleons” that play there a lot! Also The Whiskey Gulch in Port Orchard has open mic for musicians (plus the food is great & the view is killer). If you like Karaoke, Mongos in Silverdale is one of my favorites. The Manette as well is a great little bar with lots of live shows. Honestly Live music seems to be really big in this area, my favorite would have to be Darla Rae, who you’ll have to find once you come out here!

What do you desperately want right now? by Brutal_Rain in AskReddit

[–]robertsjj 0 points1 point  (0 children)

To live on a farm and get away from everything and everyone