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chaoticlight commented on
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-8 points · 1 day ago

maybe it shouldnt be that easy to hack someone in the first place? dont see this in other games. never heard of wow players being hacked everyday

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3 points · 1 day ago

You aren't listening if you haven't heard of this happening in WoW and other MMOs. There's far less incentive to grief accounts in other games where progress is more temporary and bound to account rather than tradable for IRL $$$, but even so people do get phished and have accounts stolen all the time.. People also don't account share like they do on OSRS which makes it piss easy to steal an account.

The main difference is that you usually get your account back on other MMOs.

chaoticlight commented on
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0 points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

Its not unprecedented its already happened with yahoo and i dont see why its not possible now.

And yes. 2fa on email makes the email 2fa. But rs is still only 1fa. Youre guarding ur email, not the rs acc

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2 points · 1 day ago

You do both. Your security is only as strong as your weakest link. Hell, even with 2FA on everything, people still do stupid shit like logging in on a public network and authenticating it, which gives everyone else on that network access.

1 point · 1 day ago

Isnt 2fa enabled by default or even mandatory on a Gmail acc? I never enabled anything on Gmail but when i log in on new pc/location it wants verification.

Also to add to this; most mmo just restore lost items/gold if hacked(eg. WoW)

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1 point · 1 day ago

Nah, 2FA isn't auto enabled. You have the option to enable it when creating an account though and most do. I just created a new account pretty recently for gaming and had to go back in to enable 2FA as it had only a basic password as the initial security.

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chaoticlight commented on
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34 points · 5 days ago

three months since debut

Dear Lord.

I wanted to make a speedrun joke, but...

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36 points · 4 days ago

Realistically only 2 months, since she was suspended for 1 of the 3. She really tanked this as fast as possible.

103 points · 5 days ago

It makes me a bit sad when the artists, especially the ones who get really into it, work is "squandered". Like Machi, who drew Hitomi Chris, or Pakosun who draw Tsukumo Sana. As far as I can tell, they have no other children.

Guchico, the artist for Mano Aloe, had others before and after Aloe including Delutaya.

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26 points · 4 days ago

Sana probably shouldn't be in this comparison. She streamed as much as she could for nearly a year before choosing to graduate while the others saw very little to no use before being axed.

chaoticlight commented on
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1 point · 5 days ago

sometimes when I’m mining at Guardians of the Rift I’ll throw a “Smashing!” in chat, just to feel included

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2 points · 5 days ago

It's the little things like this that keep the game feeling sociable and alive. Just fun and silly interactions, both with the game and with other members. You'll get your pick soon enough, but keep on smashing in the meantime :D.

chaoticlight commented on
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2 points · 5 days ago a player would randomly drop it while dying somewhere, and the bird picks it up. The same way the birds get the rings they have now??

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2 points · 5 days ago

So, I do in general agree that OSRS is too PvM oriented when that was never the game's strong suit in the first place, and that it'd be nice to see some crossover like this.. but lottery items isn't really the answer IMO. Maybe damaged variants of equipment from skilling that requires GP to fix, to maintain the gear's value like they did with the D Pick. This would provide a crossover for skilling to be a viable path of progression as well without making bossing obsolete.

chaoticlight commented on
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-4 points · 5 days ago

I mean, if that's your definition of a reason, then it's hard to find any character who doesn't have one. Evil Queen? Wanted to kill Snow White for being prettier. Maleficent? Wanted revenge for not being invited to a royal baptism. Voldemort? Blood supremacist who hates muggles and muggle-borns

When this sort of thing comes up with villains, the debate's usually between the side that insists on villains having backstory and some sort of justification for their actions, and the side that's fine with villains just doing evil things because they're evil

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10 points · 5 days ago

You just gave backstory for all of these villains though. Evil Queen was a narcissist who couldn't handle someone being more beautiful than her. Maleficent similarly had a massive ego and wanted to punish those who slighted her.

You are mistaking reasoning with justification. These characters don't have to have an empathetic explanation for their actions, but they do need to have some sort of reason beyond "NYEEHHH I'M EVIL!!1!". Hell, even a reason of "I wanted to see just how far I could push society before it crumbles" is a reason.

This is the same situation as a PC. If you have a PC with no backstory and/or motives, then they're little more than a chess piece being used in a game. It is when you add emotion and intellect to them that the storytelling aspect of DnD comes to life.

chaoticlight commented on
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19 points · 5 days ago

Funny enough I won't be able to play in evil campaign because of my way too high empathy. TwT

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8 points · 5 days ago

I get that. It can be fun to play games unfiltered sometimes, but anything with a story kind of requires you to get into the mindset of your character and it's hard to do anything bad to people at that point.

It doesn't help that a lot of members try to turn the edge up to 11 and include things like rape and torture the instant an evil campaign is on the table =/.

chaoticlight commented on
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15 points · 5 days ago

How does your chair smell?

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-29 points · 5 days ago

You're crying after spending less than 20 hours on a skill and then calling people who pushed through it sweaty. Seriously, just go to RS3 now and save yourself a world of misery with faster xp rates and easily skipped grinds. As it is now, you're being a walking meme.

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