
A Norwegian prison cell by Tigerdad1973 in interestingasfuck

[–]G1ygas 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Because tagging something as NSFW makes it more likely that people will click on the post to see the picture, it’s a karma farming strategy that’s honestly kind of annoying

Hearing aids ≠ Earbuds by xKatastrophex in MaliciousCompliance

[–]G1ygas [score hidden]  (0 children)

To me it sounds like this woman was being an ignorant dumbass, OP made her realize she was being an ignorant dumbass, and by the end of the day she became a bit less of an ignorant dumbass.

I know redditors love to give unsolicited legal advice (especially relating to the workplace), but what’s the point of reporting somebody who made a mistake and immediately corrected it once they realized they were in the wrong?

We Bought a Zoo (2011) by axel_wahlberg in moviescirclejerk

[–]G1ygas 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Are you being intentionally stupid or just unaware that this is common in theaters outside of India too

Glad we got such an efficient banning system with the 119 gods in the game. by heheIroflmaoed in Smite

[–]G1ygas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Get more creative with your bans and you’ll see way less double bans. If you’re banning Shiva, Clio, Bastet, (insert more top bans here), don’t be surprised if someone on the other team is also banning them.

Just ban someone less common that you don’t like, and realize that there’s a good chance they’ll be banned anyway (not 100% of course, but there are some characters that will pretty much always be banned, so mix it up a bit)

Can somebody tell me the most obvious difference between LSD and Shrooms? by Pickl3Wickl3 in LSD

[–]G1ygas 4 points5 points  (0 children)

One is a little square of paper and the other is a bunch of mushrooms

You're Up, Jagex!! by Dusskulll in runescape

[–]G1ygas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’d be down for this but only if the entire movie/show is animated with the art style/graphical quality of OSRS

What is the grind that defeated you? by Mikael_Malette in runescape

[–]G1ygas -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Mine is having a 40 hour a week 9 to 5 job. Grinding that makes everything in RuneScape look easy by comparison

What is the worst smell that you’ve ever smelled in your life? by Dilorminite in AskReddit

[–]G1ygas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Every year for summer vacation we’d spend a month visiting our family out-of-state. One year the freezer in our garage broke while we were gone. I don’t know exactly when it broke but I think it was pretty soon after we left.

We also live in Florida, where 90 degrees is considered a cool day in July. I remember walking into the garage and thinking something smelled weird, but I’ll never forget the smell when I opened that freezer door. I knew rotten food would smell bad, but nothing prepared me for the absolute assault on my senses that was in store. Old meat and ice cream that’s been baking in the Florida heat for nearly a month straight in an enclosed area smells just about how you would imagine it to, but about 10x worse.

Cleaning it out was absolutely miserable, especially since it was still so damn hot outside and the garage had no AC. On the bright side though, I learned a lot of new swear words from my dad while we were cleaning that freezer.

TIL after the massive success of his #1 hit "Somebody That I Used to Know", Gotye stopped recording solo music, went back to his old band and hasn't released a song under the Gotye name ever since by Curious_Sentence7155 in todayilearned

[–]G1ygas 126 points127 points  (0 children)

I saw Vanilla Ice in concert earlier this year (yeah I was surprised he was still performing too). And he did this with Ice Ice Baby. The man knew what the audience was there to hear and he made us wait for it

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]G1ygas 35 points36 points  (0 children)

A lot of people on the internet slept through the “look for context clues” lesson in their third grade reading class

Thinking about trying lsd for the first time is half a tab enough? by MRSTEALYOKID in LSD

[–]G1ygas 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It’s whatever you’re comfortable with honestly, and depends on who you’re with. I took a half tab my first time to get a feeling of what it would be like, and I’m really glad that I had a test experience before I took high enough dose to get a “real” trip.

That being said, the only reason we started small because none of us had ever done psychedelics (and our friend that acted as a sober tripsitter had also never done psychs) so we didn’t really know what to expect and wanted to err on the side of caution. I had a great time on the half tab, and an even better time on 1 1/2 tabs (150 ug if they were measured right) a few weeks later.

what is your unpopular music opinion? by uecpd in AskReddit

[–]G1ygas 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sir we’re trying to discuss unpopular opinions here, not the same generic “rap is bad except for a couple artists” take that got old 20 years ago

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in pics

[–]G1ygas -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s probably not the reason he smokes weed

Suggestions for TI Predictions based on analysis of every professional DOTA game in the last year. by G1ygas in DotA2

[–]G1ygas[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Marking as spoiler in case people want to come up with predictions themselves.

Exactly what I said in the title, I spend quite some time studying out hero trends over the past year. I'm 99% confident that 100% of these predictions will be accurate. Feel free to copy these if you're looking for max points, just remember to thank me when you do!

