
[I ate] Smoked pork ramen by Extra_Past1148 in food

[–]Excellent_Macaron165 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would 100% recommend pork should or pork belly.

[I ate] Smoked pork ramen by Extra_Past1148 in food

[–]Excellent_Macaron165 216 points217 points  (0 children)

As a former employee of Sansotei, I can assure you that the pork is not even the least bit smoked.

Greedy manufacturers absolutely *SHOCKED PIKACHU* when their subscription cash grabs malfunction by FruitTosser in ABoringDystopia

[–]Excellent_Macaron165 45 points46 points  (0 children)

The only reason you don’t see his response right now is because he wrote it down on the page he printed.