
Liberals seek to fast-track gun control bill, sparking Conservative outcry - National by tgrb999 in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

Don’t worry, they’re gonna grandfather existing guns in too. Because these deadly weapons of assault that are so dangerous that we need to rush legislation through aren’t actually a danger enough to confiscate, apparently.

Discussion Thread by jobautomator in neoliberal

[–]-GregTheGreat- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There was this new kid at the gym a few months ago who asked me for tips and said he wishes to look like me. Just your standard awkward gangly teenager. Helped him out the best I could and never really chatted much afterwards besides the standard ‘hey how’s it going’

A couple weeks ago he decided to start wearing these big sunglasses (indoors) throughout his workout. I think he thinks it makes him look cool. I so badly want to be like ‘bro wtf are you doing’ and convince him to stop wearing them (in a friendly way) but at the same time I feel I should just let him do as he wishes.

How the Canucks bring Bedard home by CrabBeanie in canucks

[–]-GregTheGreat- 1 point2 points  (0 children)

On second thought, I think I was wrong. Bedard will still be 20 at that time, so he would be eligible for the redraft.

How the Canucks bring Bedard home by CrabBeanie in canucks

[–]-GregTheGreat- 6 points7 points  (0 children)

No, that’s not how it works. All that would happen is he starts his ELC at age 20 instead of age 18. He doesn’t get to burn two years of it. So he has to wait until he’s 23 to get his big contract instead of getting it at 21.

How the Canucks bring Bedard home by CrabBeanie in canucks

[–]-GregTheGreat- 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Yeah. He’d become a UFA after two years and Chicago would get given a 2nd round pick as compensation. It’s the same rule that let us sign Filip Johansson.

But if this happened, he’d be giving up two years of his career. Is he really going to risk gambling 25-30+ million in this situation? I highly doubt it, even if it would likely just be a play to force a trade.

Edit: I’m wrong. He would be redraft eligible

How the Canucks bring Bedard home by CrabBeanie in canucks

[–]-GregTheGreat- 13 points14 points  (0 children)

In Option 2 he wouldn’t re-enter the draft. He would become a UFA after two years and Chicago would get a 2nd round pick as compensation. He would then be able to sign a ELC with whoever he wanted

Edit: I’m wrong, he would be redraft eligible

Federal Conservatives opening up an advantage: CPC 35%, LPC 28%, NDP 22% (Nanos) by -GregTheGreat- in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat-[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

As somebody who ranked Aitchison #1 in the Conservative leadership, I think he’s genuine about wanting to fix the housing issue, and I believe he does have his finger on the pulse for it.

The man is genuinely walking the walk on educating himself on the crisis. It’s clear he’s passionate about it. If anything, being a realtor in the past means he understands the stupidity of the current system first hand.

Discussion Thread by jobautomator in neoliberal

[–]-GregTheGreat- 10 points11 points  (0 children)

It’s definitely silly, but it’s also an outright terrible policy that rightfully deserves media criticism to avoid it ever becoming something seriously considered. It is a shame that it’s overshadowing the more worthwhile resolutions, but that’s the media for you.

Like you said though, every single party has these stupid policy proposals that end up causing drama. We’ll see some dumb conservative policy get torn into when they do their convention, and same with the NDP.

MW going on vocal rest for 6 weeks dates being rescheduled by iSmoke024 in CountryMusicStuff

[–]-GregTheGreat- 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Part of the reason why I’m doubtful about it being rehab is frankly because everyone knows about his alcoholism. His entire album revolved around it. Its part of his personal brand at this point. I feel the overall response would be more sympathetic than not

Trump Found Liable for Sexual Assault in E. Jean Carroll Suit by Block_Face in neoliberal

[–]-GregTheGreat- 76 points77 points  (0 children)

It gives Democrats further ammunition to attack him and likely alienates suburban moderates more, but doesn’t have any actual impact on the process itself

Federal Conservatives opening up an advantage: CPC 35%, LPC 28%, NDP 22% (Nanos) by -GregTheGreat- in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat-[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Personally, it’s a reasonable enough price point that I’m happy with it. It comes out to like $1 per weekly poll in the scheme of things, and they provide a ton of historical data.

It’s been notoriously volatile recently (although the topline has largely stabilized) and the samples are too small and noisy for the crosstabs to be much use, so I wouldn’t say the data itself is anything really useful outside of election season though. It’s more fun rather than a particularly valuable tool, honestly.

Federal Conservatives opening up an advantage: CPC 35%, LPC 28%, NDP 22% (Nanos) by -GregTheGreat- in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat-[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

For what its worth, the Atlantic Canada results would still result in a significant Conservative improvement over 2021.

Federal Conservatives opening up an advantage: CPC 35%, LPC 28%, NDP 22% (Nanos) by -GregTheGreat- in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat-[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Crosstabs are paywalled, but are a little unusual, to say the least. Basically the Liberals are struggling hard in most of Anglo Canada, especially BC, but are being salvaged by a strong Quebec showing. Atlantic Canada is a near-statistical tie.

[Sid Seixeiro] Dear Leaf fans: I know this is a tough moment but try and remember this...At least you're not the Canucks who won a bunch of meaningless games down the stretch and instead of drafting a franchise altering British Columbia kid you're now picking 11th. What an organization. by PaperMoonShine in canucks

[–]-GregTheGreat- 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Anyone dooming about us losing Bedard now is looking for an excuse to be angry. We saw a generational tank battle at the bottom of the standings. We were never going to be as bad as they were over an entire season with the players we have.

If somewhere in the 5-10 range won him, then sure, bitch about it. But in this situation it’s absurd

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

From the Liberal PDF itself:

A resolution is not considered official party policy unless it has earned majority support as a priority at a national convention.

From this very article:

The policy was contained in a resolution drawn up by British Columbia Liberals and put on the convention’s agenda. It was voted on by party members on Saturday, and its approval makes it Liberal Party policy

For somebody who is going around this entire thread talking about 'misinformation', you sure like spreading it yourself.

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

You are incorrect. It is quite literally an official party policy, as it just got approved at the convention. Source

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

The only way to prove a source is real is to reveal them to an outside observer. This does increase their risk of endangerment.

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

I’m sure how you can understand that adding more and more people into a confidential arrangement increases the risk to the source though, right? The only way to verify a source is to reveal them to additional people, increasing the chance of a leak.

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

Honestly, the wording is so vague and open-ended that it could mean literally anything.

It’s great that governments don’t have a long history of abusing vague and open-ended policy to suppress the press.

It’s a horribly worded policy with serious future implications. It’s ripe for abuse. It should be rightfully condemned. Checks and balances are there for a reason, because democratic backsliding is far too easy to occur.

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

● Request the Government explore options to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced.

There is the direct resolution. Please explain to me what possible other intent could be justified from that resolution other then forcing the identification of any confidential source.

Liberals face backlash over policy to trace journalists’ sources before publication online by Boo_Guy in CanadaPolitics

[–]-GregTheGreat- [score hidden]  (0 children)

Request the Government explore options to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced.

That is the exact resolution, highlight is mine. Please explain to me how this doesn't destroy the confidentiality of sources and whistleblowers?

Just because I am not a blatant partisan does not make me some misinformation spreading Conservative. Unlike some people here, I am not an account created the day of the Chong scandal that has done nothing but post on this subreddit attempting to spin the story and discredit the press.