What is your earliest memory? by [deleted] in ask

[–]G1ygas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was probably 2-3 and my parents were counting coins with one of those automatic coin counters. I remember my younger sister tried to eat one of the coins and they were yelling at her to spit it out lmao

What do you guys think of the idea ; to drop acid expecting that it will dig up all the tangles , disturbance and addictions scenario im facing. Then making me completely disgusted about it and giving a stronger new insight. by Observenlearn111 in LSD

[–]G1ygas 2 points3 points  (0 children)

In my personal experience, LSD has been good at revealing deep-set issues with my behavior and lifestyle that I wouldn’t have consciously acknowledged otherwise. That being said though, it seems from your post that you already have a good idea what your problems are, and I don’t think you “need” to drop acid to fix them.

Despite what a lot of people in this sub and the rest of the internet claim, LSD isn’t a miracle drug that can solve all of your problems for you. It can bring to light some of your problems and the headspace you’re in while tripping can definitely help you work through them, but in the end it’s still you solving your problems not the drug.

I also don’t know you, your experience with psychedelics, or the issues you’re facing in any detail, and I’m just sharing my thoughts based on my own experiences with acid. You know yourself better than anyone you’ll talk to here does. If you think a trip will help you get through the scenario you’re facing, by all means do it. But in my opinion (which you should take with as much weight as any other random stranger), if you’re trying to “gain a stronger new insight” and be “disgusted” with your problems, you already recognize what needs to change. I don’t think you need LSD to solve your problems, and there’s still going to be a lot of work for you to do before you’re out of whatever rut you’re in, with or without the aid of a psychedelic.

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in DotA2

[–]G1ygas 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Don’t have any, one of the first things I did (literally set the goal for myself before unlocking ranked) was the all-hero challenge lmao. And yes it took forever since I was brand new to the game and mobas in general, but I probably started it within my first 50 games and it took around 250 games to complete. I even continued and finished it once I unlocked ranked, I’m pretty sure I was in double-digit mmr by the time I finished it.

That being said I haven’t touched a couple heroes since then, no way you’ll find me microing meepo or arc warden around

Toxic dota should not be normalised especially if youre a streamer by Mengslayer0 in DotA2

[–]G1ygas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I’m glad that’s your attitude! I think being able to say “yeah this guy won’t shut up guess I’ll mute him so I don’t have to deal with this, and going back to playing my game. Not letting it get to your head and ruining an hour of your day

Toxic dota should not be normalised especially if youre a streamer by Mengslayer0 in DotA2

[–]G1ygas 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s kind of the point I’m trying to make, people take flaming too personally. You need to be conscious of when you tilt so you know when to mute. I look at tipping to be toxic as similar to a child being annoying, you just kinda ignore it because they are doing it just for the attention. “Don’t feed the trolls” and all that ya know?

Toxic dota should not be normalised especially if youre a streamer by Mengslayer0 in DotA2

[–]G1ygas 3 points4 points  (0 children)

There’s a huge difference between light trash talk and the flaming that people complain about in Dota. A tip/voice line I would call a light hearted taunt that most emotionally stable people should be able to laugh off, especially since you’re limited in how often you can use them.

Honestly I think a lot of the toxicity in Dota (and I guess the internet in general) is never going to go away, people are gonna be assholes no matter what. But this doesn’t mean you have to accept it, especially in a video game that should be fun, not mentally draining. I started enjoying Dota a lot more once I realized that the people flaming and being toxic shouldn’t really be bothering me outside of the game, and how easy it is to just mute them and move on with the game/life. I’ll usually unmute people by the end of the game, and most of the time they stop talking once they realize nobody wants to listen to them.

I’m not saying mute everyone who criticizes any aspect of your gameplay, because some people are genuinely trying to point out your mistakes so you’ll notice and correct them in the future, but learning how to recognize when your teammates have crossed the line from “constructive criticism” to “straight up harassment” and muting/ignoring when they do is a useful skill that’s greatly improved my Dota experience.

I think too many people, not just in the Dota community, see everything as a binary. People treat tipping after a failed gank or using a dumb hero voiceline as if it’s the same level of toxicity as racial/sex based harassment too often. I think the toxicity in the community can be brought down pretty significantly if a larger portion of the player base would make a better effort to brush off minor toxicity that’s expected in any game, and realize how quickly most toxic players tend to give up when they realize their target isn’t bothered by it.

But of a long post, but TLDR imo there’s a huge difference between the “lol you made a bad play here’s a tip” type of toxicity and the “I’m going to mock you for every single thing you do and harass you based on whatever information I have about you” type of toxicity.

What is something unrealistic that you often see in movies that annoys the hell out of you? by blue_pookie in movies

[–]G1ygas 24 points25 points  (0 children)

The Sopranos was really good about leftovers too, it seems like every other episode had Tony microwaving leftover pasta