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GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
29 points · 13 hours ago

They look great! I’m so happy to see them thriving!

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
2 points · 14 hours ago

Based on responses here, I’m about to get downvoted -

But, if he’s not into it, why force the issue? OP said she genuinely enjoys giving him head. She’s doing something she likes. So why get upset that he doesn’t genuinely like the same thing?

He clearly doesn’t enjoy going down on her. How does not doing something in bed you’re uncomfortable with make you selfish?

Yes. He should do something else to pleasure her. I’m not saying he should just take and not give. But you can’t make someone enthusiastic if they’re not. Why would you even want that? You might get him to do it, but the whole time you know he just wants to be done.

You guys should be on the same side. Sex is supposed to be fun, and feel good. There shouldn’t be a big scorecard hanging over the bed. I would just let go of that mindset.

Yes. Communicate. Find something else you enjoy, and he enjoys doing. He should be reciprocating in some other way.

Maybe just take oral off the table completely for a while. There’s a world of other things that feel good. This is just building resentment.

Again, I’m not saying he should receive pleasure, and when it’s her turn just say “too bad so sad”. I am saying that if you like/love your partner, you want them to have a good time. If one if you isn’t, work on it as a couple. No need to make one partner “wrong” if they don’t like what the other does.

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
57 points · 18 hours ago · edited 16 hours ago

I had a woman sit down once wearing a big fur coat. At one point, she took off the coat, and put it next to her in the booth.

When she took it off, hair came flying off of it, going everywhere.

When I brought her food, she had the audacity to complain it had a hair. She was covered in hair. It clearly came from her, or her clothes.

Of course, she made a scene - wanted everything comped for her entire party (even the cocktails) The owner wouldn’t deal with it, so I had to.

Pretty sure no one in the kitchen had fox hair. Then, the tables near her started to complain that all her airborne flyaway coat hair was getting on their table! It was a disaster.

I ended up not comping her party anything, and explained that the hair in her food, matched the hair on her fur. She was livid, but whatever. She was not a regular, and clearly, at this point, wasn’t going to tip anyway. I still don’t know if it was a scam, or if she was just oblivious. She and her friends did seem genuinely pissed. When they stalked out, she shook the coat as they walked past other tables.

Of course, this was during lunch, and the dining room was full. It could have been a disaster.

Thankfully, people were for the most part understanding. We only had to remake a few things. Part of it was that it was lunch, so many tables didn’t have time to wait for their dish to be remade. Plus, we got lots of business lunches, so no one wanted to be the one to be difficult, and it wasn’t their dime anyway.

I’ll never forget that lady!

23 points · 16 hours ago

Fuck that owner.

see more
12 points · 16 hours ago

Yeah. I was always the manager when someone needed to be let go, or there was an issue with a customer where he didn’t want to get involved.

No extra money…

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
2 points · 16 hours ago

Restaurants should always want you to taste the food. Especially the specials.

Of course, they’re not going to make individual orders for everyone, but one so everyone can have a bite to taste makes sense. An enthusiastic recommendation will sell specials. At least they can give an informed answer when a customer asks. It’s better than the server trying to guess the taste from the ingredients. If they guess wrong, the customer is unhappy.

Restaurants who don’t feed the staff are “penny wise and pound foolish”. Maybe they don’t want to let servers order food, even to go, because they’re worried the kitchen will “hook you up”. Otherwise, a to go order is just another take out.

We always did employee meal. Servers could eat it there, or take it home. It just makes sense to keep everyone fed and engaged. Servers are your ambassadors. They reflect the tone and attitude of the owner.

So many owners don’t see servers for the asset they are.

Yes. Some will take advantage ( box the meal to take home, and then eat all night - soup, bread, “mistakes”, etc.). But on the whole, everyone wins when you take care of the people who take care of your customers.

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
-9 points · 23 hours ago

That fossil fuels are running out. The earth creates them wayyy faster than we take them.

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1 point · 19 hours ago

How does the earth “make” fossil fuels?

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
14 points · 1 day ago

I'm pretty sure you somehow made two accounts. It's weird, like you're seeing a notification for this post in a pop up vs the inbox? And click on it so it swaps your acct. It's ok. Mine switches on my phone all the time. I only notice when I look at the little icon in the corner. I'm not sure how it works on the computer, but it's gotta be close to the same.

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5 points · 1 day ago

Mine is different in different devices. On the tablet it’s one thing, and when I post from the laptop it’s something else? I just use the tablet now.

GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
10 points · 4 days ago

Ok - I know this is unpopular, but I am concerned about David.

Something about him just doesn’t sit right. I wish Christine had not gone public, because if something happens, Kody gets to gloat. See” I said no “good” man would want her.”

It’s too much “soul mate” nonsense. I just see red flags with him.

I’m happy she’s dating. But I wish that’s all it was.

2 points · 4 days ago

I understand, but shes never been loved by a man in her life and I believe she is soaking it all in feeling crazy in love with someone who can reciprocate rather than tell her how unattractive she is and make her feel like a burden. Your concern is valid, but I believe she’ll be ok regardless of what happens. She’s already been through worse. She’s stronger now bc Kody forced her to be.

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2 points · 4 days ago

I guess. Look, I’ve never met the man. I don’t know him, or his reputation in their community.

But, since she has chosen, and he has chosen, to make the relationship public, they have opened it to speculation.

I know she’s all flush with new love. However, this woman is 50, not 15. That’s not to say Christine can’t be giddy, but at that age, she should have some wisdom. I’m saying that as a 60 year old who still feels like a goofy 20 something.

What’s the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

She has been through hell with Kody. I hope this works out, and he’s everything she hopes he is. I just wish she didn’t jump at the first guy who looked her way.

I can be completely wrong. I hope I am. I guess time will tell!

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GoalieMom53 commented on
Posted by
-170 points · 5 days ago

Shit service is not the answer. Different service, yes but don't be a shitty server.

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5 points · 4 days ago

How is she a shitty server for being over sat?

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